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Congressional GOP Are Scum!

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  • Originally posted by Shi Huangdi

    Mature people ought to realize people can differing philosophical views, but that doesn't mean that they are nessecarily a bad person.
    I know, I just get enraged when someone repeats the "poor people are lazy, let them starve" crap.


    • Shi,

      Many entrepenuers *especially of small businesses* do not have degrees. And while you are very well-spoken and argue your side well, I believe we will have to agree to disagree mate.

      However, you do your argument a service.

      Take care.


      • If you don't beleive an increase to minimum wage likewise would translate to an increase to all lower income wages your welcome to that opinion, deluded as it may be.

        It will, but certainly not in a linear matter, as your stupid little calculation would suggest.

        Providing only means feeding? What what shelter, good schools, electricity, water, sports, colleges? Changing words to fit your point is a goofy way to "win" an arguement.

        How are those possible for minimum wage, again?

        and what words were I changing?
        what luxuries and mountains of gold should I see between those lines?

        I know garbagemen who make good money, enough money to live on and provide enough for family.


        • No, and no. He makes more than minimum wage, and is what I consider cheap which is beyond frugal!

          So to be "successful" in the underclass requires constant self-denial.

          What I mean is that we should be more like western Europe (points back to thread on 40-hr work week in France).

          Why? To delude ourselves into thinking life is actually worth something? It's only value is what you assign to it. Frankly, most people overvalue life as we know it. These are the same people who also generally overvalue human intelligence. Silly optimists.

          I believe in the inevitablity of things to come. It is important to point out that I include the actions of the people in this inevitablity. No point being cynical when you can be more idealistic.

          Why be idealistic when you know that things will never match up to the Dream? Do you get off on being disappointed?

          What, Scumbag or Libertarian? They are the same thing.

          'Tis better to be a Libertarian and a member of a Third Party than to be sucked into the idiotic confines of the one-party system er, two-party Duopoly. Yes, that's right: being Libertarian is better than being Democratic or Republican, because you're becoming one with the futility of trying to change the disaster that is our political system.


          • Originally posted by One_Mean_Rabbit

            Oh yeah, let's copy what a nation with 10% unemployment does....Great rolemodel...
            Ours only seems lower because we don't add in the unemployed people who arn't looking for work, they do.


            • Originally posted by Shi Huangdi

              There are people who consider you a scumbag because you support gun control and they don't want to give up their guns. Mature people ought to realize people can differing philosophical views, but that doesn't mean that they are nessecarily a bad person.
              Your character and ability to debate as a mature intellectual is a sad rarity. Well said.


              • Originally posted by Sava
                I'd rather be unemployed in France than working minimum wage in America.
                That statement right there is very revealing. Says much about your character.


                • Originally posted by Odin

                  I know, I just get enraged when someone repeats the "poor people are lazy, let them starve" crap.
                  Getting enraged over an internet debate? Do you get out often?


                  • Originally posted by Q Cubed

                    'Tis better to be a Libertarian and a member of a Third Party than to be sucked into the idiotic confines of the one-party system er, two-party Duopoly. Yes, that's right: being Libertarian is better than being Democratic or Republican, because you're becoming one with the futility of trying to change the disaster that is our political system.
                    I'd rather vote Green. Just thinking of voting for a tax evader (Badnarik) makes me nausous...


                    • Originally posted by Azazel

                      It will, but certainly not in a linear matter, as your stupid little calculation would suggest.
                      It would of course depend industry to industry company to company, however the point remains anything above 5% becomes very meaningful in the real world. Perhaps one day you can live in it.
                      "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

                      “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


                      • Originally posted by One_Mean_Rabbit

                        That statement right there is very revealing. Says much about your character.
                        Actually, it says more about how America treats members of it's society. Being unemployed in France, I would probably have a higher standard of living than if I were working for minimum wage in America.

                        BTW, I wouldn't be talking about people's character if I were you, Mr. "**** the poor they are all lazy".
                        To us, it is the BEAST.


                        • Come on folks... there is more than enough to discuss just sticking to the topic... name calling and insults aren't really needed... unless you have a desire to get restricted
                          Keep on Civin'
                          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • roger that
                            To us, it is the BEAST.


                            • Originally posted by Azazel

                              Providing only means feeding? What what shelter, good schools, electricity, water, sports, colleges? Changing words to fit your point is a goofy way to "win" an arguement.

                              How are those possible for minimum wage, again?

                              That's the point. So why are we trying to promote a minimum wage, since it's just the scraps. Instead, lose this silly notion that everyone successful is blessed by the stars that are in alignment, and start telling people reality.

                              And all of those things CAN be achieved with working, even minimum wage. There are plenty of gov't subsidies that help people live in Section 8 housing, subsidize other things, and allow grants/scholarships/student loans for college.

                              I was 15 and I was making more than minimum wage. And I was a waiter in a silly little restaurant. Yeah, it took alot of work, and the work was ****ty. But it paid my car, insurance, gas, and allowed me to have fun. Now, without a degree, I make very good money.

                              My father is a 2nd generation American from Mexico, and still works a blue collar job. Yet, that allows him to make enough money to own a large and nice house in a great suburb. Not to mention giving me a better shot at succeeding them his father was able to.


                              • idealistic.
                                Why be idealistic when you know that things will never match up to the Dream? Do you get off on being disappointed?

                                Why be disappointed when you know you did your best? if you follow the "your best wasn't enough" it's just pointless self-deprecation, and if you follow that "You've gained nothing" line, it's false, also, because it builds character, and mental strength.

                                The material reality of inevitabilty of the future, and the strength of the human spirit aren't really contradictory. The first is the classical physics of society, the second is the quantum mechanics. The first doesn't describe reality truthfully, but it does model it VERY well. The second is the true nature of things on the human level ( not if you go into neurochemistry), but it doesn't help us at all to predict the future of society. The correct model is somewhere in between. Think statistical mechanics.

                                That statement right there is very revealing. Says much about your character.

                                That he has a certain amount of self-interest, since it's better to be the former than the latter? What do you think, he has to slave for the betterment of society? Are you some sort of commie?

