I mix up Bengali and French a lot. Occasionally really fundamental words (if you interchange the Bengali words for who and what, you get the French words for what and who, so that confuses my brain sometimes).
Passable French
Crappy Bengali
Extremely crappy Spanish
2.5 I guess?
I'm going to research in Germany (Wurzburg) over the Summer, so I'm going to make an attempt (though, probably a half-assed one) at learning German in the next couple monts. I'd like to learn Russian as well, so I could read Doesteovsky, Pushkin, and (all) Nabakov without translations. I'm reading this amazing Nabakov compilation of short stories translated from Russian atm, I can't imagine how good they'd be in native Russian.
Problem is that I'm pretty dumb as far as languages go. I have a really difficult time picking up new languages; hell, I have a hard enough trying to speak English. I'm suspect that I'm dyslexic.
Passable French
Crappy Bengali
Extremely crappy Spanish
2.5 I guess?
I'm going to research in Germany (Wurzburg) over the Summer, so I'm going to make an attempt (though, probably a half-assed one) at learning German in the next couple monts. I'd like to learn Russian as well, so I could read Doesteovsky, Pushkin, and (all) Nabakov without translations. I'm reading this amazing Nabakov compilation of short stories translated from Russian atm, I can't imagine how good they'd be in native Russian.
Problem is that I'm pretty dumb as far as languages go. I have a really difficult time picking up new languages; hell, I have a hard enough trying to speak English. I'm suspect that I'm dyslexic.