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The Colonies II Chronicle

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  • #46
    The year of our lord, 1663. I have the greatest of news to report, as the lord God almighty has seen fit to bless my union with Barbara with a strong son, that we have named John, after my father. The news of the world pales before this blessed event, but many wonderous things have happened this year, and I am most eager to record these happenings, lest they be forgotten from the minds of men. Our gloroius monarch has seen fit to grant a charter to the Carolina company, and they have founded a new colony, that men call Charlestown, in honor of our great and just King. We have gotten word that our fleet has engaged and destroyed vicious pirates near the Spanish town of Santigo, Cuba, showing the Catholic sailors the proper way to deal with these miscreants, and in this we are most pleased and proud. Evil news from the new world, however. It seems a heathen tribe, the warlike Huron have ambushed and scalped Englishmen near Hudson's bay, and we have sent an army to deal with these devils in the manner they so richly deserve. Our king again asks why the French have a fleet in the North Sea, and promises that no Frenchmen or colonies will be tolerated in Scotland, or any other English land. What a great and gloroius time to live, and it is twice blessed to be an Englishmen. The journel of Christopher Sarn.<>File sent to Exile(holland). P.S. If those French land in Scotland, Henrik, they are history.

    All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
    I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
    i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


    • #47
      Sailing, sailing over the ocean blue.

      Lost in America.
      "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
      "or a very good liar." --Stefu
      "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


      • #48
        The war agaisnt the horrible Dutch has suffered the lost of the city of Atwerp, but since the start of the war very kings saw it, it was a defenseless town because the Dutch vaubian fortress in the North frontier became imposible a correct defense agaisnt siege. but be carefull Stadtholder the other cities in Spanish Netherlands don´t be so easy of conquesting
        The pirate city of Algiers has fallen and the pirates has been judge and executed for all their crimes in East coast of Spain, from Almería to Tortosa. Agadir will fall very soon but the merciful Spanish king doesn´t want to destroy the city so some troops are waiting in the suburbs to the city.
        The Americas will be educated in the true faith and the salvages will be convert in good Christians.

        ---file sent---


        • #49

          Originally posted by cpoulos on 05-07-2001 06:13 PM
          If those French land in Scotland, Henrik, they are history.

          I don't understand what you are talking about
          Would I do such a thing
          I must say I am deeply offended
          [This message has been edited by Henrik (edited May 08, 2001).]
          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


          • #50
            So much meditation in the holy grounds where the White Buffalo roam has paid off. The Great Holy Spirit that lives in the minds of our ancestors has spoken. And with his word, a strange knowledge has arrived. Now the brave Sioux warriors can count on the help of white bearded men, dressed in red and yellow and wearing golden helmets that remind us of the morning's rising sun. They carry very long wooden pikes and also some magical sticks that spit fire.

            Sitting Bee glad. Sitting Bee will secure to his people eternal presence in the lands of their ancestors for centuries to come.
            [This message has been edited by Jay Bee (edited May 08, 2001).]


            • #51
              Jay Bee, not Sitting Bee, speaking

              Now people please tell me something I do not quite understand. Why is it that starting with turn 5 the Sioux can build Spanish Pikemen and Harquebusiers? This makes no sense. Something must have gone wrong. Anybody got any idea?


              • #52

                Originally posted by Jay Bee on 05-08-2001 09:31 AM
                Jay Bee, not Sitting Bee, speaking

                Now people please tell me something I do not quite understand. Why is it that starting with turn 5 the Sioux can build Spanish Pikemen and Harquebusiers? This makes no sense. Something must have gone wrong. Anybody got any idea?

                Either this is a strange bug or Jesús have given you his tech

                No that can't be possible, have you gotten flintlock???
                No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                • #53
                  I haven't contacted with or been contacted by anybody (barbarians excepted) so I doubt that a tech exchange may explain it

                  PS. When you refer to Jesús, please specify, particularly if you're talking to me Believe it or not I did not understand what you wrote until I realized I'm not the only Jesús in this forum. Use Jesús M. or Jesús B accordingly


                  • #54

                    Originally posted by Jay Bee on 05-08-2001 10:36 AM
                    I haven't contacted with or been contacted by anybody (barbarians excepted) so I doubt that a tech exchange may explain it

                    PS. When you refer to Jesús, please specify, particularly if you're talking to me Believe it or not I did not understand what you wrote until I realized I'm not the only Jesús in this forum. Use Jesús M. or Jesús B accordingly

                    Sorry I will say Jay Bee or kIndal depending on who I am refering to from now on (I started refering to him as Jesús during the long time when you where absent).
                    No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                    • #56
                      By e-mail?


                      • #57

                        Originally posted by Jay Bee on 05-08-2001 09:31 AM
                        Jay Bee, not Sitting Bee, speaking

                        Now people please tell me something I do not quite understand. Why is it that starting with turn 5 the Sioux can build Spanish Pikemen and Harquebusiers? This makes no sense. Something must have gone wrong. Anybody got any idea?

                        You could change those units to no no in your rules.txt (I trust nobody uses this to cheat). It wont affect our game other than when it is on your comp.
                        No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                        • #58
                          In France all is well and the Sun King is pleased! A cease fire has been signed whit Holland, in the treaty the netherlands was to pay a considerable amount of money as satisfaction, not all money reached its destination (as expected, they rarely do).
                          But the French coffers harbours more wealth and the Dutch conflict is over (for now...).
                          personal log of Henri
                          First minister of France
                          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                          • #59
                            The Spanish king see a very good future.
                            Economy is good and their wars agaisnt moors and natives are going well, the war agaisnt the protestants are stopped but everything is going well, a sentence of the prime minister of Spanish king, Xosé de Asnar, explain the actual situation: "Aspaña va bien, jur, jur, jur"


                            • #60

                              Originally posted by kIndal on 05-10-2001 07:40 AM
                              jur, jur, jur"

                              My humble knowledge of French explains the first part of the sentence (even though it is in spanish) but what does this mean?
                              No Fighting here, this is the war room!

