Did everyone die off, or what? The update's been over for a while, post stuff!
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Gnome NES
A young academic gnome was compiling scratch writing compositions for the record room out of oral histories, and one day one of the stories he recorded was a fairy tale about a gnome hero and his roving adventures, told by a wizened old gnome great-great-grandmam.
He recounted the story that night to several of his friends for amusement, and one friend, who happened to be working on the rope project, had his interest stirred by a mythical account of one of the lesser monsters the adventurer faced, a minor point in the epic about how the beast Shilkkwerm, grateful for being rescued, gave the hero a protective armor cloak, light but strong, resistant to elements and the blow of weapons, woven by magic out of a thread the Shilkkwerm pulled from his own body.
The other friends at the gathering were skeptical and dismissive of the rope worker’s interest in that unimportant part of the fairytale, but the rope worker kept it in mind nonetheless. He researched it further, finding barely anything, only a few other tantalizing and fragmentary but fairly consistent mythical references.
A few days later he took it to the NKVD office and presented his case. The NKVD director was not much interested, but there wasn’t much else at the moment to merit his agents’ attention, and he decided it would make a good training mission for the recent recruits, so he agreed to send them out on this search for the wormy monster.
OOC: Armory should probably be recorded as a city improvement; and, if it matters, the capital city is called Caivgridde
18 gnomes work on the long delayed throwing axe technology.
15 gnomes work on refining rope-making technology; finer fibers, ways of weaving rope into stiff or supple materials.
20 train and research acorn and bark carving methods. Learn how to make them the correct thickness, shape, and how to bind them together. Also how to split open, chop in half, and hollow out acorns leaving only the valuable hard shell behind.
4 research if perhaps acorn insides can be used for food.
Recruit and train 3 new NKVD agents.
5 veteran NKVD adventurers and the 3 recruits go out looking for the mysterious Shilkkwerm. Where can it be found? Does it exist? What are they really capable of?
The rest…well, it can get lonely in a gnome colony. And there are so many dark hallways just waiting to be put to use…Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
I will post orders tomorrow!Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
Let me eat your yummy brain!
"be like Micha!" - Cyclotron
Sorry, no story, just plain orders:
Capital: train 16 slingers, 14 flail gnomes
move all of those to CFC.
Assign 35 gnomes to scouting missions southwards. Goal is to find a good spot for a colony near the flowers. Protection comes from 14 flail gnomes sent with them.
CFC: Assign 40 gnomes to infrastructure building. Weave a web of ropeways between the wall, the Bush and the ground. Let them be protected by half of the slingers and half of the new flail gnomes.
Assign 6 Gnomes, 4 slingers and 4 flail gnomes to an expedition to the twin lakes. Try to make friendly contact with the locals, offering slingshot technology in exchange for fishing "rights" and techniques at the lake...
The rest shall breed...Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
Let me eat your yummy brain!
"be like Micha!" - Cyclotron
Yay... Three of six gnome colonies have sent orders, counting the new Nomadic tribe. I'm not one to criticize progress, but hurry up, people!"Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."
A day of CELEBRATION! is anounced.
10 gnomes will entertain the masses In such events as the "Twin Lakes Dance" "Mimery" "Clownisms" and even slap-stick comedy!
10 spearfisher gnomes. Fish will be smoked. Ants will be used to haul fishies.
Military will continue to patrol the area.
Remaining gnomes will be given time off to get a little somethin' somethin'.
at the administrative building of Twin Lochia:
"Let us discuss about our situation my lord, the stores are growing quickly, our military is well supplied because of our bush workers, and expertly trained in our barracks, the barbecue gnomes seem relatively sedate currently, and religion is gradually becoming more accepted by the populace. We have a very good position, but our population seems small compared to the other nations."
"Hmmm... Vizier, I order you to organize a great celebration. the only gnomes to work will be entertainers, the military, and the fishergnomes. Make sure that we are secure as possible, I wouldn't want any barbarians ruining the celebrations. This holiday should give time for the required population growth."
"Yes Mi'lord, I will have the word spread immediately, and then go home to my wife to... "further our interests""
Last edited by Gamecube64; May 26, 2005, 20:47.I changed my signature
I apologize for my lateness in starting this update. Please forward all complaints to George Lucas, it's all his fault."Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."
Ahh George Lucas the alimghty cracker of crackers if there ever was one.
Sorry about my disappearance, a little glitch along the way made things get a bit screwy but The tree gnomes are back in blakc and ready to fortify and spread peace. Malicious vile, oppressive peace.
Orders are
24 gnomes to fortify borders and security
10 gnomes to upgrade military
5 to appease the people
10 to help building the new city into a pillar of magnificent perfection.
George Lucas ruined last weekend's chances for an update, finals ruined the week, and a cancer benefit stands to ruin this weekend, but I haven't forgotten you!"Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."