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GDNES2 - The Age of War

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  • To Nicaragua: We shall indeed help you. Once the war is over we can work a favourable deal to both sides to your admission to the USA.

    To France: We do not accept this peace deal, we do not deal with the tinpot Emperor's of South America. We will not bow down to tyranny. My peace offer is, they pay me reperations, I have not attacked them, they have me. I hold a vote under your supervision in Nicaragua and Central America to wither join the USA. Or form a confederacy, become independent. The Carreabean is to be unified under Cuba. These are the terms. Argentina can go to hell with these extortioins.
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • The United States starts funding rebellions in Russia, Argentina, Brazil and Ireland. These quickly spread to civil insurection and The US government denies any knowledge in the matter

      In futher news the liberation of Canada continues. Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver have fallen. Montreal, Ottowa and Qubec are under seige. The British government in Canda has moved to Edmonton. The peoples of Canda rejoice in the inclusion in the Greater Union of States. The United States is planning an name change to the Union of American States, of UAS.
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • From France:
        To America:
        Very well, I beleive that we can reach a solution here. Any elections in Central America and any referendum by any people to join your UAS will be recognized by France. Cuba, however, will not gain an inch of French or European soil in the Caribbean.

        Due to the breakdown in negotiations, and continued aggressions by both sides: France withdraws all troops from mainland America, and pronounces itself neutral in the conflict.

        Still, France wishes for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, and calls for all parties to continue negotiations.
        "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
        Former President, C3SPDGI


        • Army: Huge to Gigantic (2 years)
          Navy: Medium to Large (3 years)

          Economy: Growing, taken down to Stable because of upgrades


          Propaganda boosted. THe Imperial US has been spreading towards South America like a disease, the American Alliance has stopped the US Imperialism like a wall of steel, and have attacked to liberate the conquered american nations.
          THe people of the Brazillian-Peru Confederation despise the US Americans, their efforts to start rebellions are futile.

          Brazillian Navy begins bombarding ports of New Orleans and Miami.

          Brazillian representatives sent to Paris.

          To Cuba(secret):
          The Caribbean islands (except for Puerto Rico) will go to you with our military bases present, but only if you join us against the US. And allow us to establish some bases on mainland Cuba to defend against offensives from Florida, and to threaten that flank of the Imperialists.

          To American Alliance(secret):
          What are we to do with Mexico? I believe there is a civil war going on in Mexico between Pancho Villa and Zapata against President Carranza(ooc: If i'm wrong then ignore it). WHo shall we support? More Diplomacy or march our troops in?


          • To the World:
            USA invasions of the peaceful people of Canada is evidence to their imperialistic policy of conquering all within their grasp. They must be stopped!


            • The U.S. government has been fooled by the outward appreciation and pretended cooperation of the subjugated Canadian civilians, who are secretly organizing against the despicable American agressors and aiding the British and hindering the U.S. in any way they can in various underground movements. Similarly, in the British countries where the U.S. attempted to incite rebellion, the British cells waited until the American operatives were complacent and assured that they were in control, then the loyal citizens of the British empire, with the aid of British police, soldiers, and espionage agents, ousted the American spies and sabuetors and the few that have not been captured are on the run.
              In Canada, the soldiers in the besieged cities are holding firm, and in the vast areas of the Canadian countryside the British soldiers are variously falling back and then attacking, tricking the American forces into expending huge amounts of resources and manpower over expendable land. This combined with partisan tactics and exploiting American weaknesses with improving British airpower is causing huge amounts of American casualties, while the British and Allies still have huge amounts of land to fall back on. Bands of marines and soldiers have landed in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Upper New York, disrupting communication and supply lines and harrassing American troops in transit, causing the U.S. soldiers in Quebec and Eastern Ontario to be facing problems that often causes them to have to fall back. Bands of British/Canadian suplied raiders are sneaking across the border and terrorizing the Plains, causing the Americans to divert further forces and wreaking havoc among transcontinental transport and food production, which, with the blockade and the immense American army draining supplies, will soon begin to tell on the U.S. population.
              Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


              • To Cuba (secret): We once the war is over will give you the Carrabean as they were occupied by the United States. We will give you funds to help your living standards, and only ask for your neutrality in the current crisis.

                To Russia: Ha! We have only attaced Canada and British possesion to free the people. The British have attacked us, the United States cannot stand idly by while its people are ****ed over.
                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                • occ: The US NAvy has been defending my coastlines. foolish you need to get through those and the British navy is not powerfuil enough to do that in the Western Atlantic. Russia that goes for you.
                  Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                  Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                  Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                  • OOC: It is unreasonable to say you can start a civil war in other powerful countries (maybe in tiny weak countries but not othermajor powers). We nevel claimed to be able to cause rebellions in the US, only in the newly conquered areas of Central America. Also, we didn't claim that conquered areas would love us. Central America is an exception, because they were being liberated. I will accept that there was a rebellion that broke out in Paraguay, but not a nationwide insurrection. Also, Easthaven, the Mexican Revolution didn't start until 1910, and the part you're talking about wasnt until something like 1913 (IIRC).

                    To the World: Why does the US continue to refer to completely legitimate democracies as dictatorships? He has referred to the Republics of SOuth America, myself, Brazil, and Venezuela, as having "tinp[ot Emperors," when anyone can come here and see that we are free democracies. And they have now done the same to the British, saying that they must "free the people" of Canada. True, Britain still has a king (OOC: Or was it a queen at this time?), but anyone who has paid any attention to the outside world anytime in the past century would know that he is powerless, and the democratic Parliament acutally rules. So, I repeat, why does the US refer to us as dictatorships? I can see only two possible reasons. First of all, poor Teddy Roosevelt is so uneducated and idiotic he actually believes every country outside of the US is a dictatoship. The other possibility, and in my opinion the more likely, is that the US is so ashamed that it is almost a dictatorship that it must accuse others of being one to avoid losing all confidence in itself.

                    To MExico: I repeat my offer. Join the war and celebrate yoruu CEntennial of Independence by signing a treaty taking back all the land stole from you 60 years ago. And please, if you don't help us, at least let our troops through your territory.

                    The rebellion in Paraguay was crushed quickly, but in exchange the Argentinian Parliament agreed to give them a few of their demands. Further rebellions are unlikely because of the propoganda in place.

                    Central America is now completely controlled by Argentinian and Brazilian forces. 60% of the troops are enforcing martial law to keep order, 20% are working to establish a Pan Central American Confederacy as proposed in Paris, and 20% have left.

                    Argentina has stormed the US's possessions in the Caribbean that they still control. Also, Argentinian forces have taken most of the Florida keys.

                    To the US: Our old offer still stands. Accept it or be invaded in your homeland by the vast armies of Argentina and Brazil. YOu may be able to defeat a small Canadian and Russian invasion, but with the full might of Latin America agaisnt you, you will have no hope. Sign the treaty now and your country will not be ravaged. Refuse and face a long war in which your people will suffer greatly.


                    • To France: The US has proven it does not want peace. I do not wish to invade the US itself, but I am afriaid I will have no choice. I urge you to take some action against them, even if you are not willing to invade.

                      Argentinian projects etc. (Bold means Giovanni should look at):
                      Develop airplane based on Wright brother model: 6 months
                      Economy->Stable: 3 years (slowed by war)
                      Navy from Medium-Small to Medium: complete
                      Navy to Large: 3 years
                      Army->Very Large: 1.5 years. (quickened by draft, propoganda)
                      Draft: implemented
                      Yellow journalism: complete
                      Yellow journalism in Central America: 1.5 years
                      Argentinian Diplomatic Postitions:
                      Russia: Friendly, Coalition against US
                      Germany: Normal
                      Austria-Hungary: Normal
                      Ottoman Empire: Normal
                      UK: Very Friendly, Coalition against US
                      France: Limited Alliance, Friendly
                      Japan: Normal
                      USA: Enraged, War
                      Brazil: Full Alliance, Very Friendly
                      Venezuela: Full Allaince, Friendly
                      China: Normal
                      Mexico: Friendly
                      Ecuador: Cool
                      Central America: portecting independence, Very Frindly (except Guatemala)
                      Guatemala: Normal


                      • From France:
                        To Argentina:
                        Indeed, I have withdrawn my troops from Washington and the West Coast. Further, I will secure the Carribean and Central America so that you can throw all of your forces at the States, if you so choose to do so.

                        To UAS:
                        You must understand that although the invasion of your homeland may be wrongful, it is the opinon of the AA that they will overwhelm your defenses. It is thus that they ask for reparations, as terms for your surrender, not as correcting your wrong-doings.
                        "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
                        Former President, C3SPDGI


                        • To United States:
                          The Empire of Austria has declared war on the United States of America.

                          To British(secret):
                          We will move our new fleet near the East coast of USA to sink the fleet of the Americans. We will come to your aid in Canada and will shortly be sending troops into Canada.
                          Donate to the American Red Cross.
                          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                          • Britain to Austria:

                            many thanks.

                            A few things you should note:

                            Even if you ignore the power of my Atlantic fleet, which should be able to break through, I can still land troops in the places I mentioned via the Great Lakes or St. Lawrence River, so my post was completely legitimate.

                            Also, though the British Empire still has a figurehead monarch, we are effectively a democratic republic, not just in Britain, but all of our colonies also have representation but the citizens, including those native to the coutnry, not just British immigrants, have equal rights and the power to elect their representatives and to a limited degree propose their own laws at the public level. So the majority of people in our colonies are happy with the political and civil rights they have as well as the properity brought by the strength of the combined British Empire. (even though reforms mean that our nations and colonies are no longer unfairly dominated by Britain and they enjoy a high degree of autonomy and influence, for the sake of simplicity I will continue referring to it as the British Empire)
                            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                            • OOC: Britain had a queen at the start of the game, now it would be a king (Queen Victoria died in 1901)


                              • To Brazil: agreed

                                To the United States, thanks for the money.

                                Cuba expands it's naval production facilities on their new Carribean territories, the army size goal is now small-medium, and the naval goal is medium.

                                Money from the United States is funding the Military expansion.

                                To Brazil and Britain: Crates of fine Cuban cigars, free of charge.

                                To the United States: Thank you for allowing us to build up our military, could you please supply us with some older ships so that we don't have to worry about nations in America attacking us in our weakened state?

                                Cuba starts a secret program to distribute anti-imperialist propaganda throughout the Carribean, the propaganda leaflets proclaim that assistance is fine, but the people should be ruled under popular sovereignty, not goofy guys with monocles.

                                Army: Tiny-Small Small-Medium in 2.5 years
                                Navy: Tiny-Small Medium in 3 years
                                Government: Change in 3.5 years
                                Economy: Stable (due to influx of American Funding)
                                Airforce: Well, we put a bomb on our kite, and are pretty good at hitting targets with i- oh, we don't have a kite no more.
                                Space Fleet: We have one if you eat a certain type of cactus...

                                Jose Rocalupe's position on the different nations he feels there is some cuban relationship with.

                                The United States of America (or whatever they call themselves now): We are neutral until they stop helping Cuba... then we be pissed.

                                The British Empire:
                                We are friendly.

                                We are agreeable.

                                Cautious, but willing to negotiate.

                                I see Djibouti.

                                China still cool.

                                Cuban scientist are investigating a way to power boats by tobacco, as Cuban oil resources are scarce at best. (Results in 2 years)
                                Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
                                Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer

