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The World 1999 XXII - The Second Rebirth

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  • After four months of sporadic fighting, the Communist guerillas in the central hills have been put down. The government has now been firmly re-established, with capitalist reforms underway.

    Name: Empire of Vietnam
    Government: Absolute monarchy
    Leader: Emperor Nguyen Trinh
    Capital: Saigon
    Land Area: 486,743 sq mi (1,260,657 sq km)
    Population: 148,665,320
    Gross Domestic Product: $163.1 billion
    Major Exports: Rice, rubber, textiles, electronics
    Minister of UFQPOT
    Division of the (un)glorious PROT!
    CEO of the SSPC


    • OOC: Let me see the Belarussian Military, because only this country is worth in Baltic States...
      "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


      • OOC: I think you should post that you train your soldiet to 300 000 people state. Because Belarussia has... 83817 (the state on 2000) soldiers... The Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia have all up to 60000 soldiers with very bad equipment.
        And one more... Belarussia has no license to tanks, and has no facilities to produce it in large scale, I dont speak about aircrafts, and helos, because they cant do it at all...
        "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


        • OOC: If Belarussia produced 800 tanks and 20 ships in 6 months (haha), then Ukraine, and Poland (specially that first) will produce lot more bigger army. And I posted that Im rebuilding the army, Geo didnt.

          IC: The production of Slav Forces in recent 6 mothes was

          450 Tanks T-80UM/month
          150 MiG-29/m
          140 Su-27/m
          80 Mi-28 Hind/m

          Todays forces of Slav Confederate:
          900 000 People (with big reserves)
          12000 Tanks
          Around 2500 Aricrafts of 4th generation
          1000 Helos
          Very good transport vehicles, and good Fleet in Black Sea.

          Polish shipyards bilded about 15 very good ships. But as the NAVAL POWER is not so important in Slav Situation, we are not producing many ships, and we are concentrating on land forces

          The President of Slav Confederate has annouced the additional draft and 200 reservists will strenghten the army in 2 weeks. The Power of Slav army exceedes to over 1 million of people.
          The Slav Opinion is furious, all people demand to liberate Belarussia, and Chech Republic from ProGerman, nationalistic goverment.

          "We shall smash that German province which names Baltic States, because we can not tolerate the second Priest Tiso - Sabonis" - said one of the most important general in Slav Staff.

          The army is prepared to attack on Baltic States, but they are awaiting for Presidential agree.

          The problem is the easy target of American Fleet. The Slav Generals cannot hide their smiles, because of the move of American Fleet which could be easly destroyed on small Baltic sea. But The President of Slav Confederate does not want to attack USA

          The Slav Confederate president does not want to attack anybody, but the pression from General Staff is great. The position of Baltic States is very questionable, Sabonis is German agent, and his regime is backing to totalitarian methods. The polls which were presented today was totally fabricated. And all Slav People are laughing from great stupidness of the propaganda leaders in Baltic States, who thinks that Belarussians love Germany (Maybe for two wars, hehe)

          As we said we will not discuss with German Authorites about our anti-NAZI action. This topic is closed.
          "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


          • OOC: I suppose now that you all NAZI supporters are emailing each other and preparing to kill the one Pole. It is my success!
            "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


            • OOC: Pssss, gscott, Canada isn't a Republic.

              Getting a little paranoid are we Luk MWAHAHAHAHAHA. (sarcastic)Yeah all us Nazis are planning the downfall of Poland, the Aployton Coffeshop, and than the World MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA(sarcastic).


              • OOC: um, Luk, in case you've been too ignorant to notice, all of my posts over the past few weeks have been detailing how the UBS army has been expanding. You should pay a little more attention to my posts. And Sabonis a German agent? I don't think so. Why would a NBA player and a devoted Lithuanian nationalist be a German agent? You're getting overly paranoid here.

                IC: The UBS thanks Canada for its military assistance. An emergency meeting of the UBS parliament was called, and a national state of emergency was declared. Parliament voted unanimously to issue a request for all able-bodied citizens to either enlist in the army or go to work in military factories. A poll by UN representqatives has shown that 67% of all UBS citizens plan to fulfill the request, and another 21% would do so in case of actual war. The military has begun rapid training operations for the new enlistees. The entire UBS military has been put on alert, and over 700,000 troops, 400 aircraft, and numerous ships are ready to defend their homeland. There are currently 10 squadrons of UBS ships on patrol in the Baltic Sea.

                The UBS foreign minister has sent out a request for international help in defending against the Slavic threat. To all nations of the world: Please do not allow the freedom and prosperity of the United Baltic States to be annihilated by the fascist racism of the vile Slav Confederation. Our own armies are strong, but the Slav Confederation's brutal totalitarianism has bloated its armies full of brainwashed supporters of the regime. Our democratic nation looks with disgust upon such exploitation of the populace, and so we would find military assistance to be very useful.

                Down with fascism! Down with autocracy! Down with racism! Down with the vile leadership of the Slav Confdederation!!!

                The UBS parliament has voted that the city of Riga can be utilized as an international base for allied armies defending against the Slav Confederation. The UBS foreign minister has called for leaders of the allied forces to meet in Riga to plan a concerted, cooperative defense against any Slav attacks.



                • The UBS Defense Minister has just announced that, concurently with the buildup of the rest of the UBS military, a complex system of missiles and missile defense has been built. This includes large numbers of cruise missiles which have now been stationed in the UBS ships and on the ground in UBS territory. The system also includes many advanced surface-to-air missiles around all important UBS cities and military centers to ward off attacks by possible enemy aircraft or missiles. The government has been forced to keep this system secret until now just in case the plan failed. Since that did not occur, the government has duly made this announcement.


                  • OOC: Luk, the only way you have 12000 tanks is if you raided a world war II surplus store. The most the Ukraine and Poland have is 8000-10000 tanks, and thats mostly T-55s and older tanks, combined you have maybe, maybe 2000, T-72 or higher tanks.
                    And 2500 4th generation aircraft? Right unless a Mig-21, Mig-23, and Su-17 are 4th generation aircraft you maybe have 150-200 Mig-29s and Su-27s.

                    To Canada: We would be willing to sell you some of our older Midway class Carriers from the fifties. They require extensive modernization and we would be willing to sell you two and upgrade them for you for $3.2 billion. We would also be willing to transport your F-18s across the ocean for you. We wonder how you can build them without a license though? Please talk to me about it later and I'll sell you a license real cheap.

                    To Brazil:
                    We would be glad to attend your council of the America's conferance.

                    To Slav Confederation:
                    Any attack on the third fleet will mean war, the United States does not take kindly to threats of any kind, and we could easily reduce your nation to a glass floored self lighting parking lot without doing signifigant damage to the rest of the world.

                    The Carrier Ronald Reagan has joined the Abraham Lincoln in the Baltic.
                    While the John F. Kennedy and John C. Stennis have just arrived on station in the Black Sea.
                    Several 688I Los Angelas Class attack subamrines have also been sent to the Baltic and Black Sea. Of note the Cheyenne, San Antonio, Seattle, Boston, Austin, Bangor, Talahasse, and Portland are all on station in the Baltic and Black Sea's.
                    [This message has been edited by Bolo (edited June 22, 2000).]
                    If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


                    • OOC:Buhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha haha. The secreat transportation of Canadian troops, 50 000 soldiers didnt noticed, despite the fact that 1200 aircrafts are patroling this territory. And I will not say that in 2 weeks Canada would organize that...
                      It is unrealistic, so I will ignore it, and there are no forces there. Or if you all agree to this Canadian action, which is extremaly unrealistic then I will post unrealistic message too.

                      The Slav Confederate President annouced that any movements of Transport ships noticed in Baltic see will be noticed as action against Slavs and We will immidiatly respond by sink all ships.

                      The President of SC annouced the total mobilization of reservists. The army will soon have over 2 millions of people. "We can not stay without reaction to Belarussian Mobilization". The army could reach size of 3 millions in one month...

                      The totalitarian, pro-german regime installed there by the Germans, are hated in Belarussia. The Nation wants to liberate and join Slav Confederate.
                      The Slav Leader sent the ultimatum to Sabonis - Baltic States will demobilize and ally with Slav Confederate, or we will do anything to liberate Slav people from totalitarian, anti-human rights, goverment of Prime Minister Sabonis.

                      As we see in England proGerman forces, with support of ideas of David Irving we see, won there. Hmmm.... but all Slav Generals are thinking how British ships can help any of their allies in the land...

                      And to Canadian Goverment. The Slav Confederate has a very good army, with very good equipment, as the Ukraine was the center of all Soviet War Machine. And in Ukraine the new technology was created. All tanks was invented there, and this country has the great amount of Aircrafts Factories... And I will not mention of natural resources, which this country has in large amounts. So dont threat us with your small army, without any tradition.

                      OOC: I thought for a while that I should invite to this forum few friends from Poland. They would fast register and take control of few key countries. But I change my mind, I will play fairplay insted of you all...

                      And I wonder how people in America likes Germany that much... And I noticed that you have no memory for your ancestors, and soldiers wo died for this country... But it is all America.
                      "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                      • OOC:Bolo, your knowledge about East Bloc is based on tales I think...

                        The Ukraine has maybe better equipped tanks then Russia... The Ukraine, had in 2000 1200 very good aricrafts... And I posted that I was bilding it in past years of this forum and I have this state now....
                        Originally Ukraine have the second place in Europe in number of tanks, after Russians. They have the second army in Europe, and I think they have better tank facilities then Russia. All technology about tanks are invented in Ukraine. The Russia has only few minor factories....

                        Read, read, and is my advice to you
                        "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                        • OOC: Ooh Bolo are you gonna take that from him Luk my advice to you would be to shut up. You're in a very dangerous position. Alot of people here don't take kindly to being called Nazis and being accused of cheating. You paranoia and racism probably won't get you very far in the real world.


                          Should the event of a war take place between the Slavic Confederation and the loose German backing allaicne, Brazil will stay neutral. She has her own problems to tend too and cannot affored any Brazilian troops at the moment.


                          • The AF will be forced to act in this crisis in attacking the Slav Confederation if these purges contiune. We have F-15s and F-16s which deeply overpower the Ukrainean AirForce which consists mostly of MiG-19s, and MiG-21s, with less than 500 Planes total according to stats.

                            The AF airforces consist of nearly 350 F-15s and F-16s, 20 Mirage 2000 (new), 150 1990s era Tornado AirCraft, and a lot more well-equppied aircraft. From lots of advice, Ukraine has a poor army with little training and morale.

                            The Saudi Arabian Army is one of the best in the world, since training is harsh and it is mostly well-equppied and modern.
                            For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


                            • OOC:With all my dislikeness to your person from other threads... this last IC post was the first post realistic since 30-40 posts...
                              I called you NAZI, because I dont see why, you all are pro German State. I can not belive this, that you all are taking care about German few people, and you ignore my posts about position of Polish Minority in german, which is verrryyy bad. If you dont read my posts it means that you all are hunting me... And position of Baltic States...
                              It is extremly unrealistic that in possible conflict Belarussia was at German side... For 60 years Soviet propaganda had told people that Germans are bad, so they are thinking they are... Why Lukaszenko was choosed the president - because Belarussia is most sovieticated state in the World!
                              And this canadian action was so pathetic that I dont comment it...
                              "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                              • I would not comment this message of Giancarlo... come back to school, and read the statistic one more time...
                                "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939

