These are geographical locations of Spain's main archaeological sites, 2000 BC-500 BC.
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Cities in Iberia, 500 BC
"Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
"E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
"Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur
I just tried downloading your attachment. But rather than getting a file called, I got one called Attachment.php. I have no idea what a php file is - when I tried opening it up, it crashed my computer .
If you could send the zip to me at, I'd much appreciate it.
Originally posted by Harlan
Regarding Phoenican spelling, they had a nasty habit of not having vowels in their language. Cadiz, for instance, was spelled Gdr, which isn't too bad, but Leptis Magna in Africa was Lpqy!
IMHO the correct phoenician form should be: Gadir
FYG its meaning is: Fortresses (in plural)
Originally posted by Harlan
By the way, what do you think the cause of abandonment was? Tartessian aggression and/or political confusion back in Phoenicia or Carthage seem most likely as my guesses. What do the experts say?
This was also the beginning of the period in which Carthage gradually substituted Tyre as a commercial power. So the Carthaginians resettled the old Phoenician factories, sometimes in new, nearby locations. Toscanos seems to be an exception, as was Trayamar (not listed by Jay Bee)."An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
- Spiro T. Agnew
The curious thing from my Phoenician book though is that only the colonies on the southern coast of Spain are mentioned as being abandoned. The other ones don't have an abandonment period, AFAIK.
Do you know the correct names for some of the other Phoenician colonies, such as Leptis Magna (Lpqy)? That would be great.
Originally posted by Waku
PS: I bet you already knew this site"An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
- Spiro T. Agnew
I sent Harlan this list of Iberian cities in South East some days ago:
*Mastienos tribe.
-Masti, capital of Mastienos, his location is unkown,it was named by Periplo Avieno, COULD be a celtic village.
-Molybdana, named by Hecateo, near of Cartaghe.
*Phoenician cities:
-Malaca (Malaga) IMP IMP
-Sexi(Almuñecar) IMP IMP
-Abdera (Adra) I believe you know them. IMP IMP
-Baria(Villaricos) IMP
-Ulisea, somewhere in Alpujarras
*Bastetanos tribe.
-Basti (Baza), their capital. IMP IMP
-Tutugi (Galera)
-Ilorci (Lorca) IMP
-Tagili (Tijola)
-Alba (Abla)
-Urci (Pechina-Almeria) IMP IMP
-Murgi (El Ejido)
The most important ones are with IMP IMP if somebody has anyone more of this region...
I have found some other cities of this age, correct them if are wrong or if they have been named you know that I don´t kknow al lot about this age...
*Edetanos tribe
-Saitabi (Xativa)
-Ilici (Elche)
-Lucentum (La Albufereta)
-Dianium (Denia)
*Oretanos tribe
-Castulo(near Linares)
-Oria or Orissia (probably Granatula)
I will look for more ones
Ehhhh!!!! There are two Jesúses
Jesús Balsinde(Jay Bee) and Jesús Muñoz (me)
The first cities´ fonts are a book about the history of my region, AlmerÃa. and second ones is from a book about pre roman history.
Well, all of these aren´t properly cities, just can be named as
"cities" some ones, but I have added the names of some villages.
Since you said you've already many cities, I will add just a few from the center of the peninsula (Celtic tribes):
Toletum (Toledo)
Helmantike (Salamanca)
Pallantia (Palencia)
Arbocala (Toro)
Salduba (Zaragoza)
Nertobriga (Calatorao, near Zaragoza)
PS. I found the ancient name of Niebla: Ilipla. I guess you do not need more Tartessian cities, right? I found a pretty extensive list.
PPS. An important Carthagininan city I missed in my previous posting is Ebusus (Ibiza)