Originally posted by SpencerH
Since I havent followed this situation except on the periphery it's difficult to really know whats going on. Based on his rebuttal to the charges against him, I'd say that Churchill (I hate using that name in association with this burke) has some valid points with respect to american foreign policy and our attitudes toward it. In addition, what he did does not appear to be classic plagarism. It appears to be totally unethical however and may still serve the purpose of providing 'just cause' to revoke his tenure. Strange as it seems, I agree with Agathon (to some extent).
Since I havent followed this situation except on the periphery it's difficult to really know whats going on. Based on his rebuttal to the charges against him, I'd say that Churchill (I hate using that name in association with this burke) has some valid points with respect to american foreign policy and our attitudes toward it. In addition, what he did does not appear to be classic plagarism. It appears to be totally unethical however and may still serve the purpose of providing 'just cause' to revoke his tenure. Strange as it seems, I agree with Agathon (to some extent).
But that's not all Aggie is saying, oh no! See, even if it were blatant, outright plagiarism, he thinks that Churchill shouldn't be fired because doing so would appease some right-wingers. No worries about whether or not he's actually guilty of the offense, but he thinks people who share his ideology should be excused of accountability for their actions if they also happen to be a favored whipping boy of the side he opposes. That's the real issue at hand that makes me ill about what he's saying. He is basically saying that Churchill's self-made status as a provacateur should grant him immunity from any repercussions for academic malfeasance.
Given this incident AND the other incidents cited against Churchill, I think it's pretty obvious that he is, at the very least, a highly unethical scholar who doesn't give a damn about honesty, integrity or the rights of his colleagues over their work. Any university would want to get rid of such a person, and they would have just cause to do so. Furthermore, the fact that said person set themselves up (purposefully) to be a pariah to the right-wing for his own glorification purposes shouldn't render him unaccountable for his misdeeds. To do so would be truly dispicable, and impugn the integrity of academic to no end. Why should anyone trust academic institutions if they give any tolerance to such behavior, regardless of the political bent of those saying it?