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Big Huge War Thread: Part VI

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  • OOC: People, read posts all the way please. If Bas had read all of my posts, it said the production would be complete at unknown dates. Thank you.

    BTW, some think the flag is black, but its dark green...I'll modify it later.
    Please Visit:

    And contribute if you can!


    • To EVERYONE:

      Note to self:
      read all posts of page 3.


      • 200,000 men in the NSR colors marched toward the Northern Borders of Brazil. They were in a parade at one point, but that parade stopped a mile back. They were heading for the North, to go to the aid of their German friends. They will arrive to train with a small German force about 25 miles from Suriname and French Guiana. Behind them were 500 improved Predator tanks.

        Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
        Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
        The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


        • Ireland launches terror campaign

          In London, Lord Robinson was meeting the people behind a new children's library. A purely symbolic one, but nonetheless important to the curious British idea of proper ceremony.

          Private Dave O'Connor had a different idea. On the 20th floor of the NatWest tower, he adjusted the sight on his Remington. The aristocrat walked slowly toward the spartan but acceptable prefab.


          went the Remington. The aristocrat shrieked as the bullet tore through his flesh.

          "Yes!" shouted O'Connor. He had got a hit at least. Now to get out of here...

          Security guards ran all over the area, one grabbed the injured aristocrat and pulled him into the car.

          Simuntaneously, a loud explosion rocked the city and smoke rose from elsewhere in the Canary Wharf area. Another flash became visible from the East end, followed by a bang.

          This continued for another hour and twenty minutes. Carbombs, pipebombs, and machine gun fire was audible all over London. Attempts were made to assasinate various people, though none secured a fatality. The police stations were subject to a number of guerrila mini-attacks. 37 civilians and 13 police or soldiers were killed altogether in the largest orchestrated terror attack since the British genocide during the Great Famine. Over 150 terrorists were involved, of various groups, including Combat 18 and various international groups. 16 were killed by security forces, and a further 67 were arrested, however the British can be assured that there are always lots of wackos.

          The General has announced this attack was orchestrated by the Irish special forces, and that such attacks will continue until the United Kingdom ceases using the Irish sea for fishing. All ships produced in Belfast are to be sent directly to the Irish Sea, where ANY BRITISH VESSELS WILL BE FIRED UPON. He did not respond to claims that the Irish government is funding paramilitary groups operating within the UK.

          The British embassy in Dublin was torn down by an joyful mob, and the ambassadors executed.

          The new recruits operating in Scandinavia are getting their second experience of the Poles -- fighting them. Some of the training soldiers who managed to escape now face their former apprentices -- and many bitter feelings are felt in this new war of Lisovite vengeance.

          To UK:
          See above

          To Rest of World
          We are interested in purchasing an aircraft carrier.


          • The Lisovites point out that basically, the UK, after so many wars, should be easy prey for anyone... especially for the Irish who where supported by the Germans %everyone shocked%
            [This message has been edited by Jools (edited March 22, 2000).]
            Jools Weevil Jr.
            what have you been drinking again jools?-MarkG
            Have a nice ****ing day


            • OOC: whats this about me being easy prey? I've fought wars in North America which cost me many aircraft and about 34,000 men but the other wars were just with words and no shooting. My defence forces are still very much intact. Also anyone would have to invade amphibously(sp?) and only the former US nations and france with the chunnel could do this without getting whooped.


              A small boat roared through the irish sea hitting the shores of ireland hard. A man jumped out and ran into the city of Belfast. The scenario was repeated in various other cities in and about Ireland. One such scenario was intercepted by a group of young militants. Once the agent jumped out 5 men were immediatly around him with pistols drawn. "who are you and who do you work for?" called one other them. The man fixed his tie and responded,"Bond, James Bond" and with that jumped behind his boat, pulled his PP7 and methodically picked off each of his assailants. He then cursed having gotten blood on his suit.

              All transports or aircraft coming from Ireland are not to be allowed anywhere near Britain. Aircraft will be shot down unless they do so in an emergency at which point all passengers will be promply deported.

              To World,

              We fear that our neighbors in Ireland are being less than neighborly. They are actively sponsoring if not creating terrorist groups to act in Britain. Surely other nations, especially Germany, understand what it is like to have a nation aggresively pursue terrorist acts against your cities and capital. We ask that all nations participate in an embargo of all military supplies, and oil from Ireland. We have done nothing to them and even ceded some of our territory willingly. We do not know what they want and have made every overture for peace.

              To NSR,

              We will sell the Challenger II's at a unit cost of $250,000(real life M1 is near a million) and the license from construction at $99 million. BTW, i got the Nimitz from northeast US way back in the beginning of the thread.


              • To IRELAND (or do you prefer Eire?)
                Check your e-mail (
                Reply as soon as possible.

                President of the Socio-Democratic Republic of Chile.
                e-mail treaties to
                [This message has been edited by Hodad (edited March 22, 2000).]


                • To all countries wanting Emperor Charly I DEAD(or at least out of command)

                  we are a peaceful party which wants to re-impose democracy in argentina. with help of UK's repelling of the argentinian force, we might be able to retake power and organize national elections.

                  i seek support from as many nations as possible, no help needed, just want to know if you support or cause.

                  if i don't get any replies against, we will oblige Charly to retire and we plan to let him escape in one of the Pucara 2 prototypes he has in Anillaco. He was to stubborn to admit that those planes won't work. no one really flew, the plane was designed for TurboProp engines. He won't get far, it is possible that he dies in the crash.

                  When we get to power, We'll demobilize our armed forces but about 100.000 personnel, and dedicate to international trade(though research will continue). the blockade is already lifted.

                  Oh, and we do produce slightly more oil than we consume. (take in account that most of our electricity comes from hidroelectric dams and nuclear power plants).
                  Indifference is Bliss


                  • To: UK

                    We are greatful for your reply. We are interested in only the liscense. What is that total? 100 million? It is in the mail.

                    To: Ireland

                    Please contact me by ICQ.

                    Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                    Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                    The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


                    • Oh, sorry i didn't present myself:

                      I'm leader of the Back To Democracy (BTD) party here in argentina, and candidate for president in the Argentine Republican Movement (no connections with the actual ARM) and our Secret Survey reports 87% of the population supports us.

                      Leader I am Nestor of the ARM
                      and possible President of Argentina
                      Indifference is Bliss


                      • OK. Hodad and HsFB

                        We have noticed uncanny similarities between you...If it is a case of a double-login, leave before i inform Dan or Mark. I dont want to do this. Everyone take a look at their profiles and compare them...interesting, eh?

                        Date Registered: September 09, 1999
                        Status: Prince
                        Total Posts: 953
                        Current Email: Not available.
                        Occupation: Terrestrial Explorer for the 202nd unit
                        Location: Mars
                        Interests: Eating earthlings, Conquering the world, Pinky and the Brain
                        ICQ Number:

                        Date Registered: January 02, 2000
                        Status: Chieftain
                        Total Posts: 79
                        Current Email:
                        Occupation: Alien infiltrate, 202nd Legion
                        Location: Phobos, Martian System
                        Interests: Eating Earthlings, Pinky and The Brain, Conquering The Earth
                        ICQ Number: Soon...

                        I have italicized the similarities...

                        Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                        Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                        The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


                        • OOC, what the ****?


                          A plot to blow up big ben and parts of the house of commons was uncovered by the Metropolitan police, and has been linked directly to the Irish government.

                          I see you choose not to listen. Your people will suffer.


                          • The Three Dams Project Contniues along all rivers and tributaries. The goal is to make all the power provided to the Empire from hydro-electricity.

                            Exercises continue with CW forces. The next war games is planned against the Imperial Line in the northern mountains of the Empire and expected to last more than a year. This will put to the test a real campaign in China.
                            Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                            • Ireland has announced 30,000 more troops for Germany, leaving the forces at home numbering 60,000. The war factories are now producing, and the revitalised shipyards have manufactured their first gunboats.

                              They have been sent to Germany the LONG way, all the way around the UK, to avoid any incident.


                              • OOC: Hi guys I'm back. Damn I've missed alot. I've tried to skim stuff so I'll go from what I know.

                                To SAK - Thnak you for accepting our propsals. We will start sedning entourages to help your govermenment in working with our people. WWe will help your people make the transition to a free market economy. And we will send military advisors to help cross train our troops with each other.

                                To Chile - Withdraw from New Zealand at once. That land rightfully belongs to the Empire of Japan and if you refuse we will teach your people to respect the Rising Sun!!! (OOC: Did JT3 give a final decision on wether Hodad had New Zealand or not?)

                                To EADG - Japan would be interested in joining your worthy alliance.

                                To UK - Would you be willing to allow us to build military bases in Australia. Perhaps with a combined British and Japanese presence your enemies would think twice before attacking you.

                                [This message has been edited by Captain Kirk (edited March 22, 2000).]

