Enough has been invested in India so that it has reached the point where its industries can expand themselves and the economy will naturally improve. Quality of life steadily rises, many areas already are enjoying a new prosperity comparable to many communist regions and not very far below som of the western nations. Indian efforts are now being devoted to paying off loans and expanding investment into world markets and building merchant shipyards and harbors and ariports and the like to bring it to a position on the world market where the numerious and increasingly skilled and innovative Indian population can be competitive and formidable. With the government running mroe smoothly and with more funds, projects are actually proceeding at or near the expected pace, and the army is now medium sized, moving towards large, along with the navy and airforce, which will be medium sized soon.
No announcement yet.
SNESA 8: Ironclad
This topic is closed.
To India (secret); We will help you with you army and air force, and cancel our loans if you join NATO.Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
Reality Police: I'm going to suspend Sheep from this NES until Skilord moderates the issue, no attacks will be made on the United States, all actions on the Part of the United States from the stealth tech post and onward will be ignored. Skilord will be back on Sunday or Monday.
Children, Children, stop squabbling.
Sheep is not suspended, Goob and Sheep are both asked to be a little more realistic, though i will admit that sheep is more realistic seeming.
For my Arrows i made damn sure that they would not be out of place in the time, and researched etc. I reccomend the rest of you do likewise.
Poland's Economy has ahad Canadian support, but a Polish space program that is so ambitious is a bit much.
US Stealth tech is feasable, but only in a limited form, the planes will be detectable, but rarely.Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land
I think we got the sleath tech kind of settled. I do believe at the time their was papers written on the subject of what kind of shapes could reflect radar. So maybe you could have something that would be hard to detect. I also might add that these planes would be defenseless, that is how real slealth bombers are in real life, only protect is not being dectected.
India is buying off land from minor tribes in Iraq and Persia. Settlements are being built and drilling/mining is taking place. Persia and Iraq are very dipleased and have attempted to shut down the purchasing of their land by India. India continues claiming land on the Arabian penninsula and around the Persian gulf and has told Persia and Iraq in not very pleasant terms what they should do to themselves. Tensions are rising rapidly.Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
France to India: We recommend that you do not be too agressive in foreign affairs, so that you do not cause a war, which is the last thing the world needs at this time.
France - Domestic Affairs
- Air Force and Army Upgrades are complete.
- Since the US gave us nuclear weapons, our research is now complete on nuclear weaponry.
- A bomb was detonated in the downtown area of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, a possession of France. Hundreds are dead, and hundreds more are injured. A investigation is being done to determine who was responsible for this attack.
France- Statistics (1960)
Large Army
Medium Navy
Medium Airforce
Small Nukes
Govt: Democracy
President: Charles de Gaulle (Jonny)
Tech Level: Early Modern
War: none
Germany - Diplomacy:
To India (secret): We are prepared to present a united front with you on the issue of your expansion intot he Persian Gulf, as long as we are guaranteed a share of the spoils. The profit potential is astronomical, and as long as we can guarantee that others will not interfere, we can roll over the Gulf States wiothout breaking a sweat.
Germany - Domestic Policy:
General elections have been held recently, and Adenauer has remained in power, but only after cutting a deal with the Social Democrats under whch he retains some influence but follows their policies of welfare spending and business regulation.
Germany - Production:
Germany is now upgrading it's air force to use the new F-4 Phantom jets developed in America and contracted for construction in Germany; the air force will be extensively equipped with them in two years.
(It won't be fully kitted out because the Phantom has it's drawbacks)
Germany - Statistics:
Large Army
Medium Navy
Medium Airforce (upgrades to Large in 2 years)
[(secret) Few nukes (upgrading to Medium in 4 years)]
Govt: Democracy
Leader: Adenauer (GeneralTacticus)
Tech Level: Early Modern
War: none
After some years of mismanagments by the Italian burocrats, the many factions in the Italian repubblic come to violence, and this violence eventually broke out in a real civil war.
A Communist revolution have broken out in Tuscany and Emilia, and eventually has extended to Croatia as well, with its HQ being in Bologna
Austria and Venice, being worried about the comunist running around have joind together in what is now called the Austrian First Reich, under the fascist leadership of the Duce Adolf Franco, the Headquarters of the fascists is Wien (Allied with the Papal States)
The Italian Royal Family saw this as a good chance of regaining their power in Italy, and have came down from Switzerland and seized control of the areas than once composed the Kingdom of Savoy: Piemonte, Milan, Liguria, Sardinia, and Sicily, the HQ of the monarchist rebels is Torino. (allied with the Italian Democratic Repubblic)
Last but not least the Papist also have saw this as good chance of ragaining the ancient Papal power which was lost after the Italian Unification in 1861.
The Pope and it's fellows have seized power in Rome and the countryside around it. (Allied with the Austria First Reich)
In all this the Italian Democratic repubblic have fled to the South and relocated its capital to Napoli. (Allied with the Kingdom of Italy)
From: Free Repubblic of Communist Italy
To: Warsaw Pact
Please help us gaining power in Italy, and smash those stupid Fascist Austrians, alone we wouldn't stand a chance, but with your help we will destroy them
From: The Austrian First Reich
To: the world
This is an internal issue, and we will resolve it by ourselves, do not intervene.
From: The Kingdom of Italy.
To: NATO Powers
If you help us against the Communist and the Fascists, we will later reunify with the Italian Democratic factions and form a Constitutional Monarchy on the lines of the British one
From: Papal States
To: Catholic countries
Help us, the infidel Italian Communist are coming to us, do not let the Papal power die a second time, if you help us, you will be garanteed an open door to paradise.
From: Italian Democratic Repubblic
To: NATO Powers
Help us against the Rebels, in the name of our alliance.
Saluti"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
India to France:
Don't worry we are doing our best to calm Iraq and Persia and making no actions that will provoke them (OOC: not really)
To Germany (VERY SECRET):
Very good. We can continue establishing ourselves in the Persian Gulf Region, and no matter what happens we come off ahead. If the Persians and Iraqis do nothing, that's fine, we'll just continue expanding in the useful areas. If they attack us, that's a perfect pretense for taking over the entirety of their nations. At that point we can bring Egypt in, which will be to the rest of the world a legitimate ruler, and if necessary placate the Communists by encouraging them to take some land.
Hopefully we can just go about our business without being bothered by the Iraqis/Persians, and in that case we will work together to develop the region, you providing more of the capitol and advanced equipment and we can provide plenty of labor and take care of the supply logistics. We'll share equally in the profits.
If war does happen, here is what we propose:
Egypt --> Jorden, part of Arabian Penninsula south of 30 degrees N and west of 50 degrees E.
Germany --> remainder of Persia/Iraq west of 50 degrees E.
India --> remainder of Persia/Iraq east of 50 degrees E, exluding, if necessary:
Afghanistan, to go to China,
Turkmenistan, to go to the USSR.
We are happy to discuss changes to this plan, should it become necessary.Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
Poland sends several Communist Military experts to the Italian communists, as well as the most advanced equipment that Poland can spare (with the exception of nuclear warheads, those come after you win).
Poland also establishes air bases in the Communist sector of Italy, each base being VERY well defended by ground troops.
To the world: Polish action in Italy will end as soon as one side gains control, ((OOC: Giovanni, why couldn't you have waited until the Pope became Polish?)) Poland has no qualms about attacking the Papal State, as Communist nations are athiest in principle.
To India and Germany: We are trying to decipher your code, all we have at the moment is Germany--- Remainder, and China. Please note that we will brood severe agression to any nation that threatens China, if over the next several days we determine this to be a threat to communism, be assured that there will be retaliation.
Polish Army upgraded to Large.
Polish Air Force (Medium-Large) completely upgraded, dogfights are being run to see the weaknesses of the German Phantom Jets, giving them a distinct advantage.
Polish Navy: Large - After the replacement of the screen door with a stronger Russian door, Polish submarines stopped sinking, giving a massive surplus that was unexpected by Polish Analysts.
Nukes: They are being produced again in Poland with Greek Uranium, Greece and Poland will have a Medium Nuclear arsenal in 2 years, and a Large Nuclear arsenal in 5.
Space exploration: Although information has leaked that the first moon landing was staged, Polish scientists insist that it can be pulled off, and will still allow a German scientist to accompany it's spacemen to the moon in 1 year.
Polish Submarines able to transport and launch Nuclear Weapons 8 years.
((OOC: Skilord, you need to play the Persian Gulf countries, or moderate those conflicts in some way, I.E. Suicide bombers, Jewish citizens angered at the German invasion of Palestine etc.))
Positions towards other countries.
Germany: Currently shaking a stick at Germany...
Greece: Currently combining Nuclear resources to advance both our arsenals.
China: China still cool.
USSR: wish you were more active, but we like your money so you still cool with us.
Canada: We down with Canada and we got yo back too.
USA: WE FART IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION... OUR FARTS ARE BACKED WITH NUCLEAR WEAPONS... IF OUR NUCLEAR WEAPONS COULD FART, YOU'D BE THE ONE THEY'D FART ON!Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer
((OOC: Giovanni, why couldn't you have waited until the Pope became Polish?))
The Free Repubbluc of Communist Italy thanks her Polish comrades for their help.
Once we will have control of all the peninsula we will pay you back
Saluti"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
Canadian bombers laid waste to New York, the SUpercarrier Posidon and her support craft were damaged, and a few subs and destroyers were sunk in the battle.
A fleet of Junks, unstoppable in number, landed twin armies on the north and south of Japan.
Greek, Polish and Russian forces invaded Germany.
Greek forces hit Italy.
Canada Invades Maine.
Dammit, i wrote this out so nicely and then it was lost by the server......Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land
addendum to SKILORD's post:
the forces in italy are aiding the communist rebels, Giovanni will get a communist Italy
the Polish Troops invading Germany went through Italy and thus bypassed the stronger German fortifications, Flanking a majority of the German army and all American forces in Germany (wow, we got you with your WWI and WWII strategy Germany)
Polish Arrows Bombed most German Airbases before the German planes were prepared, Germany's Airforce is SmallWeaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer
sorry mine was so breif,a longer one was lost, which made me sad and angry.
I needed to get it up though, damn i'm tiredRead Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land