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Advanced Hellenistic Era NES - Part 2

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  • Tassadar500
    I will, but I need some numbers from Micha first.

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  • laurentius
    Could you people please post your orders so we might even have a small chance of and update before Micha goes on vacation...

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  • foolish_icarus
    The Old King Demetrius is dead. His son, Antigonus II, now rules Macedonia. He has taken power and gained support from the nobles with his quick command over the army, and has announced his intentions to continue policies to strengthen the Kingdom of Macedon and Hellas and continue to work with peasants and nobles and city dwellers.

    EDIT my orders are sent
    Last edited by foolish_icarus; February 14, 2005, 16:35.

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  • appleciders
    Egypt to Sparta:
    Could we get a price check on the Spartan army?

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  • foolish_icarus
    Macedonia to Lydia :

    Sorry. Looks like we'll have to call of our involvement in fighting Crete.

    to Western Moesian army :

    We want to hire you as mercenaries to help fight the Dacians.

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  • Tassadar500
    After many long hours of debate in the Carthaginian autocracy, the Carthaginians are willing to accept peace, if, Egypt and Macedonia pay Carthage 100 talents each, cede all areas up to Ammonion to Carthage, do not put troops near Carthage, and give up Alexandrograd to Carthage. In short, no way will we accept your peace proposal. We will fight for every inch of Carthaginian soil, every resource, every city, every farm.

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  • appleciders
    Egypt to Macedonia and Carthage:
    We are not as firm about needing colonies in Iberia, that one's Macedonia's demand. We will be willing to lower our monetary condition to 75 talents. We also accept the military size limit terms Macedonia has proposed.

    Egypt to Crete:
    We regret to inform you that we will no longer be importing your marble, it's just not profitable at this time and we need to spend our money on rebuilding. When we need to import marble, we'll keep you in mind.
    Last edited by appleciders; February 11, 2005, 23:41.

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  • foolish_icarus
    These items are non-negotiable

    To begin, Carthage will surrender control of all land from the grain resource west of Leptis Magna. This land will henceforth be controlled by Egypt and Macedonia.

    Next, Carthage will allow Egyptian and Macedonian colonies in Iberia to be founded and grow without limit. Any interference with these colonies will be considered an act of war.

    These items are negotiable. Here is our amended suggestion, taking into account the issues Carthage must face to maintain internal security, we have relaxed the terms to the following:

    Carthage will have no more than 40,000 troops total in their army, of which no more than 40 will be elephants.

    Carthage will have no more than 60 warships.
    You will have to speak separately with Egypt about the minimum amount of gold they are willing to accept as compensation. We cannot negotiate for them in that regard. However, peace is a two-part deal: If you want peace with Macedonia, you will have to make peace with Egypt.

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  • Tassadar500
    Originally posted by foolish_icarus
    Macedonia to Carthage:

    It appears a piece of parchment fell out of the treaty Egypt sent you because this item is also included in the terms:

    Carthage may not possess any more than 40 warships.

    Go ahead, reject the terms. Because our armies are just itching to tear apart your lands. If Carthage cannot even offer a reasonable counter-proposal, the war will go on. And the terms of the treaty will only get harsher as you make us expend more effort to conquer you.

    The most we offer is 300 talents.

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  • 1889
    Lydian Complete Orders

    These include the partial orders already posted earlier.

    The war has brought about a reorganization of the armed forces.
    Lydian Army - Sardes - 10,900 horsemen; 18,700 foot soldiers; 200 swordsmen, 2,500 hoplites
    Six City Patrols – Siver mine, Pergamon, Ephesos, Miletos, Halicarnassos, Phaselis – 500 horsemen, 1,000 foot soldiers.
    Southern Army – Aspendos – 1,000 horsemen, 3,000 foot soldiers, 3,000 hoplites
    Agean Fleet – Knossos - 35 triremes (200 horsemen, 1,800 foot soldiers, 700 swords
    500 hoplites)
    Lydian Fleet - Halicarnassos - 32 triremes (400 horsemen, 500 foot soldier, 1,200 swordsmen, 500 hoplites)

    [10 talents]Road improvements
    [10 talents]Mine improvments
    [20 talents]Fortress for Southern Army at Aspendos
    [10 talents]Additional barracks for new troop posts
    [20 talents]Buy 1,400 swordsmen at Miletos
    [30 talents]Buy 10 triremes at Miletos

    Soldiers will now be based at all cities and our mine to reduce banditry so suitable facilities will need to be constructed where they did not exist before.

    Aspendos is the gateway between Persia and Lydia. To foster stronger and greater openess with our most important trading partner we have reduces the Southern Army. Instead we will construct a fortress to guard the coastal plain. This fortress shows our strength but reveals our peacful intentions.

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  • appleciders
    Egypt to Macedonia:
    Our apologies for the oversight.

    Egypt to Sparta:
    Would you be interested in importing fine freshwater fish from the Nile? We could offer you a special price of just 9 talents a turn. We'd also be willing to trade you our paper at 5 talents a turn.

    Egypt to Bosporian Greece:
    We'd like to offer you the chance to import our paper at the same low price as Sparta: 5 talents a turn. Are you interested?

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  • foolish_icarus
    Macedonia to Carthage:

    It appears a piece of parchment fell out of the treaty Egypt sent you because this item is also included in the terms:

    Carthage may not possess any more than 40 warships.

    Go ahead, reject the terms. Because our armies are just itching to tear apart your lands. If Carthage cannot even offer a reasonable counter-proposal, the war will go on. And the terms of the treaty will only get harsher as you make us expend more effort to conquer you.

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  • laurentius
    YAY! So lets roll! Everyone get your orders in because Micha is going bye bye!

    OOC: actually that was Yiddish, not Bavarian and its supposed to mean he is turning around like a fart in a barrel

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  • Micha
    Originally posted by laurentius
    Yep and du kannst nicht auf meinem rucken pishen unt mir sagen class es regen ist. Er drayt sich arum vie a fortz in russell...
    The second sentence clearly is Bavarian!
    (btw: loooot´s of errors here )
    For those of you not fluent in strange German accents:
    You can´t piss upon my back and claim it´s rain! He is turning round like a fart going on the merry-go-round.

    OOC: Is there a chance of an update before you leave to your vacation Micha?
    Sure, maybe even two. Though I don´t know for sure. Anything between Saturday and Monday looks fine.

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  • Tassadar500
    OOC: Negotiation? What are you talking about?

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