Read Bible. Jesus says that. He says for example You don't have to fast in sabat.
But he did not disavow all of the Old Testament, did he? He only said that there are certain things you don't have to do anymore.
Weak argument.
The behaviour of VIIIth century Christians is of no relevance to modern Christianity, while Al-Qur'an and Muhammad are the basis of Muslim beliefs.
The behaviour of VIIIth century Christians is of no relevance to modern Christianity, while Al-Qur'an and Muhammad are the basis of Muslim beliefs.
No, it's a very good argument. You have to look at the life of the religion and Islam has 600 years to be where Christianity is.
Muslim world 650-1300 lets say was a fourishing one and definitely can not be called barbaric - not more than any other civ of the era.
That was my ultimate point, ie, Islam is not inherantly barbaric, because look at the world they created during that period.