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Congressional GOP Are Scum!

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  • #91
    I know garbagemen who make good money, enough money to live on and provide enough for family.

    Are they earning minimum wage? Do they buy into the American Duty of rampant spending and consumerism?


    • #92
      How is "providing for his family" success.

      Food is not a measure of whether you've made it in life, we're beyond that animal stage, you'd think. And the fact that somany people in the world are still hungry just goes to show that we sure have made some huge mistakes as a species, along the way.

      Can someone do EVERYTHING right, and be poor at SOME point? Of course. Who doesn't fail? It's the learning from that, and coming back that is the difference. But over an entire lifetime? No, no excuse.

      It is possible. And the fact that it is possible in theory just shows that the system is not good. It has built-in flaws.


      • #93
        The Libertarian scumbags like OMR seem to think we are supposed to live to work instead of work to live.

        To live is to work; to work is to live. There really is no difference.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Odin
          The Libertarian scumbags like OMR seem to think we are supposed to live to work instead of work to live.
          Continually calling people elementary names hardly does much for your character image. And what a horrible and lame cliche.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Q Cubed
            I know garbagemen who make good money, enough money to live on and provide enough for family.

            Are they earning minimum wage? Do they buy into the American Duty of rampant spending and consumerism?
            No, and no. He makes more than minimum wage, and is what I consider cheap which is beyond frugal!


            • #96
              Originally posted by Q Cubed
              The Libertarian scumbags like OMR seem to think we are supposed to live to work instead of work to live.

              To live is to work; to work is to live. There really is no difference.
              What I mean is that we should be more like western Europe (points back to thread on 40-hr work week in France).


              • #97
                There's a reason why I cheer for the Machines every time I watch the Matrix.

                Sans emotion, sans feeling, everybody would fit so much better into the the Great Machine trying to stave off entropy. Keep your head down and throw your efforts down the drain, because to do anything else is to invite Horror.

                I believe in the inevitablity of things to come. It is important to point out that I include the actions of the people in this inevitablity. No point being cynical when you can be more idealistic.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Azazel
                  Oh, please, it's a 35% raise in labour costs only if all your workers are minimum-wage workers, and in that case, you're a slave driver, anyway.
                  If you don't beleive an increase to minimum wage likewise would translate to an increase to all lower income wages your welcome to that opinion, deluded as it may be.
                  "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

                  “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Sava
                    I'm confused, I thought you were a Republican.
                    This is why it is helpful to read people's posts.

                    I know garbagemen who make good money, enough money to live on and provide enough for family.
                    Grabageman isn't the best example as that is a position that requires a little more money.

                    With regard to the point of there being opportunity to rebound if you are poor, that is becoming actually less and less the case. For people without college educations, opportunites have been decreasing and the average real wage for people without college education has been decreasing greatly as our economy has shifted away from it's traditional manufacturing base and shifted towards lower paying service jobs.

                    Now you can simply say "Go get a college education", but not everyone is smart enough for college, and not every position that society needs such as clerks and cleaners requires a college education. There is only a limited amount of opportunity to be had, and some people are going to fall short, so we ought not to blame them for their predicament, rather we should try to make their living standards better.
                    "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

                    "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


                    • Originally posted by Azazel
                      How is "providing for his family" success.

                      Food is not a measure of whether you've made it in life, we're beyond that animal stage, you'd think. And the fact that somany people in the world are still hungry just goes to show that we sure have made some huge mistakes as a species, along the way.

                      Can someone do EVERYTHING right, and be poor at SOME point? Of course. Who doesn't fail? It's the learning from that, and coming back that is the difference. But over an entire lifetime? No, no excuse.

                      It is possible. And the fact that it is possible in theory just shows that the system is not good. It has built-in flaws.
                      Providing only means feeding? What what shelter, good schools, electricity, water, sports, colleges? Changing words to fit your point is a goofy way to "win" an arguement.

                      And because lay-offs happen due to outside forces make a system flawed? Hardly, but who said anything is perfect. Pull your head out of the clouds, this is real life, not The Sims 2000.


                      • Originally posted by One_Mean_Rabbit

                        Continually calling people elementary names hardly does much for your character image.
                        What, Scumbag or Libertarian? They are the same thing.


                        • Originally posted by Shi Huangdi
                          This is why it is helpful to read people's posts.
                          but it's so much fun to stereotype people!

                          There is only a limited amount of opportunity to be had, and some people are going to fall short, so we ought not to blame them for their predicament, rather we should try to make their living standards better.
                          To us, it is the BEAST.


                          • Originally posted by Odin
                            The Libertarian scumbags like OMR seem to think we are supposed to live to work instead of work to live.
                            There are people who consider you a scumbag because you support gun control and they don't want to give up their guns. Mature people ought to realize people can differing philosophical views, but that doesn't mean that they are nessecarily a bad person.
                            "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

                            "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


                            • Originally posted by Odin

                              What I mean is that we should be more like western Europe (points back to thread on 40-hr work week in France).
                              Oh yeah, let's copy what a nation with 10% unemployment does....Great rolemodel...


                              • Originally posted by One_Mean_Rabbit

                                Oh yeah, let's copy what a nation with 10% unemployment does....Great rolemodel...
                                I'd rather be unemployed in France than working minimum wage in America.
                                To us, it is the BEAST.

