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History of Colonisation - Continuation Thread

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  • I expect the Dutch will inherit the smoking ashes of Europe - but like Chris says, they have a tough time making war in this version, and there must be some benefit in being peaceful cheese-eaters!

    The Old Regime will go down in Blood and Glory (and a few giggles on the way, I bet).


    • Dam if the Souix were worth anything at this time Id take over just to join in the fun and John I always had this feeling you were a war monger!

      Could you guys post some screen shots occassionally so some of us can enjoy vicariously? Thanks
      *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


      • Originally posted by Patient English
        2) Calais has been (re) taken, after a huge assault by the Royal Marines. For those interested in such things....
        Nice one, payback for exeter and plymouth, eh?

        The Revenge of the Frogs shall be quite horrible!
        No Fighting here, this is the war room!


        • Well John, in the next version, you should give nations the option to switch governments, so Holland has a fighting chance.

          In SP, Republic is not really that bad, but against the living, it bites.

          I couldn't pump out caravans to bolster trade and sci and money, like you guys could.
          Attached Files
          I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
          i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


          • True enough, Chris. And in Colonies IV the Dutch will have some options to switch Government (as will every player-nation), but they will be limited in time-window and variety.

            BTW, Colonies IV is taking shape nicely, and I have settled on a start date of 1629 (for a whole host of reasons) and five principal colonising nations - the four in Colonies 3.x, plus Sweden..(hope you're happy Henrik and Vegard!)

            There will also be a Catholic League/Imperial/Austrian Hapsburg power, plus a make-up-the-numbers Independent Alliance representing Scotland, Denmark, Switzerland, the Papal States and the Genovese and Venetian Republics.

            Approximately 300 turns for the SP game, I will make 3 sub-scenarios of approx 100 turns each on the same map and tech tree (but with different start positions and start techs, obviously) for PBEMs.

            More later...but I hope to have a playtestable version by Christmas...


            • Guess which nation I'll be taking charge of in the PBEM
              Last edited by Henrik; November 27, 2002, 17:17.
              No Fighting here, this is the war room!


              • War reports...
                • The Colonial theatre:
                  French Grenadiers ambush aproaching Brittish troops near Ruperts House, resulting in the routing of one brittish grenadier regiment.

                  Lots of Nouvelle France sailors had to give thier lives driving away the hostile presence at the newly constructed Brittish fort on the riverbank oposite Quebec, the fort was then captured and set ablaze by French regular Grenadiers.

                  Smugglers from Nouvelle France are rumoured to have been able to get thier goods safely to the Brittish colony of Boston where they have been sold for a good profit, while the French government can do nothing to condone such behaviour it is not doing anything to stop it either

                  Brittish ships have been observed at the mouth of the St Lawrence river, while the colonists of Nouvelle France can do nothing about

                  The last Sioux settlement, Wichita, has fallen to French Regulars and Light artillery, these troops are now headed south along the royal highway to assist in the defence of France's southern colonies in Louisiana.

                  French troops worldwide have had to be redeployed due to the news of the Spanish Empire declaring war against France and Great Brittain.
                • The European Theatre:

                  Fortification complex outside Calais conquered after the defenders where driven off in numerous series of shocks by Cavalry and Light artillery.
                  The newly dug Brittish approaches are now being used by the French troops beseiging Calais.
                  While the Royal French army was unable to reach the gates of Calais in time to stop the construction of advanced fortifications no doubt taking place there, they are confident that the city will fall none the less as an incredible amount of firepower has been brought to the surounding hills.
                  Soon, the confident commander of the beseiging force promises, Any resisting parts of Calais will be pounded into oblivion...

                  Calais Harbour raided, the anchored Merchant fleet was torched at the same time as the nearby garrison buildings, harbouring an entire regiment of Brittish Royal Marines, exploded, becouse of French raiders setting fire to the gunpowder storage...
                  Furthermore a three decker and a two decker in the harbour of Dover was also blasted to smitherens in a similar extremely bold and daring raids by French sailors.

                  The world is now holding it's breath waiting for the Brittish to strike back, and to see what the treacherous () Spanish are intent on...
                Attached Files
                No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                • Henrik,

                  Guess which nation I'll be taking charge of in the PBEM
                  Bribes are now being accepted....


                  • Re: War reports...

                    Originally posted by Henrik
                    what the treacherous () Spanish are intent on...
                    Apart from the nice shot below nothing really to report
                    Attached Files


                    • Da lovely landscape
                      Attached Files


                      • I did suspect that you know

                        How about a screenshot or two from Colonies 4 John, just to wet the apetite so to speak?
                        Last edited by Henrik; November 28, 2002, 04:02.
                        No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                        • How about a screenshot or two from Colonies 4 John, just to wet the apetite so to speak?
                          Henrik, I'm sure appetites are whetted already! Actually, I have been concentrating on gameplay, and the graphics are still Colonies 3.x-type, with a few exceptions. Those exceptions have mostly been stolen from other designers and have not yet been properly integrated into a constitent look-and-feel.

                          Be "Patient"!

                          Congrats to the Spanish.

                          Tell me, Frenchie, how the hell did you manage to take out a 2- and 3- Decker in Dover, without scraching the port defences or the 20+ other units I had stacked in there? Weird! When I attacked Calais, your ships (including a Man o' War) were the last to be attacked. Not that I mind, Naval Forces are not going to be decisive here and I would rather lose ships than Marines, I just wonder...What did you attack with - Boarding Parties?

                          More trenchworks have been dug, approaching Quebec from a safer distance, as the early ones had been sited to close to the city walls, and had been overrun. A Raid on Fort Tadoussac destroyed one old French Galleon in the harbour, but some of our raiders were killed.

                          The French works outside Calais have been attacked by our heavy artillery, followed up by a waves of Grenadiers. The trenches were overrun, and no less than 5 batteries of Siege Artillery were destroyed! Following up, a large French unit consisting mostly of Horse Artillery and Cavalry were spotted having a group picnic of garlic and snails on the hills to the north of Paris. Our Dragoons swept over them in a single charge.... (Careless, H!)

                          The defences of Dover have been rebuilt, and our Dover squadron brought back up to strength.

                          Following the Spanish declaration of war against both Britain and France, a Spanish Galleon was spotted in the Western Approaches to the Channel. It was detroyed, along with whatever unit it had on board, but resisted so fiercely one of our brand-new 2-Deckers was also sunk!

                          A small raid on Grenada was also repulsed easily. The Dons will be no pushover!

                          As far as I can work out:

                          British losses, 1 Marine Regiment, 2 Dragoon Regiments, and 1 Grenadier Regiment. Plus the 2-Decker and Boarding Party noted above.

                          French losses, 6 Grenadier Regiments, 2 Marine Regiments, 5 (count 'em) Siege Batteries, plus the 7-unit stack, which I think was 3 Dragoons and 4 Horse Artillery from a quick casualty comparison with 1767.

                          Spanish losses, one Galleon and one unit carried on it. Not sure what.

                          I still think the attack bonus in MP is too high. A non-veteran boarding party of mine seriously damaged the Artillery Fort in Tadoussac. If I'd had a few more to spare on hand, I might have pressed the attack. Version 3.2 might need even more tweaking...
                          Attached Files


                          • Thanks for the screen shot Waku!

                            What no Poland in Colonies 4? John Im disappointed! And Sweden is now a civ? Now I am intrigued, the European portion of this one must be MUCH more involved.

                            Henrik just what did you bribe John with to get that one? And thanks for telling me about this Thread, currently this is the PBEM Im enjoying the most! Have fun guys! And please keep thoise screen shots comming!
                            *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                            • Originally posted by Patient English

                              Be "Patient"!
                              I'll try

                              Originally posted by Patient English
                              Tell me, Frenchie, how the hell did you manage to take out a 2- and 3- Decker in Dover, without scraching the port defences or the 20+ other units I had stacked in there? Weird! When I attacked Calais, your ships (including a Man o' War) were the last to be attacked. Not that I mind, Naval Forces are not going to be decisive here and I would rather lose ships than Marines, I just wonder...What did you attack with - Boarding Parties?
                              Yes that's exactly what I did, that's why I wrote about the attacks in the way I did

                              Originally posted by Patient English
                              The French works outside Calais have been attacked by our heavy artillery, followed up by a waves of Grenadiers. The trenches were overrun, and no less than 5 batteries of Siege Artillery were destroyed! Following up, a large French unit consisting mostly of Horse Artillery and Cavalry were spotted having a group picnic of garlic and snails on the hills to the north of Paris. Our Dragoons swept over them in a single charge.... (Careless, H!)
                              Didn't think you'd have enough men to do that in one turn
                              France will strike back!

                              Originally posted by Patient English
                              Following the Spanish declaration of war against both Britain and France, a Spanish Galleon was spotted in the Western Approaches to the Channel. It was detroyed, along with whatever unit it had on board, but resisted so fiercely one of our brand-new 2-Deckers was also sunk!
                              France applauds both the Spanish and Brittish war effort

                              France choses not to comment on the loss statistics
                              No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                              • Originally posted by conmcb25
                                And Sweden is now a civ? Now I am intrigued, the European portion of this one must be MUCH more involved.
                                Sweden did have a colony in north america for a while
                                No Fighting here, this is the war room!

