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Europe 1750...

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  • For forever? OK, cool!
    Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


    • OK, I think we need to start a new thread just for military statistics. Also, what if me and JT3 attack Duchies at the same time? What happens?
      Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


      • Glad you figured it out, Bearcat.
        Please Visit:

        And contribute if you can!


        • As the Dutchy of Savoy I will keep the moves as posted by BT above. A storyline and new moves will be posted as soon as the story is declared open.

          But for now:
          Gloria Savoia Immortalis, reces Europae!


          • SWEDEN
            60,000 standing troops
            I Corps 20,000 troops at Sveiaborg
            II Corps 20,000 troops at Stockholm
            III Corps 20,000 troops at Gothenburg
            3 heavy, 4 light, 1 privateer
            Budget = $480 = $144 military
            $54 available for purchases
            Hire 2 heavy warships, 1 light Stockholm
            raising 14000 regulars in Gothenburg

            [This message has been edited by hacksaw (edited April 16, 2000).]


            • On teh Indian Map, the yellowish tan areas are open land... no empire controls them...
              And no more regulars for the big empires unless they raise them... I asked my military history prof today what the standing armies of some of these states were, and you'll be suprised...

              Britain: Around 20,000 peacetime
              France: 200,000 at most
              Austria: 80,000-100,000

              Since we already have deployed using the old numbers, and I believe the numbers are balanced considering the system we're using, they'll stay that way...

              Nations with colonies can have a colonial militia of territory number times 1000 per territory they control in India... for instance, in India, the French could have:
              6,000 for each section of Bengal they control
              2,000 the two sections of Golconda they control. In the Americas, this number is 500 times the colony numbers, rounded up (except for the Dutch, isnce their so small to begin with)

              Colonial militia are paid for by the local taxpayers(your gov isn't charged), but are at a -1 in battle. As the militias are rotated through all available men, homesickness is not a problem as soldiers return home from short tours of duty... in theory.
              The colonial militias can be added to only with regular militia additions, additional troops raised in the colonies cannot be regulars.

              And I've decided that colonies can contribute half their normal territorial tax output and city tax output to your treasury (thus, a 6 colony would give you $30 in taxes).



              The reason for the small numbers in India is to force the Europeans to play teh Indian Empires off of each other, as was done very successfully in real life.


              SAFAVID PERSIA:
              Standing Army: 40,000 regular troops
              60,000 militia
              Kerman Army I: 15,000 regulars in Kerman
              Kerman Army II: 20,000 militia in Kerman
              Kandahar Army I: 15,000 regulars in Kandahar
              Kandahar Army II: 20,000 militia in Kandahar

              Kabul Army I: 10,000 regulars in Kabul
              Kabul Army II: 20,000 militia in Kabul

              Budget: $280 -- military of $84
              $14 left to spend
              7,000 regulars to be drafted

              Standing Army: 10,000 regular troops
              20,000 militia
              Samarkand Army: 10,000 regulars in Samarkand
              Merv Army: 10,000 militia in Merv
              Balkh Army: 10,000 militia in Balkh

              Budget: $160 -- military of $48
              Spending - $28
              Raising 14,000 regulars

              Current Army: 130,000 regular troops
              210,000 militia
              I Corps: 20,000 regulars in Jaipur
              II Corps: 20,000 militia in Jaipur
              III Corps: 20,000 regulars in Nagpur
              IV Corps: 20,000 militia in Nagpur
              V Corps: 20,000 regulars in Cambay
              VI Corps: 20,000 militia in Broach
              VII Corps: 20,000 regulars in Vizagapatam
              VIII Corps: 20,000 militia in Vizagapatam
              IX Corps: 20,000 regulars in Bijapur
              X Corps: 20,000 militia in Bijapur
              XI Corps: 30,000 regulars in Jaipur
              XII Corps: 20,000 militia in Bijapur
              XIII Corps: 20,000 militia in Cambay
              XIV Corps: 20,000 militia in Vizagapatam
              XV Corps: 20,000 militia in Jaipur
              XVI Corps: 30,000 militia in Bijapur

              Budget: $840... military of $246
              Spending left: $11

              Current Army: 50,000 regular troops
              60,000 militia
              Budget: $270... military of $81
              Spending left: $1
              I Corps: 20,000 regulars in Golconda
              II Corps: 15,000 regulars in Calicut
              III Corps 15,000 regulars in Mysore
              IV Corps: 20,000 militia in Mysore
              V Corps: 20,000 militia in Golconda
              VI Corps: 20,000 militia in Calicut

              MOGHUL EMPIRE:
              Current Army: 70,000 regulars
              130,000 militia
              I Corps: 15,000 regulars in Delhi
              II Corps: 15,000 regulars in E. Kashmir
              III Corps: 20,000 regulars in Gwailor
              IV Corps: 20,000 reglars in S. Delhi
              V Corps: 15,000 militia in S. Delhi
              VI Corps: 15,000 militia in Gwailor
              VII Corps: 20,000 militia in E. Kashmir
              VIII Corps: 20,000 militia in Delhi
              IX Corps: 20,000 militia in Ajmer
              X COrps: 20,000 militia Gwailor
              XI Corps: 20,000 militia in S. Delhi

              Budget:$790.. military of $237
              Spending Left: $102
              50,000 regulars drafted

              Historically, Britain allied herself with the Marathas, while France jumped between the Moghuls, and once they died, to various upstarts, until Plassey crushed all hopes of a French INdian Empire...
              [This message has been edited by General_BT (edited April 16, 2000).]
              [This message has been edited by General_BT (edited April 16, 2000).]


              • This is called Europe 1750. To make things simpler why don't we just take money from our colonies and concentrate everything else in Europe. Although I know that alot of times what happened in Europe happened in the Colonies too.


                • quote:

                  Originally posted by Bearcat on 04-16-2000 04:17 AM
                  This is called Europe 1750. To make things simpler why don't we just take money from our colonies and concentrate everything else in Europe. Although I know that alot of times what happened in Europe happened in the Colonies too.

                  Because that would be unfair. Either you include the colonies completely or not at all. To simply take money from it is only an advantage for colonial powers, and that needs to be evened out, so they have to garrison their colonies. Otherwise, it's unfair to non-colonial powers (ie: Me!).
                  Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                  • quote:

                    Originally posted by Bearcat on 04-16-2000 12:18 PM
                    I'm an "un-colonial power" to Mao. It's jsut that IRL the colinia lpowers probably did have the advantage over non-colonial powers.

                    True, but we need playability here, and if a nation gets a huge fund of money that no one can match, that kinda ruins it. IRL Prussia would never be overrun by England or France, but if you only represent colonial powers with money, then England and France can overrun Prussia, not really realistic.
                    Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                    • I think colonies should in some way be included, but not only the Americas and India. The Netherlands got most of their money from trade, and without my possessions in Indonesia, I'll be running a budget deficit. This way, I'll only be able to support armies smaller than nations that were roughly on par with the Netherlands IRL.


                      • There you run into the problems of yourmoderator and mapmaker being human.

                        I'm trying to update the European maps, and get all those forces on there. I don't have time to make additional colonial maps. And we are having colonies, and teh colonial powers will have to garrision and fight in them, at the very least against local powers...


                        • The way I look at it is this: Either include colonies completely or not at all. If you only make the colonies generate money, that's not fair to the non-colonial powers. If you want them to generate money, you'll also have to garrison your colonies or run the risk of having them overrun. You can't just have the good, you need to take the good with the bad.
                          Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                          • I realized that, and I don't think we need a map of the entire world. I just think that including the Americas and India but not certain other parts of the world is giving an advantage to certain colonial powers over other ones. I suggest keeping the thread limited to Europe, and let the moderator (or somebody else) decide on colonial matters (ie decide how much money people get, what the result of European nations sending more garrisons to the colonies will be, etcetera).


                            • I think we need to have a map of the oceans. That way non colony nations would be able to konw how long it would take on of our transports to reach the colonies. Also i would like to have africa included for the colonies if possible. Also i think that in order for a nation to recieve the gold from its colonys it needs to build treasure ships that cost about 7 gold and cost 2 to maintain. The will lose even to a privateer unless escorted and if they are defeated the gold they carry would be transfered to the victorious nation/nations. I think they could carry maybe about 200 gold.
                              Also for future colonies i think we could consider asia( however they would face strong native nations) africa, or south america.


                              • OK, I have a radical suggestion, and one that may piss the hell out of BT who worked so hard on this: Let's just turn this into a story thread! We can still use the maps, but it won't be too tactical. BT can be mod if he wishes, and he can decide battles. But none of the budget stuff, the numbers stuff, the smokestacks, etc. Just a plain story thread. As it stands now, we stand a to lose more than a few players because of this games complexity. I'm in either way, but I think we should just turn this into a normal story thread.
                                Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!

