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Really Big Nameless Thread Part VIII

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  • #76
    To: Chile
    From: ICE

    Please give us manifest proof of German atrocities. A nation simply claiming that their enemy is commiting atrocities may just be propaganda. We wish to lead a Red Cross mission to German camps to see their treatment of civilians have verify it for ourselves.
    Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


    • #77
      To: IU (Iberian Union, you don't mind if I use that in the future, do you Bolo?)
      From: ICE

      It appears that hostilities between you and the German Empire, our ally, has ended. We would like to get friendlier relations between our nations. It seems that your nation has just suffered from a defeat, and we hate to see people suffer. We have many companies here in the Empire that are ready to invest in your country, please give us the OK.

      To: GE (German Empire)
      From: ICE

      Are our three paratrooper divisions still necessary in Europe? If not, we would like to divert them to our African Campaign.


      The Imperial Chinese Empire has undertaken a new doctrine of sending green units to active areas so that they may gain experience for war and become veterans while veterans are bought back to the Empire to train new units.
      Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


      • #78
        Mod Stuff:

        Other nations, including Brazil and Peru, have better pilots and better planes than Chile and Peru. The damaged refineries will take at least two months to fix. Refineries are large, expensive, and complex.

        The Chilean navy has no battleships and no carriers. Check the previously listed site as to what ships they have. Chile has not been in the game long enough to have built more than destroyers.

        You will notice that the post regarding the Chileans in Germany was labeled as secret. This means that Chile knows that something has happened to their people, but they do not know what exactly. Anything else is propaganda.


        • #79
          The UK today, annouced its willingness to moderate Chilean and Argentine elections to make certain electoral fraud does not occur. Hopefully this will end hostilities in South America. If not more drastic actions may have to be taken.

          New Zealand today has set up a referendum to be held sometime next month to join the United Kingdom. NZ's Prime minister cited cultural similarities and the need for a more secure defense of the Island.(ooc: other nations you may post the results at your leisure.)


          • #80
            To: Germany
            From: Russia

            That Oscar is being sent to you now. We expect prompt payment

            Elswhere (And in secret)....

            7 Victor IIIs and 4 Akula Submarines were recalled from the Peruvian coast and set to active duty around the Vladivostok area.

            3 Additional Akula submarines have already deployed to the area, and 3 Oscar-II class SSGNs are being deployed as well. 4 Kilos are also operating off the coast of Kamchatka.


            • #81
              OOC: ARGH! What is the date?


              Brazil builds landing craft

              Brazilian Generals have just ok'd an offer by General Dynamics to build enough landing craft to land 100,000 men and women. The order will put almost 30 craft into the NSR navy, making it quite formidable for an invasion over the sea. Another order for the same number of craft plus several AEGIS Destroyers will be placed in several weeks.

              Wulfgar armor increased after flaw was found

              To: Germany

              May we have the secret to Chobham(sp?) armor?

              To: Argentina

              We await your reply. If you do not reply in 2 Real Days then we will assume you surrender.

              Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
              Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
              The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


              • #82
                OOC - Excuse me while I laugh. Chilean pilots flying all the way to La Paz bombing some factories and leaving. Perhaps you should check a map!? I could of easily shot you down. And you really think that blowing up the Andes is going to do any good. That's all for now.

                [This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited March 29, 2000).]


                • #83
                  *Top Secret Military Project*

                  In naystrength, Canada will be designing and testing new concept boats, nautical vessels based on the catamaran design. These will supposedly offer greater speed, stealth, strength and launching space for missles or planes. Greater speed can be reached because of the triple enging design, stealth technology will be used to a limited degree, and another benefit is that cruise missles hitting such a vessel would cripple, but not completely destroy it. In most surcamstances, one or two engines should be able to run, allowing the disabled vessel to return home. There are three module catamarans thought to be useful to the Canadian navy. The first would be a small destroyer sized catamaran, designed for speed, with one small cannon, and filled with missles. The second is a larger catamaran with 3-5 cannons, extra strength against missles at greatly reduced speed, and also with missle turrets. The third, and probably the largest, is a carrier catamaran, which would also offer a more stable landing surface, due to the three-tiered design. Canadian engineers hope to produce a prototype class 1 Catamaran by next year, Class 2 in three years, and a prototype Class 3 in 4-5 years.
                  "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                  Drake Tungsten
                  "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                  Albert Speer


                  • #84
                    "100,000 men and women. The order will put almost 30 craft into the NSR navy"

                    That would require each ship to be carrying 3,333 'men and women'. You sure they are that big? I would put it as 60 craft into the NSR navy, but, whatever floats your boat!!!

                    (Get it? Floats your boat??? )
                    "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                    Drake Tungsten
                    "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                    Albert Speer


                    • #85
                      To Chile and Argentina:

                      All offers, and requests, are denied. We will not negotiate with terrorist states.

                      To Russia: After discussion with our allies, we decided it was beter to keep the Chobham technology ours.


                      • #86
                        CW News July 15-30 2001

                        Order restored in CW...military groups arrested...leaders tried and executed...officers court martialed...all 267 renegade military personnel disciplined.

                        CW to pull out of Ireland conflict...Atlantic Fleet desperately needs repairs and resupply

                        CW troops lose in wargames to China...outnumbered and out of ammunition the troops surrendered in the Beijing siege exercise.

                        CW troops in Africa to go home....Warvis Bay to be strictly Naval Facility...Vnaguard and Black Sea Bases to go to Navy as well...will be used as forward bases...small garrisons to police them.

                        CW bringing some troops home...will train and go on extended leave...CW leadership shaken by near civil war.

                        CW Caribbean detachments to return home...war seen as South American affair...Caribbean Fleet sets sail for Cuba...armies to withdraw immediately

                        Fabrication of New Fighter and helicopter begin in Oak Ridge...testing to early next from German purchases flows into projects

                        To Canada: It has come to our attention that you have begun a research effort although we cannot ascertain what it is you are researching...we wish you luck nonetheless and offer our hand should you wish to jointly research. We would like to ask you to join our research team at Oak Ridge so that we may jointly develop the Fighter and helicopter!

                        To Germany: We have recieved the payment and we thank you and more are on the way at the end of the month!

                        To China: Congratulations on your victory over our forces near beijing in the exercise...we hope our long term deployment is increasing sino-american cooperation in all concerned military matters!

                        To UK: Our results from District one are in and we hope this goes for all of the island...New Zealand deserves to be protected by the British and Australians.

                        We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!


                        • #87
                          To: CW
                          From: CR

                          What you have suspected is correct. Although we will jointly work with you to help develop the helicopter and jet, we must work on this project by ourselves. Canada must be seen as a nation that can do things by itself, this will be a moral victory. Rest assured, you will share in the profits.

                          To: China
                          From: CR

                          We would like to start a foreign exchange student program, to help our two cultures work together far into the future. Are you willing to do this?
                          "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                          Drake Tungsten
                          "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                          Albert Speer


                          • #88
                            July 10th, 2001

                            In Secret:
                            Russian scientists, unable to obtain specimens of chobbam, continue where they left off 2 months ago on work with a 4th generation armor that had been in the works for years. It is expected to be ready within a month with such huge government funding behind it.

                            Russian officials began the Moscow Socialist and Communist summit today.

                            See the thread:


                            • #89
                              NSR to begin training paratroopers

                              Self-explanatory. We ask German for help in training.

                              Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                              Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                              The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


                              • #90
                                To: CR
                                From: ICE

                                We would be more than happy to start a student exchange program. We are now trying to get students to join this program, which is not much of a problem considering many would like to see the world.

                                To: CW
                                From: ICE

                                We see that the first phase of the war games has concluded. Our wargames in Beijing was won more because of our intimate knowledge of the terrain and area than pure tactics. This at least proves that we can defend our homeland. The exercises continue in northern China, a place a lot harder to conduct war games because of the terrain, but that will just make our troops all the better.


                                The Tibet Guard and Imperial Guard have just been equipped with the Sparrow. This will greatly improve their defensive capability.

                                OOC: African battle post to come...
                                Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!

