Spanish implored to cease fire. Cowards!!!
No announcement yet.
The History of the Modern Age (Part 2)
An active turn...
HRH Charles annouces that yet more victories have been secured over the turks!
"We have killed them near Graz, and near Glogau" his majesty has said.
In other imperial news, Vienna has constructed a fine new Sewer system that is the envy of Europe, and the port of Stettin has built a Mercahants quarter to stimulate trade.
In international news, our scientists taught the Imperials the secret of Gunpowder, in exchange for the secret of Local Trade.
The Imperials also paid 175 Gold pieces in Gold Tribute.
More trade routes have been formed!
Cologne has contracted to supply Glass to the Spanish at Ghent.
Frankfurt will now supply fine grade weapons to Bristol.
Vienna will supply Lead to Bristol
Long live the Hapsburgs!
By order, HRH Charles, Holy Roman Emperor.
<>File sent to Fierra (Spain)Attached FilesI believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
This one should also be ready to go!
Juan! It's your turn!
Britain built one before you!I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
Re: A new ruler emerges...
Yeah! dust the file off Fiera
Originally posted by Chris 62
Comercial States AI
Berbers AI
Holy Roman Empire cpoulos
Spain Fiera
France Henrik
England El Hogfather
Ottoman Empire Waku
Unsuccesful negotiation with theTurks have led us to a state of war! I'd be willing to sign a cease fire agreement, so it's up to you, Waku!Attached Files"An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
- Spiro T. Agnew
The Times
Nation Wide Festivities Held in Honour of the Regent
Sheffield.- Nationwide, many festivities are being held in honour of the Regent Martin, noble leader of the fair Kingdom. [i]"The wise leadership brought by our great Regent has brought England from the mist, and our age of glory shall once again be renewed through our economy and great allies of France, as well as the Holy Roman Emperor!
Battle off the Cliffs of Dover
Dover.- With the cliffs of Dover serving as a majestic setting, a naval battle was fought between a Spanish and British galley squadron.
In the early morning of the 10th of September of 1498, a merchant ship spotted a Spanish squadron off the coast of Britain near Dover and reported the location back to Dover at once, from where Admiral Wolseley departed to destroy the Spanish squadron. As the two squadrons closed in for battle, the English admiral gained the upper hand and his mobility allowed him to outmanoeuvre the Spanish ships.
A bloody battle ensured, and both sides took heavy casualties, but the English squadron, through great hardship, managed to annihilate the Spanish galleys. After the victory, the squadron returned to port in Dover where it was greeted by the festive population. The squadron has gained valuable experience in this last combat and Admiral Wolseley has been summoned to London to receive a congratulation from the Regent himself, who has ordered a new pikeman, to add to the 5 currently stationed in Calais, in order to provide for the defence should the Spanish decide to retaliate. The Regent has stated:
"Although we are in a state of "armed peace", the Kingdom of Britain will not tolerate this hostility from Spanish units, we shall not allow them to trespass our valuable waters and our god-given territories. We do not wish to embark in a costly war, but we shall not allow Spain to come so close to Britain in such hostile times."Attached Files