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SonNES (Sonic's Never Ending Story)

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  • European hovercrafts have landed on New-Brunswik (eastern Canadian coast) and have been very succesful in pavin the way for larger, mroe deadly European war machines.

    The Canadaian troops, were, however quick to respond and stopped all European advancement asap.

    Europe has claimed a small, uninhabeted island as their own. But their main objective was not completed : get a foothold on the North Amercan main land.


    • The EU forces in North America were attacked by hundreds of NATC bombers. However, to the shock of NATC, many were shot down and only 1/3 of the EU forces were destroyed.


      • OOC: Sheep, it was SIM who tested chemical weaponry, not Turcypria.

        OK, now the NES...

        As Arabs let SIM ships through Suez canal (in exchange to the remaining part of Iran), SIM fleet immidietly landed on Italian peninsula. SIM yet again officialy asked Caliphate not to give any gains of the war to Russia, "enemy of the Islam".

        Turkish Cypriot leader Hafez Erdogan refused to surrender and demanded Arab forces immidietly leave Sicily and Cyprus. This is waht he said to caliph:
        "We are muslims and we are helping you in a war against EU. I am not sure why you invaded us. Please remove all forces from our terriitories". Turcypriot government is currently operating in Palma de Mallorca, which was designated a capital once Nicosia was lost.

        Map including updates in China:
        Attached Files


        • WAR UPDATE:
          In Scandinavia: Norway is falling to Sweden! Britain has sent reinforcements, but they may not be enough,,,
          In Canada: A massive shore bombardment has done further damage to the EU troops, but there are still quite a few left.
          In Eastern Europe: The Germans are crushing Poland! The US and Britain have sent troops to try to stop them. Romania and Bulgaria have been more successful and have captured almost all of fromer Yugoslavia.
          In the North Atlantic: Troops have been withdrawn form Greenland after destroying a few key bases. Iceland has been taken over and has voted to join NATC (two possible reasons: 1. the people really want to. 2. when subjected to NATC martial law, they realized the "wisdom" of joining the COnfederation). The British military has taken most of Ireland, but now face a major guerrilla war.
          In Iberia: Madrid has fallen, but French forces have come to aid teh Spanish and the fighting is currently a stalemate.


          • To Japan:
            Remove you claims for Sakhalin Island, it is not yours so stay away. You try to take it and we will retaliate with full force. We provoke no one and we will not be provoked.

            To SIM:
            We will not 'release' those countries you demanded of us. They are russian and russian they shall stay. Stay in your own affairs. I could tell you to release china and india but I won't because it is not my business. I advise you to do the same.

            To EU:
            You try to do anything against Russia and our whole nation will mobilize to annihilate you. Stay out of Russia and we will stay out of your union. If we at all feel threatened or annoyed by your mere presence we will not hesitate in sending our forces in to wipe the floor with you...

            To the World:
            Leave us alone......


            Army: Very Huge
            Navy: Large
            Air Force: Huge
            Intelligence: Medium (medium to good=7 years)
            Economy: recovering and growing substantially (stableandgood=8years)

            Complete modernization of current forces=5 to 8 years

            Propaganda increased on glory of the Motherland and its isolationism, the rest of the world is being represented as dangerous and unforgiving. Therefore, we mess in no other affiars that do not concern us. If any foreigner wishes to wake the Russian Bear it will be merciless, cruel and unrelenting in crushing the wakers.


            • OCC: Mmm, sorry!! The main problem is that there's NO INFO about Antarctica. I included a map with the territory division, dome cities position and name, language/racial classifications, etc...

              Also, I included the brief text with militar capabilities:

              Land Army - None (except for Greenpeace Militia, is Tiny)

              Air Force - None

              Navy - None (except for Greenpeace Militia, is Medium)

              Intelligence - Outstanding, a lot of power for make informatic intrusions.

              Economy - Outstanding

              Government - Democracy + Positivistic Oligarchy, no political vision (AI's reflect the visions of the poeple in a constant control of their acts, but without intrusion except crimes and other major problems, AI's have a personal friendish relation with each inhabitant, including anti-AI's movements).

              Scientopia was formed when the original domes projected changed the original project to a pollutor one, scientist created the first AI's and took over all the domes, a mysterious 2-years tempest (Erebus prototype?) protected antarctica from attacks and a government formed. Large migration started, specially from scientist of 3rd world countries and marginated people.

              The "Antarctica Biosphere World Protection" was signed at 2015 (8 years after Antarctica's Independency), for include the new situation, for this reason AS hasn't any militar force that consist of an army or navy of men (a true one, Greenpeace hasn't any firearm or similar). In the other side, the Erebus system were developed by the domes (in the past were cities for tourism, now enlarged and modernized).

              Basically it says that any world nation can make any activity that pollutes the biomes of antacrtica (this is why the cities are in domes, they are connected by under-ice tunnels).

              AS situation changed when the wars forced that the population enlarged from 2 millions to the actual 17 (at the end of the year, 22). This forced to have a true diplomatic relations.

              The terrain is divided into 5 cities-domes (each dome, 2 AI's), in Antarticity, there's a small central control territory (The Cortex) were scientopist live and made the debates. From this area they control the AI's of the domes and the 14 new ones for the 7 new domes (NC-0 to NC-6, they don't have names until are finished) and the National Park that represents the 99,9% of the country. Each dome can be considered as a "territory" or "state", the new domes plus the national park as other one (cortex).

              Now I have to wait if Sonic accept this info exposition for start my participation
              Attached Files
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              • The Arabic Caliphiate calls for a ceasefire with the Trukish Cypriot Empire. The conditions for return of Cyprus to the Tryrocpyritos would be the changing of the constitution to a democratic state, Islam as the national religion and finally the renunciation of all warfare. The Arab Caliphiate would sign a full alliance with the Cyporiots and participate fully in their defence.

                occ: Sonic I never siad you could go through the Seuz Canal. And I invaded Italy.

                TO SIM: We will not accept and SIM control on Europe. Once the war is over Europe is to become independent and friendly. Tha Caliphiate holds no wishes for conquest. If you do not agree to this we will teach you a lesson, as you still claim too much Chinese territory. Do not anger the might of the Caliphiate.

                To Russia: We admire yuour stance. May we work together for the benefit of the world.

                To the Free World: Our campaign still continues. Also we are intrested in buying the territory you hold in the Horn of Africa.

                To NATC: We will only accept your rule of Iberia. Germany, France, Italy and Scandinavia are to be free and independent republics.

                To Japan: Please withdraw your claim on the Shaklain Island. We will support Russia if attacked.
                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                • EU War update. The European Aif Force scored a stunning victoty over the Seuz Canal, when the Canal itself was destroyed. It will take years if not decades to rebuild this damage.

                  Meanwhile The Arab Caliphiate continues its push against the European Union. While remaining on Sicily (occ: I am saying the Cypriots agree tommy proposal. I gain Sicily, and they become pacifist.) And gaining bases on Italy from the now unsupplied SIM army. The SIM army effectively has become an auxilry force to the 3rd and 5th Arab Armies in Italy. On the Fifthteenth Day of the Renewed offensive Rome fell, and the following day and independent Italian Government was formed, governing for now from the Arab Air Fields in Sicily.

                  On the Grecian fron the Arab 2nd Army has started deploying into Poland to assist the NATC army against the European attacks. Meanwhile oppostion parties in Germany and France have been contacted and they have both set up indepedent governments in Cairo.

                  In China 11 armies of the Caliph begin fotifying on the now large and extensive SIM border. Also 40% of the large chemical and biological stockpile of the Caliphiate has been reaimed at the SIM, in case they object to the takeover in Italy. Futher north 3 more armies fortigy along the Manchurian border line in case Japan presses its claim on Shaklain.

                  Meanwhile half of the 9th amry has invaded and occupied the European Colony in South America. This has been promtly handed over to the Free World federation.

                  With troops on their broder Switzerland has been asked to swear allegience to the Caliphiate and declare war against the European Union. With crumbling forces this is beginning to look more and more good.
                  Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                  Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                  Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                  • To Arab Caliphiate and NATO:
                    We currently are in no postion to be fighting in a war right now. We though will give any assiantance to the both of your countries as you fight the evil EU. We would also like to thank tha Arab Caliphiate for the help in treating our HIV patients. I would also like to set up a project with all of our nations to find a vacince for HIV, as this would help all of us. Any aid you can give to us we would appericate it. Currently we esitmate it will take 20 years for us to come up with the vacince on our own, but with your help we are sure that this can be done much faster.
                    Donate to the American Red Cross.
                    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                    • To teh Caliphate: We will accept those terms as long as those nations may join NATC if they wish. We have no intentions or forcing anyone to join the Confederation, we just want to stop teh evil warmongering leaders of teh Union.


                      • Canadian and American forces stormed Southampton Island, destroying all EU forces remaining there. Also, 3 hovercrafts have been captured.
                        In the North Atlantic: Greenland has voted to join NATC (like Iceland, either willingly or possibly forced). In Ireland, the guerrilla war continues. 3500 British troops have been killed.
                        In Iberia: A cease-fire has been signed in Spain. Spain has withdrawn from EU in exchange for an end of hostilities.
                        In Scandinavia: Norway has been taken by EU and voted (once again either willingly or forced) to join EU.
                        In Eastern Europe: Bulgarian-Romanian forces have advanced into Austria. Even with reinforcements from teh Caliphate, Poland is falling to Germany though.

                        Secret military plans:
                        Cold Fusion: anywhere from 8-20 years (it's still in a relatively early phase of development).
                        Armed spacecraft: 5-12 years.
                        Hovercraft (based on captured EU ones): 1 year
                        Improve Intelligence: 3 years.
                        Build army to large: 4 years (delayed by losses in battle).
                        Build airforce to huge: 6 years (delayed by losses in battle).


                        • SIM improves it's "Strategic Division of Mojaheeden Islamiyah" with 10 new planes which are prepared to drop gas. Currently all the planes (13) for this purpose are former transport planes and they would just release gas from small altitude but that would kill only people outside. New plane, called Muhamad 25 is on project - it would be specially built for this purpose and equiped with special gas missiles, which would go through buildings shell and then automatically release gas, thus it would be possible to attack targets like presidential palaces and kill important people there much easier. However, as Muhamad 25 planes still wouldn't be stealthy, SIM officially asks NATC to buy stealth technology.

                          SIM also immidietly hosts a revolution in Italy and kicks down the new government there. Support already came in ships around Africa Mosto of troops in Asia/Oceania are mobilised to SIM/Caliphate border.

                          SIM to Caliphate:
                          We would like not to fight a war, also we would like to do a peace plan in Europe under which we would probably give indeppendence once whole Europe is conquered, just as Allies did to Germany and Japan after WW2. Because if we would give independence to European partitions now, those partitions could easily rejoin EU or be reconquered by it. Again, we do not want war, but we would fight until the last breath if needed.

                          SIM to ALL (Russia, Japan, NATC, Antarctica, Free World) - top secret
                          We are very worried about Arab Caliphate. It is an empire of evil in our opinion. It conquers more and more land, it already has former Panturkistan and big part of China. Once a day might come when the Caliphate will be just impossible to destroy (especially if it would take SIM or any other country). Thus we ask EVERYBODY (except Tibet and EU) to sign a mutual protection pact which would work only against Caliphate. Thus, if Caliphate would attack any country (and only if it would attack) - us, Free World, Antarctica, Japan or Russia - everybody would stand against them, thus stopping imperialism of this country. We also promise to not use terrorism against countries which will ratify this agreement. Remember, we want peace, but Caliphate wants war - I hope however we'll find a peaceful solution, but pact I propose would only help our countries anyway, since more defense never hurts. Also, we would promise certain "personal" things to every country if they would sign:
                          Free World - would help your homeless people in Africa by building houses (we are quite experienced in "mass housing" thing since we had to do that in poor districts of India and China, where many people lived in shacks when we taken the countries)
                          Russia - Would agree to stop all pressure on you because of Tatarstan and Chechenya and recognise those territories as part of sovereign Russia
                          Antarctica - Would stop all threats because of budhists in your cities and also discontinue the anti-ozone layer project
                          NATC/Japan - would give up all the political prisoners (Japanese, who were captured while touristingin China and Australians which were captured in the same time).

                          Turkish Cypriot Empire dissolves. After referendums in each island, Cyprus decided to remain in Caliphate, Sicilia voted to join NATC (but however it is up to Caliphate to let that do or not to), Balleares joined Free World, Corsica rejoined EU, Cycladeas islands and Sardinia joined SIM.

                          A map:
                          Attached Files


                          • Well map above is a bit dated since I did not included NATC advances there. Will post a new map soon.


                            • To SIM: If you get the Free World to support it and Russia to be at least indifferent I'll help. I just don't want to be stuck alone with you if you can't get more support.


                              • European bombers fly all over Canada, none were shot down, but do to North American defence, they couldnt get into the ideal positions. Thus, no damage was done.

                                Internal European Affairs.

                                The European Union is in complet disorder. WIth the recent declarations of war on the free wolrd, many European citizens are fleeing to Russia and and to the Arab states.

                                As a result of the citizens leaving, all borders are now closed, to everyone..even tourists.

