German - Projects
VX, Antrax, Smallpox and Mustrad Gas supplies to sufficent levels - 1 year
V5 Rocket system - 2 years
Continually building nukes to 2 a year (2 years)
Building nukes continuinally at one a year - ongoing
Reich - Military Orders
Launch Nuke at the CSA Industial City of Detroit destoying economic value of CSA.
Launch a complete invasion of the Turkish homeland. Destoy the state.
Deport all Jews in newly occupied territory to concentration camps. Utmost secrecy.
Use Gestapo agents in Israel and Japan to start discreetly assasinating military, political and economic leaders. Use Non-German agents to prevent suspiscon.
Run propoganda claiming judenfrei to be the goal of the Reich
Germanic Reich - Stats
Leader: Heinrich Himmler (sheep)
Capital: Most functions carried out from Vienna, Fuher's location and government not known.
Army: Gigantic
Navy: Large
Air Force: Huge
Economy: Growing from the acqustion of new territories (fully geared to war)
Government: Nazi Dictatoship
VX, Antrax, Smallpox and Mustrad Gas supplies to sufficent levels - 1 year
V5 Rocket system - 2 years
Continually building nukes to 2 a year (2 years)
Building nukes continuinally at one a year - ongoing
Reich - Military Orders
Launch Nuke at the CSA Industial City of Detroit destoying economic value of CSA.
Launch a complete invasion of the Turkish homeland. Destoy the state.
Deport all Jews in newly occupied territory to concentration camps. Utmost secrecy.
Use Gestapo agents in Israel and Japan to start discreetly assasinating military, political and economic leaders. Use Non-German agents to prevent suspiscon.
Run propoganda claiming judenfrei to be the goal of the Reich
Germanic Reich - Stats
Leader: Heinrich Himmler (sheep)
Capital: Most functions carried out from Vienna, Fuher's location and government not known.
Army: Gigantic
Navy: Large
Air Force: Huge
Economy: Growing from the acqustion of new territories (fully geared to war)
Government: Nazi Dictatoship