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Age of Feudalism: Europe 1000 AD

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  • #31
    oops, when I suggested Poland I had not yet seen that Luk had just picked it.

    -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert
    AKA GeoDude

    My E-Mail:

    Come to my forum: Cool History


    • #32
      It was either Gregory or Leo, but I can't remeber which. One was in 500, the other in 1000
      But I kick that ball, and I pray it goes straight,
      If it does, then Coach says, "Good job number eight."
      He doesn't even no my name is Andre Kristacovitchlalinski, Jr.
      But that's the life I live...Lonesome Kicker


      • #33
        I just checked, it was Sylvester II. He was pope for only 4 year, 999-1003, but he instituted many needed reforms in that time.

        I also checked up on the Byzantine Empire just now and the EMperor in 1000AD was Basil II.

        -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert
        AKA GeoDude

        My E-Mail:

        Come to my forum: Cool History
        [This message has been edited by Geography Dan (edited June 03, 2000).]


        • #34
          RocMaster, if you don't like history, you can take a country as it is TODAY! Go to the W99 thread.

          GeoDan, no offense, but you advertise in our thread, we advertise in yours right? Competition makes the world go 'round.

          Also, don't blame me, Bill wanted to restart.

          I personally don't care about advertising as long as it's done in moderation. So either we can both stop advertising in each other's threads or continue to do so, doesn't really matter to me which ever way, but some might get annoyed.
          Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


          • #35
            Inter-thread advertising is a good thing. I don't mind if you advertise in here, as long as you participate. Mao, as you may have noticed, I am participating in W99. COuld you participate in this thread?

            -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert
            AKA GeoDude

            My E-Mail:

            Come to my forum: Cool History


            • #36
              I'll warn you first, my time constraints are getting tighter, but I will try. Is anyone taking the Pope? I would literally like to BE the Pope, not really control and empire, but just issue orders as the Church.
              Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


              • #37
                Yeah well Denmark was pretty powerful too. Remember a whole bunch of English fleeing in panic from their burning homes being ransacked by Vikings


                • #38
                  I'll take the Baltic Tribes. Were the Baltic tribes at this time Germanic or Slavic? I need to know so I can know what kind of names to use.
                  The establishment of a Hebrew government and the implementation of its plans - this is the sole way of rescuing our people, salvaging our existence and our honor. We will follow this path, for there is no other. We will fight! Every Jew in our homeland will fight!


                  • #39
                    Mao: Yes, Midshipman is the Pope. However, if you were Odo, head of the Cluniac Order, you would still have much religious influence.

                    Bearcat: Vikings were predominant in the 800s and 900s. By 1000 AD the Scandinavians had become, for the large part, civilized. However, Denmark was the most powerful Scandinavian state at that time.

                    Spartan: The Baltic tribes were neither Slavic nor Germanic. The Baltic languages are in a seperate subset of the Indo-European language family. The Baltic tribes were ancestors of today's Lithuanians, Latvians, and Estonians.

                    If anyone participating here needs some more information, feel free to ask me.

                    -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert
                    AKA GeoDude

                    My E-Mail:

                    Come to my forum: Cool History


                    • #40
                      Yes but Vikings Burning, pillaging, death, destruction

                      OOC - Geo we're going all the way tomorrow. Game 7. Go Sabas, Scotty, Sheed, Rasta, Bonzi, etc.


                      • #41

                        Originally posted by Bearcat on 06-03-2000 07:08 PM
                        OOC - Geo we're going all the way tomorrow. Game 7. Go Sabas, Scotty, Sheed, Rasta, Bonzi, etc.


                        Game 7?

                        Please forgive my ignorance.


                        • #42
                          B-ball Dan, B-ball!

                          Now my turn to ask for forgiveness for my ignorance, who is Odo or the Cluniac Order?
                          Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                          • #43
                            Oh!!! That Game 7!!! I can't believe I didn't realize what he meant!

                            GO ARVYDAS SABONIS!!!

                            Bearcat, as you may have noticed Arvydas Sabonis is the Prime Minister of my nation in the W99 thread.

                            Here's what I know about the Cluniac Order:

                            It was a Monastic Order that first became prevalent in the mid-900s when the Benedictine Order declined. It was based in the city of Cluny, in souther-central France. It's leader sometime in the late 900s was Odo. The Cluniac Order revitalized Christianity for many Europeans through its programs and reforms. It controlled monasteries throughout western Europe, and so had enormous influence. The Cluniac Order was one of the Pope's most useful tools for enacting Papal edicts and reforms. It was essentially the right-hand of the Papacy. The leaders of the Cluniac Order were able to build a gigantic church in Cluny.
                            In 1095 when the Pope made his famous speech calling for the Crusades, he made the speech at a church council in Cluny.

                            I hope that clarifies things a bit. The leader of the Cluniac order had religious influence almost as great as the Pope's.

                            -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert
                            AKA GeoDude

                            My E-Mail:

                            Come to my forum: Cool History


                            • #44
                              No, I will take France... I won't take a puny country like Bulgaria, because as this is my first time, and I know the terrian of France, I would be able to better defend myself in hard situations. And I don't want to be taken advantage of.
                              "You can stop me on the defense, or even in the battle , but you will NEVER stop me on the from taking that hill."


                              • #45
                                Oh the newbie is standing up to us If you have noticed Bulgaria is by no means puny. But since we need veteran posters who will most likely want France, what if you took Burgundy. You said you knew the terrain and as I remember the Burgundians where fro a long time very poweful. If not than you can keep France.
                                [This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited June 04, 2000).]

