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The Big Huge Modern War Thread: Part VII - The Fall of France

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  • #16
    To: NSR (That sounds weird)

    We are sending transports to recieve them. We are also sending some of our merchant marine ships that are unloading in your area there (ahhh...socialism). Thank you.

    French Front

    After several days of waiting for a response a white flag was raised over the city. Screams went up throughout the Brazilian encampment as they realized they had won their FIRST battle in their FIRST war. May Napoleon lead them to many more. The men will return to the Southern border to train with Peru.

    Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
    Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
    The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


    • #17
      The CW Carribean Fleet has arrived for exercises in the East China Sea. These forces meet with the Imperial Navy for exercises.

      Production continues on F-15s/F-16s and K1A1s all over the Empire.
      Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


      • #18
        Mod Stuff:

        Chile and Argentina, cut the oil crap. Chile produces less than 6% of the amount of oil it needs. Considerable funds and time must be spent before any new drilling. Argentina exports some oil, but not a lot. Not enough to satisfy the needs of both itself and Chile. Argentina has existing deposits of oil which it can tap, but again, time and funds are needed.

        Check here:

        For Argentina, check here:

        Those are statistics and data from the US Department of Energy.

        Sorry to sound mean.
        [This message has been edited by Scott F (edited March 23, 2000).]


        • #19
          *cracks whip* Now bow your heads to the almight Moderator!

          Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


          • #20

            Today Shogun Yomitsu announced that Japan will enter into an alliance with the South Asian Kingdom. The alliance will include economic and military benefits for both countries. Emperor Akihito is on his way to Bangkok to meet with King Phumiphon.


            In the Filipino capital of Manila protests have occured over problems with currency. The Japanese and Polynesian crrecies are both recognized monetary forms. The Japanese governor has asked the Polynesian governor to take over matters. Seeings that the Filipino people seem to like them better.


            Shogun Yomitsu has sent envoys to the East Asian Defense Group requesting that the Empire of Japan be allowed to join. The Shogun hasn't spoken on whether or not Japan will obtain membership or not.

            To UK - We still await your response on whether we can build military bases in Australia or not.

            To ICE - We look forward to joining the EADG, is there an open seat for us?

            To Scott - How could I take New Zealand without incurring people's wrath?


            • #21
              To Brazil - Very well our forces are moving to the requested locations.


              • #22
                The fortresses on Gibralter began prepping over 45 harpoon anti-shipping missiles for launch. Once again France was under attack and once again the UK would support its friend. 50 Typhoons landed on the airfield later the same day as Gibralter went on a war footing.

                In Ireland, the leader of a small anti-england paramilitary group turned up missing today. One of his bodyguards was found with at least 4 holes from what might have been a PP7 or similar pistol...

                A 4.5 million pound "communications" sattelite lifted off from PAD 6 of the guam launching facility. The lauch was perfect untill the rocket's stage 2 booster failed to ignite at 45,000 fet. The sattelite had to be destroyed. 3 commercial sattelites however blasted off without incident.

                To Italy,

                Due to your unprovoked attacks into France, we have closed the straits of Gibralter from your warships. Should your merchant ships wish to pass, they must first stop in a Neo Spartan Federation port to be seached for weapons. We hope you end this meaningless conflict at once.

                To Argentina,

                We welcome your triumphant return to democracy and wish to send several regiments of the Royal Enginneers to help you with your expansion of the oilfields as a gesture of goodwill.

                OOC to Scott F: the unlaut over the U can be reached (if your configuration is the same as mine) at alt+0252. hold alt and hit 0252. müller


                • #23
                  To Japan,

                  You may build 2 bases at isolated points in Australia. I mean isolated as in not near a major population center like Sydney.


                  • #24
                    To: Japan
                    From: ICE

                    We will be happy to have another member in the EADG. We will support your bid for membership.
                    Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                    • #25
                      To: Japan
                      From: Greater India

                      Bharat would also like to see another Asian nation enter the East Asian Defense Group.
                      Please Visit:

                      And contribute if you can!


                      • #26
                        (OOC) this was cleared by the mod
                        ****** Top Secert message to President*****
                        Sir, in the hope of gaining a naval edge we have began research on a new type of naval vessel. It will be in fact a stealth ship. Similar in design to that of the Swedish version during the 90's we shall alter it a bit. We are adding armor, faster quieter engines, and more missles. Of course we are just researching right now, but we hope we shall discover the secerts of this tech soon. With these vessels we will almost always have the element of surprise on our hands, and with the engines we will be able to out run what we cant out gun. you will be notified when a prototype is ready.
                        ***********End of Message**************


                        • #27
                          The small Ecuadorian city of Machala is no more. Peruvian-LMF forces have though suffered heavy losses agaonst the sturdy Ecuadorian defence. At one point our commanders considered retreat BUT we prevailed. Although Quito is still miles to the north we will prevail. Ecuador will fall.


                          • #28
                            Greater India has declared war on NSF North Africa and Spain. Germany is allowing Corps I-XV to march through their land on onto North Africa where Indian transports, going through friendly waters (Arabian, Italian) will meet up with them.
                            Please Visit:

                            And contribute if you can!


                            • #29
                              The transports are being aided by the current transport escort.
                              Please Visit:

                              And contribute if you can!


                              • #30
                                The SAK also supports Japan's bid to enter the EADG...

