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NNES: Fall of Rome

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  • #16
    In a startlingly pragmatic move (for a religious concern), King Thrasamund of the Vandals, has ended the persecution of Catholic Christians which the Aryan Vandal rulers have been carrying out more or less fervently for the last 50 years. No longer will we make martyrs out of Catholic Christians. Instead, the state will give preference in government offices and matters of taxation and inheritance to Aryans. The king has also noticed a disturbing trend of good Vandals becoming too Roman and decadent. Traditional Vandal competitions and culture will be promoted in villages and cities and countryside alike, where possible, and persons of any descent are invited to adopt some of those most proud and worthy Vandal customs, and will be looked on more favorably if they do. True Vandal patricians are expected to drill their sons in the arts of war and fighting, and we’re making a couple of military schools for officers to train it, preparing them for a honorable military career, from which, once it is completed, they will undoubtedly have more luck entering business or politics.

    Spend 26 to establish Military academies.
    10 for 2 worships
    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


    • #17
      In a major speech today, the (Shah? Emperor? What am I?) declared a peace treaty with the Puns. "We've got no reason to begin hostilities with a nation that doesn't border us, we may as well begin on the right foot. We hope to trade some of our monetary wealth for some of their military strength. We're opening up this relationship by hiring Punnic officers to train our troops, especially our horsebowmen, that being a Punnic specialty." To celebrate the new alliance, the Puns have been sent a case of wine for their celebrations.

      In other news, the (Shah, emperor, God-King, mayor, Supreme Mugwump, etc.) has declared the necessity of establishing a trade route with the Far East. Hearing rumors of fantastic technologies and seeing small quantities of incredibly rare spices and fabrics has piqued his interest. The declaration of this new trade route, to be called the "Silk Road", is hoped to be enormously profitable. Through this, the Persian government hopes to gain a monopoly on these Eastern valuables. Government owned caravans will be sent east, guarded by government troops. These caravans will be sent to places code-named "India" and "China".

      In a SECRET move, the Persian secret police will be adding to their duties the spreading of pro-Shah (or whatever) messages. They'll recieve some extra funding to facilitate these duties. This is to be very subtle.

      Persian Orders:
      12 to establishing the new "Silk Road"
      3 to the Puns for training our troops to increase our military efficiency.
      4 to secret police, to fund their additional duties and increase their effectiveness.
      4 to technological research into making hotter furnaces to produce higher quality steel.

      OOC: I know the Silk Road existed before 500 AD, I'm just expanding on it.
      The Huns were mostly atheists or agnostics, there was no common religion. This was a distinct advantage when fighting, enemy religious leaders couldn't shake the Hun's morale.
      The Arabs were among the first to develop the nessecary temperatures in their furnaces to make extremely high-quality steel, and were thus among the first to make high-quality steel.
      Last edited by appleciders; January 26, 2005, 00:37.
      "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
      phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
      three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


      • #18
        I just want to say something. I'm really not going to regard "peasant aid" as an order, since it would be pretty much impossible for it to be implemented, especially in this time period.


        • #19
          A new era for the Visigoths

          10 for prospecting
          6 for 1,000 Archers
          9 for 1,000 Heavy Infantry
          5 for new, better generals
          After 15 years of dedicated service our king has left us, all loved him and he shall forever be remembered. As a failure, and everyone only pretended to love him. He was very dedicated, though not so much to the country as to fattening his own coffers. Everyone hated him but due to the horrible monarchist system we live in everyone stayed quiet. If they didn't they would be struck down by god himself, or so our sacred book says. The old king's son, Cube Gamuseus, is now king and is expected to be heads above his father, even though that isn't saying much. He was the only general under the old regime to have performed well, partly because of the old king's poor tactics which all other generals but he were forced to follow, and partly because all the other generals were wealthy ruling class folk who didn't know a bow from the horse of a Western Knight. The only reason they were generals was because they donated lofty sums to the previous King. The prince despised his father for many things, but his military policy was the main reason. The king had left our enemies, the vile Vasconians and evil Sveborummers, untouched. Untouched to pollute our great peninsula with their weakness, untouched to let them raid us. He did, however, take the land we lost back, but it was always at an unnecessarily huge cost for our armies and we never took more land than what was taken. King Gamuseus II shall help us regain our former pride, and establish us as the sole rulers of our peninsula! ALL HAIL THE KING!

          The King revealed a plan to prospect our mountains for any sources of raw minerals. We already have a very large supply coming in from the more settled areas, but we still have not searched many of the mountains far from the capital.

          In military development archers and heavy infantry were trained to augment our forces, while the old generals were run out of the country and replaced with veteran officers from the army Gamuseus used to command.

          Visigoths to Vasconia:
          You may have heard about my fathers passing. For you this means your safety is gone. Either join us now and be slowly assimilated, or be prepared to get crushed. The decision is yours, choose wisely.

          Visigoths to Franks:
          Hello honored Franks, My dishonorable father has passed. He was largely isolationist, but that will come to an end now. We would like to set up trade with you.
          I changed my signature


          • #20
            To: Visigoths
            From: Vasconia

            Prepare to die.


            • #21
              Mmk, peasant aid comment noted and old post edited.
              "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
              phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
              three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


              • #22
                Crpa, then I will invest in military effectiveness.
                Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
                Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


                • #23
                  Can we get the map anytime soon?
                  "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
                  phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
                  three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


                  • #24
                    small map is posted in other thread

                    large map

                    source map


                    Vandals to Ostrogoths:

                    A generation ago, our king sold to you most of the island of Sicily. We want to buy it back. We are offering a total of 102 gold over a period of 3 turns, with a third of the island being transferred to us after each payment of 34 gold.
                    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                    • #25
                      The rise of the Britons

                      After the fall of Rome, Patricus I became the first king of the Britons. He thinks his holy mission is to unite the tribes on British island to a new Regnivm Britanniarvm and lead it to as one of the great nations in Europe (Some future historians think he might had a mild megalomania). Because the dreams of unifications, he isn't much of a friend to the saxons and angles, and tries them to see the light; that the future is in Britons.

                      10g to anything that makes the army more effective (generals etc.)
                      10g for 1000 horse archers
                      Start to expand to Scotland (with as less gold we have to use)
                      To: Saxons
                      From: Britons

                      We give you a special chance. Lets alliance against the Angles, and we might think of a United Kingdom of Britannia, where not the Britons nor the Saxons are more powerful than the other. It's kind of a de... den... demegradia like in the ancient Greece.

                      To: Franks
                      From: Britons
                      Admirable Franks, regards from the Briton empire! Are you interested in trading with us?
                      The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
                      - Chuck Norris Facts


                      • #26
                        I would like to participate in this. Is it possible to take the Langobards?
                        Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.

                        - Paul Valery


                        • #27
                          To: Britons
                          From: Saxons

                          HAH! We would sooner align ourselves with Persia in Micha's NES (). Our army is greater than yours, our men wiser, and the power of the Gods within us. Do not send us message again, for the sender of the message will be without a head.


                          • #28
                            Sure laurentius.


                            • #29
                              Since I can't find the small map, we'll just have to use the really big one for now.


                              • #30
                                Wow, that's expanded the margins a bit. Will we get names on that map? I still don't know where half these people are.
                                "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
                                phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
                                three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."

