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Really Big Nameless Thread Part VIII

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  • CW News August 1-15 2001

    CW High Seas Fleet under repair in port...Caribbean Fleet in port at Cuba...Warvis Bay fleet to join Caribbean fleet for repair in Cuba

    CW hands Warvis Bay back to the Germans...CW hands Vanguard over to Iraniraq and the Black Sea base over to the CRME...nations can keep the collateral

    To Peru: We agree to the sale of 1 Ohio class submarine, 24 Patriot Missiles, and 100 Tons of Napalm for the price of 50 billion dollars...this will be paid in a five year plan of 10 billion dollars a year or five billion for ten years if your economy isnt strong enough.

    To Canada: Your researchers are welcome to the Oak Ridge facility for our research team and we understand your stance on the Canadian research program and we wish you luck in your efforts.

    We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!


    • Headlines in Der Spiegel:
      -German corporations to invest in NRA economy.
      -Last Scandinavian resistance surrenders after continuous bombings and blockades take effect.
      -LMF Resistance in Northern Norway continues to hang on despite impossible odds.
      -German bombing and missile raids on Chilean military targets continue.
      -German troops encircle and trap primary enemy forces in Benin.
      -Sino-German campaign continues.
      -North Sea oil platform repairs continue.
      -Rumors of a royal wedding between the Crown Princess of Sweden and the Kaiser are hotly denied by the Reichschancellor's office.

      More bombings rocked Chile. The attacks continued against military and industrial targets. German bombers and submarines made quick hit and run attacks. After attacking the German forces withdrew to Venezuela to reload, regroup, and avoid reprisals.

      North Sea:
      Four Bismarck-class missile battlecruisers put to sea for unknown destinations. It is believed that they are going to either raid Chilean shipping or provide support for African operations.

      Foreign Office Dispatches:
      To Chile:
      We await your answer and the Russians await their money.
      To CW:
      We thank you for the return of Warvis Bay.
      To nations:
      We are currently taking orders for the special construction of diesel submarines, light warships, and tanks.


      • Mod Stuff:
        DV: I want to hear more about this new armor stuff. Either contact me by ICQ or post about it in the OOC thread.
        monolith: Please explain more about the catamaran thing in the OOC thread.

        Italy and the Iberian Union are open. India may be declared open soon. All nations, especially the IU, are undergoing military expansion and economic programs.


        • OOC: I am here as more of a caretaker than poster.

          Iberian Union reconstruction and rearming proceeded along nicely. According to reports rebuilding area's of wartorn France have nearly been completed, but the remilitization of the nation is still lagging behind scheduale. The shipyards at Lisbon and Cadiz continue their hectic sheduales but because of shortages the Carriers are being delayed.
          The Carriers, Charles De Gaulle and Asturia have set sail for the Azores to conduct training operations. While increased numbers of Eurofighters and F-18s dot the sky around Iberia, the plants near Madrid and Zaragossa continue to crank out planes at a remarkable rate.

          25,000 Troops return home

          Some 25,000 Iberian Union troops who were stationed in Quebec have returned home thus far. Leaving 75,000 to go before Iberian troops have completely withdrawn from Quebec. The operation, called Pickup, will take one to two months more before it is completed.
          These troops, veterans of the Canada police action will be returning home to jubilant crowds and proud families as they have done their duty to Iberia well.
          If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


          • We apologise publicly to Germany for our continued attacks on their reputation.
            We aplogise for the goodness of our nation and for the end of this war, not because we were lying or because we don't believe that these things have happened.
            We shall pay for your submarines as long as you pay for the reonstruction of the economy that you wrecked.
            However, I call for a cease fire to settle that.
            And to what respects Russia: what money?
            [This message has been edited by Hodad (edited March 31, 2000).]


            • In Rhode Island...

              Gosport is receiving a greater number of workers. These workers are tring to get the shipyard into working order. Expected completion is expected to take another month. After that, the Seawolf and Los Angeles-class submarines already half-built in the port can be continued.

              In Africa...

              Dearest Mai,

              Greetings, how are the children? How are you doing? Do not worry about me, I will be fine. This war is going well for us.

              Africa is a strange place. Everything seems to the same, yet different. Gabon seems to have a lot of mountains in it, so that's why we have had to go along the Ogooue River. This river is our main trail as there are few built roads here. We are moving along the soutern bend of the river now and have almost reached the Gabon-Congo border. You would not believe how untouched this land is. It is still a free land, much like Tian Shan when we were courting. Remember that? It was beautiful, how the sun shone brightly upon the green mountains. The people here are accepting to us as well. They are fairly ignorant of the war, and have a natural hospitality towards strangers. In fact, when we had set up camp near a small village two nights ago, an African assasin came into our camp and almost got into our makeshift barracks. I was saved by one the village's warriors, who are sworn to protect all travelers. God bless these people. They give and give so much, yet expecting nothing in return. The so-called "modern" world could take great lessons in morals from these people. As for us, we're still moving. We fight almost everyday now as we get closer into Congo. It is frustrating to see them shoot ten rounds and then scurry off. It slows us down greatly, and our air cover can't do anything since the snipers are hidden very well. Our commanders refuse to napalm the mountains to drive out the guerillas, and rightfully so, who would wish to hurt these wonderful people in the villages? Currently we are floating supplies up the river to get us supplies. This has worked well with both sides of the river secure and gunboats flanking the supply vessels. Yesterday Gao-Bao grew ill. I don't know what happened. It was just the day before that we went hunting in search of fresh game. We got a wild boar and our entire platoon ate well that night. I might have been the food, but we all ate the same thing, and Gao-Bao was the only one to grow ill. The field doctors are keeping him in quantatine for the time being until the next supply convoy reaches and he can return home. Tell his wife to be expecting him soon. As I write to you, it is night. Today we fought another raid. Three confirmed African guerillas hiding in the trees. They fired once and our platoon ducked for cover before we could figure out what was going on. My platoon got assigned to be the vanguard in the advanced scout position, so we took the brunt of them. We couldn't find those damn snipers, so we had to shoot down all the trees around us. That got two of them out, dead from the fall. The third we could see crawling away among the tall grasses. Platoon commander Xin twisted his ankle pushing Guyo out of the way. He'll be sent back into the main force, probably along with his platoon. Tomorrow's assignment will probably be to bring up the rear, and after that, we'll march with the main force. The attacks have gotten heavier, but nothing close to that ten thousand man attack we had earlier in the month, I'm sure you heard about it. They raided the supply lines and swam through the river and mined them. It took us a good week to clear it up again. Now it seems we have the African forces on the run. They might turn and fight at any moment, but that would make it too easy. They know they can't beat us face to face, so they'll keep raiding our lines. Along our marches we have befriended many villages. We gave the warriors of these villages some weapons and told them to stand guard against further raids. It is only by this tactic that our supply lines still function. I saw Imperial Marshal Chin today as he gave a speech to us. The man is a legend, but a modest one. I even got to talk with him. Did you know he never even went to the Academy? He just came out through combat valor. He is truly a soldier's general. I must depart now my dear wife, as we need rest for our duties tomorrow. Give my love to my son and daughters.

              Much love,



              Dearest Elisabeth,

              How are you doing? Is mother better? You should be with her. Let the children go to my brother in Hanover, and you go to the hospital. My brother is a wonder with children, I'm sure they'll forward these letters to the hospital if you tell them.

              It has a been a hard journey. It's times like these that I'm glad I signed up for the tank corps and not foot infantry. My Leopard II is full of dents made with the bullets of the African troops, but no holes, they can't get through. At nights, we sleep in the tank, there is enough heat from the engine. Hans found out a nice way to keep it warm in the tank during those desert nights by using the heat in the engine, but not using too much fuel. We sleep in the tanks during the cold desert nights. The nights here are nowhere nearly has cold as in the Sahara though. We dig in at night and sleep. We'll be out of the desert soon though, and then our problem will be keeping cool. This shouldn't too hard with a river to our right hand at all times. Our commanders tell us that we'll be meeting friends soon. They don't tell us more than that. It is sad to fight the African forces. During the first days, they charged at us out of trenches, and we had to mow them down. Since then, they've learned to use mines and attack the infantry. It's times like these I'm happy to be in an armored skin. The local villages of these regions are very friendly. We haven't had field rations in a week. They've fed us and treated us like their own sons. They have fresh meats and vegatables. We've thought of arming the village warriors to secure our support and supply lines, we've heard that the Chinese do this, so our commander bought up the suggestion. The Field Marshal is considering it now, as I heard through the grapevine. But alas, I must be off now. We have armored vanguard duty tomorrow and need plenty of rest. Give my love to the children and my prayers are with your mother. God bless.



              In Ghana...

              A General Assembly and governor have been elected and have taken power along with the Imperial Colonial Minister. Two divisions now form the Colonial Guard of Ghana while the regular division joins the campaigns in Ivory Coast. Forces along the Ivory Coast are steadily defeating government forces, with much support from the peasantry. In Liberia, another airborne division has dropped along the northern border to prevent the escape of government forces.
              [This message has been edited by Mao (edited March 31, 2000).]
              Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


              • The Peruvian tropps returned home today and began preperations to invade Chile. With the supplies from the CW our military arsenal is surely beefed up. We also are expecting to beef up our military even further with purchses from any nation we see fit. The Chileans are at the end of of their rope. However General Lopez expects that Hodad II won't surrender yet.

                To CW - Thank you for the equipment. Payment will begin now.

                To Chile - You might be wise to surrender.

                What You Guys don't Know About
                To Germany - We would like to buy at least 30 air transport vessesl and a good number of fgihter planes.


                • To: Peru
                  From: ICE

                  Please consider our offer. With USN-LSTs, your amphibious capability will be greatly improved and you can surprise your enemies. We also have other Ming-class submarines if you would like more than two.
                  Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                  • To China - Your help and suppies is greatly appreciated. We would like to purchase amphibious vehicles and we will buy 1 more Ming sub.


                    • To: Peru
                      From: ICE

                      We are more than happy to help you in your great crusade. The Ming-class submarines cost merely $1 billion USD each, and the 8 USN-LSTs will cost a total of $1 billion USD. That puts a total of $4 billion USD. Another Ming submarine has departed towards your coast as well as the 8 USN-LSTs.
                      Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                      • To PERU
                        We must sign a cease fire in order to negotiate Chilean surrender terms.


                        • To: Iberian Union
                          From: CR

                          We thank you for moving your troops out of Quebec, although we are sure that it is helping you more than if you left them here, regardless. . .
                          We have noticed that you are reconstructing and rearming your once great nation, an activity we are currently under the process of doing ourselves. We propose an alliance of two struggling nations. Together, we can help eachother be stronger. Do you accept?
                          "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                          Drake Tungsten
                          "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                          Albert Speer


                          • To: ICE

                            Have you any military vessels for our use?

                            To: MRP

                            We congratulate you on your acqusition(sp?). We also are glad to see the Chileans are more reasonable then the Argentineans.

                            To: Chile

                            You are wise to surrender (OOC: Where is HsFB?)

                            Outside of Buenos Aires

                            -Sir, the radio signals from the city have slowly stopped. They are no longer any propaganda or pleas for food. What shall we do?

                            -Move the men in. Intel from German eyes (sateillites) tell us the garrison has stopped training.


                            The Brazilian troops crept into the outskirts of the city, only to find children dead or dying. They hastened their pace, practically running ahead of the Medics to keep them covered. When they reached some barracks, the soldiers were sleeping due to death, fatigue, or sickeness. The medics automatically called in for air runs with food and supplies, they would need them.

                            To: All Nations

                            The folly of the Argentine rulers has caused millions to starve and die. We need food stuffs and medical supplies to treat these peoples. We are already on strict rations to give more food to our lost brothers.

                            (OOC: Scott, Argentina is mine.)

                            Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                            Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                            The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


                            • The Canadian Republic is disgusted by the Imperialistic intentions of Peru and Brazil. In this day and age, we must respect and honor each nations sovereignity, and this is more important than ever. Therefore we are embargoing Peru and Brazil. We urge all other right-thinking nations to do the same.
                              "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                              Drake Tungsten
                              "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                              Albert Speer


                              • to china: we would be most honered to open a trade agreement with you.

                                ooc: how dose time move in here??

