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The History of the Modern Age (Part 2)
A new ruler emerges...
El Hogfather, please send the latest save to Waku, who will take over the Ottomans.
The revised turn order:
Comercial States AI
Berbers AI
Holy Roman Empire cpoulos
Spain Fiera
France Henrik
England El Hogfather
Ottoman Empire Waku
So let the wars continue!I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
Under Wakiman the Magnificent Rhodas, the last bastion of The Crusades has fallen, Turkish will rule this part of the sea from now on.
Bucharest has fallen too.
T22 sent to cpoulosAttached Files
From the court of the empire...
HRH Charles annouces good news! The hated Sultin of the Turks, Exile I, has been overthrown, and an unknown named Wakiman I the Magnificent has taken over the sublime porte!
"Let all Christian states rejoice, as another devil has met his just deserts" his majesty has said.
In other Imperial news, the French have presented us with the secret of Sanitation, as penance for teaching the heathen about cannon. Hopefully, they will see that we are not an enemy, but the defenders of the word of Christ.
Long live the Hapsburgs!
By order, HRH Charles, Holy Roman Emperor.
<>File sent to Fiera(Spain).I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
All is well in France.Attached FilesNo Fighting here, this is the war room!
Spain Declares War on England, Regent Activates Alliance with France!
After the Spanish emissaries demanded a tribute of 1,000 gold pieces, it seemed as the laughter of the Prince Regent in their faces annoyed them since they decided to declare war upon our most holy and sacred lands of insular Britain.
Hearing this, envoys were dispatched to Paris to encompass the situation and the French have decided to declare war upon the worthless, mongrel spaniard dogs in exchange for the payment of 250 gold pieces, which the Chancellor of the Exchequer extended to Paris immediately.
On a side note, a new trade route has been opened with Paris and three more English caravans are headed to the fair city to offer their British products.
A call for peace...
HRH Charles, asks the crowned heads of Europe for peace!
"We must fight the infidel, not our Christian brothers", his Majesty has said.
France has agreed to pay a further indemnity of 250 gold, for helping the Ottomans against the empire.
In other imperial news, Bamburg has constructed a Merchant Quarter, to increase the flow of gold in the empire.
Long live the Hapsburgs!
By order, HRH Charles, Holy Roman Emperor.
<>File sent to Fiera(Spain)I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
Re: A call for peace...
Originally posted by cpoulos
HRH Charles, asks the crowned heads of Europe for peace!
"We must fight the infidel, not our Christian brothers", his Majesty has said.
France has agreed to pay a further indemnity of 250 gold, for helping the Ottomans against the empire.
One more time and I wil mobilize...No Fighting here, this is the war room!
A new peace treaty has been arranged with our beloved French brothers.
Besides, the Berberian capital, Argel, has fallen to our arms, along with the State Piracy secret, that will be used in benefit of our almighty Navy...
Yo, el Rey."An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
- Spiro T. Agnew
HRH Charles, welcomes better relations with the other powers.
"Only working together, can the people of Christ prevail over the heathen" his majesty has said.
In other imperial news, the growing city of Liepzig has built a merchant quarter, and it has helped trade increase throughout the empire.
Long live the Hapsburgs!
By order, HRH Charles, Holy Roman Emperor.
<>File sent to Fiera(Spain)Attached FilesI believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG