The big bang is purely related to the fact that the universe is expanding, not with the beginning of the universe. (Yay, a similar fallacy to what religious peeps think of evolution) Infation theory goes a bit futhur back, but it's not a complete understanding of what actually CAUSED the big bang, or what happened before the first plank time (10^-43 sec) It simply cannot be described by our theories atm. Gogo no current theory of quantum gravity!
Just because we currently don't understand it doesn't mean we won't. Eventually you'll be stuck saying that the only gap that god can be in is in the uncertaincy principle.
Personally? I'd think we will realize eventually, that the laws of nature IS what we would have considered to be god. The beauty in what is to come in physics will show us that nature can be just as omnipotent and omniprescent as god could.
Regarding conservation of energy in GR:
Just because we currently don't understand it doesn't mean we won't. Eventually you'll be stuck saying that the only gap that god can be in is in the uncertaincy principle.

Personally? I'd think we will realize eventually, that the laws of nature IS what we would have considered to be god. The beauty in what is to come in physics will show us that nature can be just as omnipotent and omniprescent as god could.
Regarding conservation of energy in GR: