OOC: His way of asking for it in OOC was also less than polite. Bill, I've done more with Rhode Island in the time I've had it than you did in your entire time with possesion of it.
No announcement yet.
Really Big Nameless Thread Part VIII
Originally posted by Bill3000 on 04-01-2000 03:36 PM
Do not attack me, just follow my demands.
Uhh Yeah Bill that's a nice way to return to actionThat's the way to get yourself brutally killed by other nations.
[This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited April 01, 2000).]
OOC: Bill, what we did also wasn't a "stab". I posted I was moving troops into the CW for 4 days RT. BD also posted in the UN thread about the mission and I openly gave him my support. It's not a stab if you can see it coming from a mile away, which you should've been able to.Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!
Canada will by entirely out of New England by the end of the week. 75% of Army forces on the Eastern front are being shuttled to the Canadian-CTA border. As far as former Canadian provinces that had been annexed into the UDSA, we shall keep these as the population is far more Canadian then 'Demesosian'.
[This message has been edited by monolith94 (edited April 01, 2000).]"mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
Drake Tungsten
"get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
Albert Speer
The Japanese Diet today announced that the government plans to purchase the Kuril Islands from the Russians. The islands according to Shogun Yomitsu are traditional Japanese lands that belong to Nihon. The government however has kept the amount of money secret.
Today the engineers arrived in British owned Australia to begin building two military bases. The bases are both going to be built in isolated areas. One will be built in central Australia and another in the north. The British have limited us as to were we can build them. They must not be near any major population centers. So central Australia seems a logical choice.
To Russia - How much do you want for the Kuril?
To China - Our observers will arrive tomorrow.
To Bolo - If you are going to leave or are just nesting the IU I might take em.
OOC: Nova Scotia and Prince Edward's Island have been Canadian for a LONG time. We are only reclaiming what is rightfully our. As far as Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire are concerned, if the Demesos is willing to take responsibility for them, then he can go right ahead."mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
Drake Tungsten
"get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
Albert Speer
OOC: Nova Scotia and Prince Edward's Island have been Canadian for a LONG time. We are only reclaiming what is rightfully our. As far as Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire are concerned, if the Demesos is willing to take responsibility for them, then he can go right ahead."mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
Drake Tungsten
"get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
Albert Speer
Dearest Mai,
As I write to you, my feet ache from the great march. We have reached the end of the great river and are moving northeasterly. That's what Platoon Leader Chang's been telling us at least. I think you'd like him. He's a nice man, he's give us his own food when we ran out, of course, that's only happened once. I also met a man named Ma'pu, I think you'd like him too. He's a local warrior from the a village. I think you'd like him. He has three children just like us. Traveling around like this makes me realize that, no matter how much of a difference in culture we have, we're all the same. Ma'pu has to keep his family fed and happy, just like us. Yesterday his family invited our entire squad for supper at his home. It was great. You've never had food like this, it's so simple yet so siang (sorry, no translation for this word in English, just assume it means "good"). It was a simple wild animal, deer I believe. I'm also starting to learn their language. It's a funny language, you'd laugh if I started talking to you in it. But once you get the hand of it, it's almost easy. I also learned how to dance. Maybe when I come back I'll show you. Damn I miss you. I want to go home, but I know what I'm doing is for you and kids, and the future of the Middle Kingdom. Even the small things, like how you used to burn the lamb, yes, admit it, you know you do, but I love you for it and I miss it. The food's nice here, but you always need some home cooking. Did our friend arrive back yet? I hope he's OK now, it seemed to be only a stomach illness. I've also met someone from our town. His name is Chi'bai, he says he comes from Chengdu too. His wife's name is Zhoa-yu, maybe you could find her? When I come back, we could make some new friends. I'm in a truck now, they're convoying us to the head of the advance. We have vanguard duty again. It's terrifying to see a man die in front of you, but you have to get used to it. We've also receieved news that the German advance has almost met together. We should be with them soon. When we link up with them, it'll only be a few more days before I can return home. I must be off now as the front is approaching. Give my love to the children.
Love always,
HanWho wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!
Three Chinese divisions depart from bases in Hainan for Africa. These divisions are traveling in converted large civilian vessels to accomodate their size. Their destination is an unknown port in German Africa.Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!
OOC: Look people, we can't let Bill bully us here. Bill has used an external threat to attempt to influence something inside of the game. This is an utterly despiciable act. We should not have to play this game with knowledge that we must be "nice" to Bill. If a thread can upset Bill so much, it is in his best intrests to be out of this thread..... DanQ has told me over ICQ that he will not take action against this thread if Bill responds to his expulsion
Additionial troops arrive!
2 Additional CRME Corps arrived today in the CW given Scott Rossi's previous offer to allow the Kill Bill Crusaders to let them use there land as a base for attacking. They are ready to attack should the campaign resume.
Booming economy continues!
The rewards of free trade continue to benefit the CRME. Furthermore, considering the Free Trade status with Germany, more and more CRME citizens have been able to purchase Cars, and even Car factories have been set up. Oil Prices continue to rise, much to the benefit of the CRME's economy.
2 New Corps created...
To suit the ever growing needs of the CRME, 2 New Military corps have been created. Supplied with Merkava 4's they are ready to take on the best. Furthermore, due to the CRME's histoty of war, they were able to be trained by battle-hardened officersl.
OOC: So far, over ICQ, Mao(China), Djugashvli(Iraniaq), and Polaris(India) have all given me their support via ICQ in favor of Bill being kicked out.
CW News September 1-15 2001
CW to allow UN troops to cross New Jersey for UDSA assault...CW military not to participate in effort
CW military continues training...units train in fixed fortification warfare...Mississippi forts are used in wargames...they succeed in delaying a hypothetical mobile invader from the west by three weeks and survive sustained bombings with little damage...CW leaders order construction to begin along the Ohio River and in and around major cities and along the entire length of the national redoubt
CW port guns in place...successfully hit destroyer sized target from 30 miles out...missiles knock down drone fighters and phalanx cannons shred any flyuing opposition
CW delivers more jets to Germany...military equipment arrives in Peru
Fabrication continues on fighter and helicopter...tests to begin in March
CW Naval Command eager for completion of new fleet...dedication ceremonies to be held on May 1, 2002. The following ships will be dedicated...
2 Fleet Carriers
4 Light Carriers
6 Battleships
6 Tarawa Class Landing Ships
8 Cruisers
8 Missile Frigates
10 Destroyers
12 Submarines
This should nearly double the size of our fleet, but mind you these are only the completed hulls which have been rushed into production since the early days of the CW in March 2000, they will not be combat ready until June when the full crews will join them.
CW Railroad Southern Link built...connects cities of New Orleans, Birmingham, Atlanta, Charleston, Wilmington, Raleigh, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore and finally Philadelphia.
To Germany and China: Husky is ready for the fall!!
To Canada: We agree to train your pilots and also we offer your naval squadrons space on several carriers so they may train for the day when Canadian Aircraft Carriers stalk the seas...also we offer you plans for our defensive fortifications and port defense empplacements so that you may make Canada into a fortified nation like the CW!!
To UK: Apparently the Irish Question is solved...we hope the UK can quickly rebuild in the face of these terror attacks...the CW offers its condolences and any aid we can spare in this trying time for you!! Also congratulations on the acquisition of New Zealand by your empire...let her jewel forever sparkle on the Queens Crown!!We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!
OOC: OK, this is the way I figure it. We should only use an option to expell Bill as an absolute last resort. Bill is young, now I know the an internet site shouldn't discriminate on age, but he still is young. We should help him get better rather than just shunning him out. However, we have tried many times to point out some of his flaws, and he still makes them. Now, upon his departure, I haven't made any acts of aggression and have simply kept the land I already had. I suggest that everyone do the same, unless they're retreating (like monolith). We should give him a time to respond to attacks before moving forward again. But, on that same token, time still passes and we can fortify our gains very well. That with the fact that the UDSA has about absolutely no military after the revolution does not allow Bill to dictate terms to us. I also have a bit of a grudge with Bill dictating terms to us in OOC and telling me to submit to his terms. Just accept my demands. Like HELL I will now! Maybe if he'd asked like with common courtesy, but I'll be damned if he'll tell me what to do. Now, true, he has been a lot. But I think the reason why he wanted to come to a forum like this was to be treated like an equal, no different from the rest of us. Now we would be doing him a wrong by giving him special treatment.
That's just my two cents.
*cowers in corner expecting a large outburst of flames*Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!