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SonNES (Sonic's Never Ending Story)

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  • OCC: What happened to Tibet?

    AS to Tibet and Switzerland:

    We offer you (again in some cases) the possibility to unify your strenghts with ours.


    With the stopped nine black pitches, we use the resourcs to start a unique dome in Svalbard (Longyearbien dome) and a Ozone Difussor (a very very very expensive 8 km thin tower). Svalbard will reach about 5 millions with the dome ended.

    With the difussor ended we assure that ozone will be again in all northern hemisphere in 2 or 5 years.

    We moved some microsatellites over Svalbard.

    One Black Pitch is guarding the area.
    Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


    • OOC: Caliphate annexed tibet as Sheep noted in his post:
      "The Caliphiate seeing the results of the Tibetan referendum, has decided to forcibly annex the territory"


      • The Caliphiate continues its forcible annexation prgrammes bringing its rule to SIM territories in the Mediteranean. The islanders welcomed them with open arms as the months of starvation caused by the Claiphiate blockade of the Medetranean are at an end.

        to NATC: Do not recognise the Italians as your own. If you do this will serverly damge your relations with us.

        TO SIM: We do not care for what you want. You continue to push us to far.

        To Japan: We will allow you to join our nuclear and space programes if you withdraw your friendship from the SIM

        To Free World: Another war seems to have started.

        TO AS: We have annexed Tibet ourselves, but we would like to sign an alliance with you.
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • To The Caliphiate:
          The President of the Free World Confederation would like to thank you personaly for the help you have given us to combat HIV and AIDS. We would like to help in resolving your dissoute with NATO,, since we have good realtions with both your countries and wish to live in peave with the rest of the Wrold.
          Donate to the American Red Cross.
          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


          • The NATC welcomes Italy into the Confederacy.

            To the Caliphate: They chose to join me. I don't have a choice, I must obey the will of the people.

            To AS (TOP SECRET): I would like to make a secret alliance. I have developed armed spacecraft capable of destroying any and all space stations/satellites/other stuff. Together we can control expansion beyond teh confines of a single planet. Also, I will allow you to build economic/environmental bases in my territory.


            • SIM states that taking of it's territories in mediterranean is considered a declaration of war by Caliphate on SIM and starts a surprise attack on Caliphate. Project for 1 stage of strategic force (chemical bombs and planes) was completed just a day before the attack. Chemical planes were used on Arab troops positions (major military bases) at night and after that many of troops were killed (only those who were inside buildings with closed doors and windows remained alive and it wasn't much of them because barracks ussually aren't built well without any scratches. Also it is hot in those territories so windows are ussually open). At the morning SIM army invaded and killed the remaining troops. The most succesful attack was on northeast China, where almost all of the troops were killed, the least succesful on Iran, where SIM lost all chemical planes used there and gained no land. Immidietly after the army invasion terroritic divisions of Jemmah Islamiyah started full scale terrorism in most of Caliphate, especially former Panturkistan (since it is easiest to attack new terrorists there; many muslims wants independence from Caliphate in former Pnturkistan). Terrorists planted bombs and destroyed most of bridges over the major rivers (Syr Darya and Amu Darya) in Panturkish region, making it impossible for Arabic army to quickly send reinforcements to China (this probably atributted the most for loosing so much territory). The only SIM/Caliphate border Arabs can transport troops to currently one near Iran. Arabs can also fight back by air force, but Air Division of Mojaheeden Islamiyah is guarding the skies over newly conquered territories and pakistan. In this action Caliphate's army was reduced by one size.
              Terrorists in other parts of Caliphate weren't so powerful, but they however burned many hospitals and schools. Casualties of civilians in those buildings are still not counted but they could be well over 100'000, some of them Free World citizens (sent to the Caliphate to help cure HIV). This of course breaked the morale of country even more.
              At the SIM Sahid Abdul-Muhamad, the leader of Jemmah Islamiyah, the government of SIM, offcially declared a Jihad against the Caliphate, ordered police to burn every Arab in SIM in main squares. He also said the sacred stone must be retrieved from Mecca to Jakarta, since the Caliphate is "no longer truly muslim". At the end he gone absolutely mad and raped young Arab girl on live on the "Islamiyah TV" of SIM and said that "whole Arab nation will be screwed as this girl was screwed".
              After this Scandinavian Republic where there are many Arab immigrants said this is no longer tolerable and said that Scandinavia condemns SIM.

              Scandinavia to Caliphate:
              Would you like our help in the war?

              SIM to Free World:
              We are sorry for your citizens killed in our terror acts, but this was inevitable since we have to damage Arabic morale which is now very great after all their conquerings if we want to win the war. We would be able to materially help families who lost their members in our terror acts in Caliphate if you'd accept that.

              SIM to Caliphate:
              Did you watched "Islamiyah TV" when "that" happened? I think my words were pretty clear at a time...

              SIM to Antarctica, Novaya Russia, NATC:
              We would like to ask you not to stay neutral in this war. You may think terrorism is bad but actually Caliphate does much more terrorism. They occupied so many nations, including Turks, Greeks, Kazakhs, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kirgyzes, Iranians, Azeris, Pushtuns, some Chinese and Pakistanis... And they threatened many countries also...

              SIM to Japan:
              Would you like to help us in the war in exchange to some of the territories in northern China we've conquered?

              France to NATC:
              You should give us Corsica back...

              France to Free World:
              You should give us French Guyana back...

              Germany to Caliphate:
              We would like to sign a non-agression pact with you...

              Attached Files


              • Japan to SIM:

                We won’t support you under any circumstances. Cease your atrocities immediately. Make peace and withdraw immediately from the territory you have invaded. Apologize for you behavior. Pay reparations to make up for the lives you have screwed up. Japan ceases trading and all economic cooperation with SIM and this will be the situation until all the conditions we have set forth have been met. Your actions are intolerable.

                Japan devotes more effort to military, speeding up production of defensive units. Navy and Air force will both be very large within 6 years and Army will be large within 3 years. Intelligence rating will be medium within 1 year and good within 3 years. All other special projects have been temporarily reduced in order for this to be accomplished.

                Japan to rest of world except SIM: (SECRET)

                What are we going to do about SIM? Japan is open to suggestions.
                Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                • SIM to Japan:

                  Why should we do any of the things you ordered? Remember, Caliphate started the war not we. First they threatened us, we tolerated. Then they blockated us, we tolerated. However invading our territory (Sardinia and Cycladeas isles) is too much. They started the war, not we. If they would take Manjuria from you, wouldn't you strike back?


                  • To SIM:
                    We condemn your terrorist acts, terrorism is the act of cowards. We are neutral in the war, but we have little respect for you because of your terrorist acts, especially among innocent Free World citizens and hospitals! Do not do anything to provoke russia or we will launch the biggest offensive the world has ever seen. If but one of your men or weapon or even a damn cartridge from an expended bullet falls on russian soil we will not hesitate in retaliating with full force.


                    All Russian chemical/biological weapons aimed at SIM territories. Army fully mobilized. Air force on stand by for Operation Sky Fire, millions of bombs ready to be dropped on SIM land. If any provocation of any kind occurs the orders are to unleash Operation Bear...It will be all-out war on SIM in the goal of annihilating all SIM forces and kicking them out of Asia.


                    • if you need a country, id like to join.


                      • Hewy Sonic I would like more warning than that when you are going to attack me then do an update.

                        The Arabioc Armies betrans from the many campaigns starts pushing back the SIM advances. The 1st and 3rd armies capture Delhi after fierce fighting, and all SIM prisoners have been shot, in retalieation to the terrorist actions of their government. The SIM army demoralised is in full retreat as the Caliphiate army pushes them back to their boundaries before their war against China.
                        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                        • TO NATC and Free wORLS, AS and Japan

                          I ask you as my allies to declare war against the SIM government and destry this meance once and for all.

                          occ: Sonic don;t try anything funny just cause you are the mod.

                          To SIM: Stop your advances now or we will launch our chemical warheads onto to your cities. Infact some are launched.

                          The Chem wraheads, filled with VX, a deadly nearve gas has been fired into Jakarta and the advancing SIM armies.

                          The Caliph has stated that he had no chjoice after the SIM attacks and that we will wipe out this meance by any means possible

                          The Caliphiate has announced that we have 10 nuclear warheads ready to launch with another 50 in production. These 10 warheads will be fired if the SIM does not stop their invasion. The warheads are currently in undisclosed locations.
                          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                          • To SIM:
                            We cannot torrelarte acts of terriorism. You make us sick and will not accept any help form the likes of you. You are worse the Hittler and Nazi Germany during WWII. We will not longer respond to any messages from your country.

                            To The Caliphiate(secret):
                            Our armed forces are being molized for war and out industries are preparing for making arms. We cannot enter the war right now, but we will come to the aid of our allies soon. We will not let the evil SIM empire take over your nation and kill millions of incocent civilians in the process.
                            Donate to the American Red Cross.
                            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                            • To SIM: Ok, we stay neutral. Good Luck.

                              To Caliphate: Good Luck, too.

                              To SIM & Caliphate: The use of nervous gases will enable us to move Omens and probably a Black Pitch with vaccine and cure gases for the inhabitants and the ecosystems. Don't use them please.

                              To Free World: We offer a ecopact to create several greenpeace bases in Amazonia and Congo jungles for protect them from illegal cutting.


                              To NATC: Ok, we'll create an alliance with you, but we preffer don't build any dome in your territory. We will made effective the alliance if somebody mades a non-terrorist attack to your territory (we want the same for us). You will not be llowed to build bases, cities or similar in our territories.

                              Note that your troops or inhabitants aren't allowed in our domes, as ours in your cities. Is just a diplomatic pact, not a marriage!!

                              We can start something with Japan too!

                              To Japan: What about controling a space Black Pitch proposal?



                              We start to building an underground dome under Switzerland, it will be called "Helvetia Dome", and divided in four cantons: Italian, French, German and Romanesque. 4 AI's (the canton division needs this) will control it.

                              The construction will use Erebus laser reflected to the excavation area (for rock desintegration), so please don't worry if any ship see some strange lights at the night over international waters.

                              Moved 1 Black Pitch to Switzerland, thanks to France for the movement allowing and excuse us for any terrorific vision of an inflated 5 Km diameter black ball floating over his house (for do this, the black pitch empty totally his content, is quite dangerous, this is why never uses it except when Cortex allows it).

                              All the antarctica domes finished:

                              NC-3 - "Byrd" - Max: Germanic - Min: Jewish
                              NC-4 - "Aztlan" - Max: Latino Roman - Min: Asian
                              NC-5 - "Ahma" - Max: Non Islamic Arabs* - Min: Germanic
                              NC-6 - "Temjin" - Max: Turks - Min: Germanic

                              *Expulsed/Flee from SIM and Caliphate

                              Total inhabitants (Antarctica only): 31.000.000
                              Total inhabitants: 31.500.000

                              New dome under constructionin Kerguelén (Kerguelén Dome).
                              Last edited by XarXo; December 12, 2002, 11:18.
                              Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


                              • To AS from Japan:

                                "To Japan: What about controling a space Black Pitch proposal?"

                                Thankyou for the offer but no

                                Japan's forces are seen forming defensive positions and there seems to be a mobilization in action, fortifying territory/sea bases

                                aren't nukes unusable?
                                Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.

