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SonNES (Sonic's Never Ending Story)

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  • To Free World from Japan
    We are releasing all of our medical knowledge to you as well as making our medical facilities available to help you in taking care of your pandemic. We will give additional financial aid both in combating the disease as well as improving your economy so that you can better take take of it yourself if you will agree to a mutual protection pact.

    OOC: XarXO, i'm not exactly sure what you're talking about. Japan doesn't use slave labor, if that's what you mean.
    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


    • OCC: Well, in the first post it says "the situation in 1rst WW", I expected a horrible group of acts in the invasion of the old china by japan/korea (after the wars and everything), but OK... If it is a clean civ...

      To Japan: Seems that our AI's are too furious with Japan, specially Prydz's ones (majority: chinese). We stopped the attack and now we'll try to make BETTER our investigations. Our most sinecerly "Sorry".

      To NATC: About Kerguelen, see this . We intercepted your message encoded in only 2048 bits. If we are so dangerous, why not start an alliance?

      To EU: So, you seem defeated, we sent greenpeace forces to occupy Greenland, also we present you our new "weapon": Black Pitch. Is just an AI inside a sphere deformable with a main diameter of 2500 meters (when defomed it is near of 5000!) ((inner OCC: If somebody thinks that is impossible, imagine the size of a ball with all the metal of the navy of USA in actual date!!)) with capacity to go by under (very deeply)/over sea (no humans allowed inside), it also has portatile erebus. Black Pitch is now in the southern coast, with greenpeace forces. Your soldiers can stay here (we destroyed their weapons) until what we know what happened with EU. We offer cover in our domes to the population if there is any problem with the resolution.

      To ALL: Now that Greenland is ours, we want so sign a Global Protection Pact for this country and for the Inuit.

      We aren't making any kind of secretely use of erebus now, our last acts were for stop these obsolete nuclear plants, not ALL your nuclears plants (as 90% of us probably desired). We can't use erebus freely. Each use need a lot of power drained from the earth, and we must be care of avoid any change in the inner energy balance.

      To NATC: We want pact with you to start negotiations for a collaboration in the merging of Greenland with Nunavut and Svalbard.

      To Russia: We want pact with you to start negotiations for a collaboration in the merging of Greenland with Kamchatka.
      Last edited by XarXo; December 7, 2002, 22:26.
      Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


      • occ:
        XarXo i have a very hard time reading your posts, and sometimes I dont know what in the world you are saying. Please try to make your post clear.
        Donate to the American Red Cross.
        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


        • To Antartica from Japan
          Here's a proposition for you:

          you must-
          1. Cease all attacks on all countries with any type of weaponry for any purpose. If you want something changed, use diplomacy. (No more threats against us!)
          2. Keep all of your sattelites south of 60 degrees latitude S so that we can be sure you won't use your weapons on us but you can still keep them for self defense.

          In return-
          Japan will have economic/industrial/scientific cooperation with AS and perhaps we can even work on some type of joint Space project or joint cooperation on sea domes. This will also ease tensions considerably with rest of world if you comply.
          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


          • OOC: I agree with Jack. Sometimes I don't know what the hell you're talkin about. What do you want from Russia? WHy the hell would I want Greenland merged with Kamachtka? You want Kamachtka to leave Russia?


            To Free World:
            We do not wish to commit to any alliances, but we are appreciative of your offer. We are willing to trade with you and share medical research.

            To Antarctica:
            What is the purpose in merging Greenland with Russian Kamachtka? You wish Kamachtka to seceed from Novaya Russia? As for your Erebus, do not perform actions against Russia this way ever again, you want to discuss certain matters than use diplomacy and come to discuss. This act could be considered an aggressive act of war. Do not use your weapons against anything Russian ever again or we will be forced to use our weapons against Antarctica. You seem to be peaceniks but you commit acts that provoke war, I wonder what your true motives are. Keep out of Russia.


            Russia welcomes Scandinavia if they wish to join the union. They will recieve all benefits that any state in russia recieves. If Scandinavia wishes not to join and have the full protection of Russian might then it shall be done. We are quite impartial on this issue. We welcome you but if you do not join you must leave russia alone, we will not protect you.


            • occ: civman there is sufficent muslims and ewe the liberators of Italy, should gain Italy in the deal.


              To SIM: We return all troops to indonesia. No more attacking what is ours.

              To Free World: We grant you another 2 billion dollars for your medical research

              To Novaya Russia and Japan: we must sign a pact against SIM terrorism. Even the Caliph in Cairo has seen this menace.

              To natc: we will sign your pact against AS.
              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


              • OOC: I know they still might, and it''s Sonic's decision when he gets back. I just said i personally doubt they'd join teh Caliphate.

                To AS: You are not god. You do not have the right to take over any area you want, especially if you take it from a superpower.

                NATC special forces (but people don't know that's what they are) have stormed the AS bases on Greenland and declared the new independent nation of Greenland, which is actually secretly part of NATC.

                To ALL except AS (SECRET): Well it seems there is virtually unanimous support for ridding the world of this menace. I suggest that we first destroy the satellites. I have been secretly working on a program to have armed short-range spacecraft that could destroy them. It should be done in a few years.

                SECRET: NATC begins focusing almost all of its military resources into developing space weapons.
                Secret military plans:
                Cold Fusion: anywhere from 8-18 years (it's still in a relatively early phase of development).
                Armed spacecraft: 1-3 years.
                Hovercraft (based on captured EU ones): complete
                Improve Intelligence: complete, intelligence now mediocre
                Build army to large: 3 years (delayed by losses in battle, focus on space weapons).
                Build airforce to huge: 5 years (delayed by losses in battle, focus on space weapons).


                • (ALL SECRET)

                  Japan to Caliphate:

                  If there is significant support against SIM and it attacks Japan or Japanese interests in any fashion i will agree to this.

                  to NATC:

                  I agree with readying the space vehicles and being prepared to defend ourselves against AS. However, i believe we should give them one more chance but if they annex anything or attack anyone in any fashion we will participate in attack.
                  Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                  • OCC: English is my 3rd language, please be patient!

                    To ALL, but specially to Arab Caliphate: Occuppy a superpower territory? As Sonic's map marks Greenland was EU territory, and everybody forgot it when they slaughted Europe, so I just took the remaining thing that I found.

                    Random attacks? 3 attacks in 3 areas where the last 10 years the nuclear pollution deformed thousands of babies!! And we made 0 deaths!! About the tempest in USA Georgia coast was an error an we learned it. Now, who is the fool?

                    In the other old fission nuclear plants at least you have Nanite Difussors (the tecnology mentioned by Sonic that evade the nuclear attacks, in the first post) for clean the radioactive emissions.

                    We waited 5 years for the nanite difussors of yours, NATC and Russia, and your $%·€&$* military inversions retarded a lot the plans. We can't see how the earth dies! Sorry if it caused any energetic problem.

                    To Novaya Russia: No, I don't want Kamchatka, we accept and recognize your possession of it. We just want form an alliance with you for protect the Inuit territory. (this is, if somebody else tries to occuppy this territories: allied war)

                    To NATC: No, I don't want Nunavut, we accept and recognize your possession of it. We want form an alliance with you for protect the Inuit territory (this is, if somebody else tries to occuppy this territories: allied war)

                    To Japan: I agree with your pact. We sign the first point. About the second, we will remain our satellites over AS territories (Antarctica, South Indic-Kergeulén and Greenland) and international waters. The rest of the world now is out of Erebus radii.


                    To Japan:

                    We can offer you a special material for avoid the attack of Erebus on your militar units, in exchange, we want a total support in our future campaings in Amazonia and Congo jungles for an eco-ocupation.

                    Also, we have in orbit 2 Black Pitches of our 3 total, they're totally invisible but we maintain them over Antarctica due this situation of "AS is evil" (when we don't killed no one!). If you want we can put one of them under your control, but without access to our tecnology of Dinamic Materials (deformable structures that maintain the basic functions). But, in exchange, everybody will know that you possess it.

                    We can't afford what you will do with its erebus weapon after this diplomatic tension.

                    If you accept the Black Pitch, we want start an alliance to control all the Pacific.


                    To ALL: Due to the crescent worry about the three "nuclear cleanings" (I've to remember the 0 deaths?) we reduced our proclaim to a unilateral in our territories, and we'll use diplomacy in non-AS territories.

                    We want peace. This is our truly decision, and we offer it without restrictions.

                    OCC: BTW, when I offered to 3rd world (Free World) countries to join AS everybody said me that was foolish and don't accepted (almost Chile or Mauritania could join it, no????), so I started this agressive AS diplomacy.

                    Now that I finally enlarged I am the cancer of the world? What happened with the EU-China-Panturkistan destruction and other "minor" things?
                    Last edited by XarXo; December 8, 2002, 16:21.
                    Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


                    • From japan to AS:

                      fair enough. As long as you hold to the conditions we will cooperate to the utmost of our potential. We are commencing trade and scientific exchange.
                      Japan begins construction of two sea bases in north pacific. Space program with aim of extra-planetary colonization begins, estimated completion of project in 12 to 18 years. Project to improve intelligence rating to medium is underway.
                      Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                      • OOC: I am back but because it is quite late here will post everything tommorow

                        BTW: SIM can support Italy since ships already sailed around Africa - I said that ships are sailing westwards much time ago, even before war with EU...


                        • Greenland was EU territory, and everybody forgot it
                          If you look back a few pages you'll notice that NATC captured it and soon thereafter it voted to join.

                          And Kamchatka is Russian, talking about "merging it with Greenland" is absurd (and illogical too).

                          I realize i misunderstood you in relation to Nunavut, but i still don't trust you so no.

                          To all except AS (SECRET): Well they seem to be more friendly now, it seems we misunderstood them...However i still don't think we should trust them. In any case their so-called "Erebus" could be the nuclear weapon of teh future, so it should be destroyed before it can be used.


                          • occ: Sonic I also said I would sink any non- Caliphiate or NATC ships ion the MEd, sorry you cannot support Italy.

                            The Arab Caliphiate has pushed into Germany from two frontsa and has capture Marseilles. The City of Maresilles and the surrounding region the Caliph decreed shall remain a Caliphiate lease for 99 years to help the Caliphiate control the Mediterranean.

                            Caliphaite Projects

                            Upgfrade Army to Imperially Huge: (35 armies of 150,000 each) 2 years
                            Upgrade Navy to Huge (500 ships, 50 capital) 3 years
                            Rebuilding the Seuz (open to only Caliphiate endorsed traffic) 5 years
                            The AIDS PRgramme (wipe AIDS out in Free World and Caliphiate ) 5 years
                            Caliphiate Space Agency: (moon landing) 5 years
                            Upgrade Air Force to Large (5000 planes) 8 years
                            New Nuclear Development Scheme (new low radiation weapons) 10 years. (secret)
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • To Tibet: We offer you the possibility to join our Scientopia. We'll modernize your country totally, adapt your cities with domes and create new University Districts to give to your people the adequate power in our Cortex.

                              Your spiritual vision of the reality could be our salvation in our tense society.

                              Actually, if you want or not enter in our associaton, we can add your country in our Erebus Shield.

                              Our most sincere gratitude for you atention:

                              AS Cortex
                              Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


                              • Sonic: Decide which (if any) scandinavian nations/estonia will jooin russia, whether italy will join the caliphate, and whether France, Germany, and a few other nations listed in a post a few pages back will join NATC.

