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The Big Huge Modern War Thread: Part VII - The Fall of France

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  • The House of Commons today voted to cancel on of Britain's building supercarriers. HMS Intrigue , the surviving carrier, will be the first and only of her class. Funds that were to have been spent on the Invulnerable are to be redirected into building a sams screen around Britain to protect from air attacks such as those Ireland has be pulling off. The UK plans to equip the launchers with either Patriot missiles or modified Sea Darts. The missile batteries will be unique in that the can operate off the radar feed of an aircraft like an Awacs plane or even a Eurofighter. This will add additional versatility should their radars be destroyed. The project is scheduled for completion by the end of the year.

    Orders issued from the Admiralty for two new light carriers such as a modernized Invincible class. It should be capable of operating 28 Naval Eurofighters off a catapult/ski jump configuration. Construction to begin in 2 months.

    Prime Minister Sigma Draconis pleads for Irish Government to call off terrorist raids. Should the terror campaign cease, then the bombing of Ireland shall cease.

    RAF war planes over Ireland begin to batter industrial sites as all airfields have been destroyed. Jaguar aircraft have been pulled from the raids as they are vulnerable to Stinger missiles. Tornados fly too low too fast for the stingers to be effective and teh Eurofighters/ Lancers fly too high.

    Blockade of Ireland contines bolstered by CW fleets. Admiralty authorizes creation of GRAND FLEET. It will consist of the supercarrier Resounding Fury, 7 Emerald class Destroyers, 7 Duke class Frigates, 2 Cornwall class Frigates and a variable submarine force.

    Prime Minister Draconis demonstrates the safety of British Beef by eating 3 half kilo with cheese sandwiches at a local Macdonalds. Throws up suspicions that shipments to Berlin may have been intentionally tainted by an unidentified entity.

    UK willing to assist france in any peace deals through monetary loans. Also Gibralter is now open to Italy and Indian as hostilities have ceased.

    To CW,

    We wish to acquire the license to build Patriot missiles for our air defence screens. Also we wish to borrow some Delta Force operatives for use in London.

    To CTA,

    We wish to acquire the license to build Patriot missiles and Commanche scout choppers. Also we would like to hold a joint naval training operation off the falkland islands to test the readiness of our respective navies.


    • OOC:


      To BRAZIL:
      Look who complained about lightning, one post campaign.

      Hodad (both of you), next time you post please make a distinction between IC posts and OOC posts as it could get very confusing. Telling Brazil in IC that he just made a "post" is utter nonesense.

      IC post coming up...
      Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


      • Q:
        What's IC?
        What's OOC?


        • Rhode Island Secure!

          Hawk's Claw has reached the borders of the state of Rhode Island and have fortified themselves in. Cities are also being fortified with reinforcements from the full force of Hawk's Claw from ports capable of handling the large converted transport vessels. A General Assembly of Rhode Islanders was called to decide upon the future of the state. They can either become a colonial territory of the Empire or a full province of her. It is expected that they will vote to become a colonial territory as that way, they will be an autonomous land under the protection of the Empire.

          Special care was taken not to harm the facilities at Newport News and plans for Seawolf and Los Angeles class submarines were taken. Though these plans are now useless as the CW has already shared them with the Empire in an effort to improve them, they are still a moral victory. The facilities at Newport News were only slightly damaged and will take more than a month for it to come back to full production. As a colonial territory, Rhode Island will become a democratic state with her own leaders and representation in the Beauracracy. The laws of the Empire will apply to the territory unless the General Assembly of Rhode Island votes to make them void, in which case they would be void in said territory only.

          In Africa...

          One infantry division was surprised by a group of government troops in Ghana and took heavy losses. They only escaped due to the loyalty of rebel forces armed by the Empire. This act has enraged the Empire and they today stormed the capital at Accra. Accra was secured fairly easily, but government troops are still very strong in the rest of the country. The Empire's strategy in this territory is to arm rebels who will be rewarded with a democratic government if successful. Meanwhile, the Imperial regulars have moved on to the Ivory Coast. This country is more stable than Ghana, but there are still rebels. These rebels were armed and then the 3 infantry divisions merely bypassed the country and headed for Liberia. Liberia is claimed by the UDSA, but they have not yet moved troops there, so Imperial troops came into the capital and were welcomed as saviors from UDSA imperialism. They were offered the chance to become a colonial territory. The corrupt government is expected to accept it as a last bid to keep power, but the Empire has made it clear that, if Liberia becomes a colonial power, there will be a democratic government and have already started arming the rebels there as well. A few top men of the corrupt Liberian regime were found dead in their homes with rebels outside cheering.

          OOC: See? I posted a loss. Now, this is the idea: I don't control Liberia or Ivory Coast, I've just incited riots there. So there should be those flames for rebellions there on the map. Ghana is also in the same boat with Ivory Coast and Liberia.
          Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


          • Hodad is crowned king in Santiago Cathedral!
            (This has no relevance as to govt. changes, it just signifies that I'm a king now!!!)
            To MAO:
            I'm rather dense today...
            I STILL don't get it.


            • To MAO:
              I'm rather dense today...
              I STILL don't get it.


              • WHOW

                To Brazil:
                What is this unprovoked war?
                please, let's sit down and discuss this.
                You had told Charly I that he lowered your reputation, and then you attack when you know i cannot respond and by no aparent reason at all?
                We are a new argentina, pleace don't attack us. I want to turn the República Argentina into a newtral trding country, and to fix the atrocities Charly commited.
                Peace, please

                to Germany
                You telling our democracy is a perversion? why? because i have just emerged from a de facto regime? please, you don't know argentine history then. and if it is due to Charly I, then i'll say you are also a perversion due to Hitler.

                President I am Nestor
                República Argentina
                Indifference is Bliss


                • WHOW

                  To Brazil:
                  What is this unprovoked war?
                  please, let's sit down and discuss this.
                  You had told Charly I that he lowered your reputation, and then you attack when you know i cannot respond and by no aparent reason at all?
                  We are a new argentina, pleace don't attack us. I want to turn the República Argentina into a newtral trding country, and to fix the atrocities Charly commited.
                  Peace, please

                  to Germany
                  You telling our democracy is a perversion? why? because i have just emerged from a de facto regime? please, you don't know argentine history then. and if it is due to Charly I, then i'll say you are also a perversion due to Hitler.

                  President I am Nestor
                  República Argentina
                  Indifference is Bliss


                  • WHOW

                    To Brazil:
                    What is this unprovoked war?
                    please, let's sit down and discuss this.
                    You had told Charly I that he lowered your reputation, and then you attack when you know i cannot respond and by no aparent reason at all?
                    We are a new argentina, pleace don't attack us. I want to turn the República Argentina into a newtral trding country, and to fix the atrocities Charly commited.
                    Peace, please

                    to Germany
                    You telling our democracy is a perversion? why? because i have just emerged from a de facto regime? please, you don't know argentine history then. and if it is due to Charly I, then i'll say you are also a perversion due to Hitler.

                    President I am Nestor
                    República Argentina
                    Indifference is Bliss


                    • IC means you post something "In Character". Meaning you post as your name or your character. (ie: If you're Peru, you say, "Peru invades Brazil") Whereas, OOC means "Out Of Character" and means that you're talking as you. (ie: He can't do that! Brazil can't get a new tank in a month!) and point out unrealisms.
                      Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                      • Rings went off in the citizens of Niger's ears. Niger was being bombed from the north by artillery shells. Corps I-VII are beginning to sieze northern Niger as the Niger forces begin to flee.

                        Niamey and the rest of Niger is expected to be in Indian hands in approx. 1 week, that is if the Niger government is intelligent and surrenders before anyone else gets hurt.

                        Corps VIII-XV have begun raiding Mali military bases in northern Mali as well. Forces are beginning to come to the border, but then they flee as the Indian force comes at them. Capture of Mali is unknown, but India wishes to criple its defenses just in case.

                        In other news...

                        The Leopard II, which has been in Indian production for several months now, has produced thousands of tanks (see previous weapons order).

                        Just 1 month ago they were issued to replace most of the Indian tanks that are inferior to the Leopard II.
                        Please Visit:

                        And contribute if you can!


                        • To: Argentina

                          We will not stand down. I suggest the leadership leaves the nation and surrenders. It is the people that have caused this.

                          Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                          Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                          The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


                          • OOC:
                            Whoever does the map, please alter it to show the new Expansions of Canada. In page 3, I conquered Northern New England, and I aquired western lands from the CTA


                            To: CTA
                            From: CR
                            We kindly thank you for your genorous gift of land and planes!

                            To: CW
                            From: CR
                            We thank you for your genorous gift of planes. They will be put to good use!
                            "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                            Drake Tungsten
                            "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                            Albert Speer


                            • To: Canada
                              From: CTA

                              We will gladly cede the territories, provided that we are allowed to keep ports and mining facilities in key areas.
                              "When you tell people where to go, but not where to get there, you'll be amazed at the results."
                              - General George S. Patton


                              • Mod Stuff:

                                Let me repeat for the last time:

                                If you want to take a country, you can do one of the following:

                                1. Request a referendum. This will be done in the manner Mao suggested. Mao is hereby appointed to help me run referendums.

                                2. Invade the country. Do not invade an entire African country in a single post, no matter how small or puny they are. Large countries in Africa will take many posts. Advancing more than 120 miles in one post is unrealistic. (Thanks, Bolo). Crushing partisans will take even longer too.

