OOC Sheep, although colors were quite the same, SOuthern India wasn't anarchy, it was part of AS...
No announcement yet.
SonNES (Sonic's Never Ending Story)
TO ASEAN and Indonesia (especially the buddhist majority in ASEAN): We invite you into the Confederacy for your own protection. I have no doubt teh Caliphate will soon try to take over your lands as well. Join the COnfederacy, and you will still have your independent democratic government, basic freedoms, and an improved economy from our aid.
Work has been done to start using geothermal energy.
To all except teh Caliphate: I call for a Grand Coalition to contain the Caliphate. Not only does it claim it can seize many new independent nations, it also attacks AS, a benign nation with no intent but to protect world peace.
To all democracies: I propose we form A Great Democratic Alliance to bring freedom and democracy to the world.
To AS: WE would like one of these so-called "Black Pitches."
NATC projects:
Cold Fusion: anywhere from 4-10 years (it's still in a relatively early phase of development).
Armed spacecraft: 15 built.
Improve Intelligence to Good: 2 years
Build army to large: complete
Build airforce to huge: 1 year
Geothermal energy: 3 years
OCC: Sheep, there aren't any satellites over Caliphate, remember some past posts.
To Laos & Cambodia:
We recognize you as totally independent states, also we offer us our help if anybody tries to occupy your territories. Growth in ecological balance and wealthy economy, all your tecnological needs will be suplied (if you want) by ours. Welcome!
To Caliphate:
We ended our dynamic high level laser mirror shell (DYN-HILELAMISH) tecnology, our Omens now are being reformed to adapt to it, now we don't need the satellites (but we maintain them). Omens can go fastly wherever we want and reflect Erebus.
We have more than 3000 Omens.
Also a lonely Black Pitch is an Erebus itself, so if we can't connect Antarctica with the Omens, this one could easily wipe out all your non-ecological power plants and other improvements in a few seconds (thing that we never will do except if you really force us to it).
Svalbard Ozone Difussor is ended, now we present you something interesting, if you look the two difussors, you'll see that they are in a correspondence position, like the two poles.
From a superestructure builded on the Difussors we can send a Multiple Radiations Emission that cuts all the comunications between surface and exterior (except high level and medium lever lasers, is quite like a superionosphere), this two emissions create planet sphere thanks to the reflections in the atmosphere, we only will use it if someones attacks our satellites (satellites that are OUT of your territories). We can connect our space things by the Difussors.
Our great desire is that this shield will be itself destroyed by lack of use.
To ALL (specially NATC):
Due the recent tension formed by Caliphate, we SUPPORT the Great Coalition impulsed by NATC. We'll use our defenses over Caliphate if the war is declared (also we offer you freely and without any compromise the new Radio Shell and the possibility to connect to your space things by our installations).
In the other hand, we DON'T SUPPORT the start of a war, we must give more time to Caliphate to adapt to the new situation.
To NATC: Actually we can't give you a Black Pitch, we're in a process to remodernize it.
4 new black pitches now are floating in the space.Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts
ASEAN conquers more China and after that Chinese government collapses and country goes into anarchy.
ASEAN to everyone except Caliphate:
We could support NATC plans to fight against Caliphate. We don't want to join your country, but would like to sign a mutual protection pact and right of passage, so you could attack Caliphate from our soil.
Indonesia to NATC:
We wouldn't want to support your actions, sorry. You see, after two wars (against Union of New Apartheid, now part of NATC, and against NATC as ally of Caliphate) our people doesn't like your country much. Such action as cooperation with you would probably just force more people to such groups as Jemmah Islamiyah. Our government is two unstable for doing that... We could sign MPP however.
Scandinavia, Germany to NATC:
Currently, we don't want to start a war against Caliphate, we don't think our population would support that.
France to NATC:
We are grateful for Corsica to you and thus we would help you in a war if that would happen.
Mongolia, government in exile of Kazakhstan required NATC to take action against Caliphate, government in exile of Lamaist Union asked the same Antarctic Scientopia.
Jemmah Islamiyah continues terror. A series of explotions in Jakarta forced Indonesian government to enact Marshal Hour in whole Java island. Currently a small civil war started in Java with Jemmah Islamiyah slowly taking the upper hand in fighting. Also in Medan 35 key officers of municipality were taken hostages, Jemmah Islamiyah claimed responsibility and it's leader, the son of Sahid Abdul-Muhamad, Muamar Abdul-Muhamad, demand immidiate resignation of parliament. Indonesia, which is still a young country and it's counter-terrorist forces are weak, demands the world to help liberate the hostages and the Java island.
To Bangla Desh:
We know that you're an islamic country and probably preffer to sty with calipahte, but we offer you to join AS like Turkey allied with Occident in the first years of the millenium. We offer you freedom, you can believe in whatever you want and also a huge reforce in economy, tecnology and life quality.
What do you say?
To France:
The tension is enlarging rapidly, we offer again to enter in AS and be in the most secure and neutral position in the world.
Helvetia and Svalbard's Longyearbyen domes finished. Constructing 10 high-capacity (25 millions each) domes of a total planned 21 in India.
Total population (in domes): 85.000.000
Total (India has overpopulation): 600.000.000
The Cortex expanded from 60 members to 300.Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts
To Caliphate(Top Secret):
Our most brilliant computer scientists have been working on a computer virus to infect the AS computer controlled domes and defense systems. We would apperciate help in devoloping this virus. This would greatly help us in our fight against the AS if war ever comes.
To Free World: Please, use a bigger encoding superior to 1024 bits. Don't try a "virus" silly infection, because AI's doesn't have any regular input output or program load areas, they only act by sensors, therey haven't any "disk lector" or a keyboard.
The only system to stop is by turning off, try to destroy the 112 thermic plants at 12/15 km deep. They are entinties, formed of subentities and more sublevels. Attacking one is quite useless.
Finally, each AI is independent to other. If you attack one the others cut the energy suministration.
In a past (when there was 14 AI's) this could be dangerous, but with the actual 92 AI's... Ehem.
Try this with the Black Pitch AI's, but they'are controlled by the big ones so any intrusion will cause an autoimplosion of the portatile Erebus. REALLY dangerous!
Free World, we thought that you was a good friend. Now that we know how are you forgot any kind of collaboration.
OCC: To "virus" and similar ideas, Bill Gates and friends are in NATC.
For attack AS the great idea is to put the people that live in domes to your point. Remember: AI's reflect what they want.Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts
following Mongolia's plebiscite, japan annexes the remainder of Mongolia (eastern part not held by caliphate) as full part of Japan. Modernization programs begin immediatly.
To China (all and any groups resident in china as well as the people themselves) from japan:
If you wish it, Japan will incorporate China into itself with full status and all the rights and priveledges inherent in being a part of Japan.
SECRET-----from japan to NATC in response to following...
"To all except teh Caliphate: I call for a Grand Coalition to contain the Caliphate. Not only does it claim it can seize many new independent nations, it also attacks AS, a benign nation with no intent but to protect world peace."
We accept this, but will only agree to exercising peaceful and diplomatic methods unless japan or Japanese interests are directly attackedThose walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
Russian advisors and secret military personnel have been sent to China to reorganize the government and its military forces to push back the attacks of the ASEAN forces. Tons of equipment has been sent also. Hundreds of fighters and bombers have also been sent to China as a 'loan' but is actually being flown by Russians and commanded by Russians. Russian commanders are now running the Russo-China forces. After much reorganization they begin launching counteroffensives into the north and south of Chinese-ASEAN border in an attempt to meet up and surround a portion of ASEAN forces in a pocket.
(OOC: Sonic, I assume as mod, you will mod the result of offensives and battles and such.)
To China:
The aggressive expansion of ASEAN forces is a threat, therefore we've come to your aid. If you do not wish to join the Russian nation and its protection after the war then we will leave you as a sovereign nation once we have defeated the ASEAN forces. But right now we are in command. You will not be invaded and on the verge of defeat ever again if you were to join Novaya Russia, you will be protected and safe, and will recieve the benefits all Russian states recieve and at the same time your culture is preserved. But if you wish not to join then we will respect your decision, but do not expect us to come to your aid again after this war, Russians are not into sacrificing Russians for foreign nations, but if you were to become bretheren then ultimate protection is guaranteed. And max aid would be given to rebuilding also.
To the nations of the wortld: I remind you that these nations were recognised by you as Caliphiate territory. They will remain so.
Meanwhile in the Sinai Desert Operation Heat Up begins. Computer viruses developed by the Caliphiate and Free World begin to infect the AS computer system. The whole of their advance weaponry and intellegince syst6ems have been destroyed from the inside, as the chips literally melt inside their mainframes and targeting arrays. Ereubus is now offline. Caliphaite armies move into Southern India liberating the people from AS control. The new Republic of India an autonomous region of the Free World Federation has been founded.
The Caliphaite continues to move in and halps finnish off the rest of China with ASEAN help. In Beijing the Caliph himself attended the execution of the rebel Chinese government for treason against the Caliphaite and Islam.
More than half the armies of the Caliphaite Armed Forces are now awaiting to see the response of the NATC, AS and Japan.
To Japan: Return Mongolia to Russia it is Russian territory.
To Russia(secret): If Japan attackes me can we count on your support. On the point of China we only reannexed what was rightfully ours in the first place.
To ASEAN: We ask an alliance from you. We think borders just south of the pre war border, say 100 miles north of the current fronts shown by the last map is the propbable divide. What do you think?
To Free World: (secret) Erebus is offline and Operation Heat UYp has begun. Soon the ice caps will melt.
To NATC and Japan: Do not attack me as I am on the account that I am only reclaiming what is righfully mine if you do I will rewspond with my full force.
occ: Sonic usually a winning power in a war gains territory not lose it. If you continue with these insults of refusing to give back what you took from me when you lost the war, then I will quit.Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
ooc: what do you mean I am winning power in gaining territory? I currently actually have no countries (well, at least no countries having any significance). You already have what you lost in war and much more actually (you didn't had Pakistan, India, big part of currently controlled China, etc. before the war)
in game now:
ASEAN to Caliphate:
Russia occupied our territories... If you'd help us retake them, probably we would help you...
ASEAN to Russia:
Stop your offensive actions!
Chinese to Russia:
We would like to be part of your country but we would also like then that our country would be united - not split along Russia, Caliphate and Japan...
France to AS: better don't threat us, otherwise we'll annex Switzerland.
Jemmah Islamiyah in Indonesia takes whole Java and declares it as State of Islamic Martyrdom. However, as nobody recognises this name, both countries are ussually called just Indonesia (Jakarta) and Indonesia (Medan) - Medan is the new capital of Indonesia.
Jemmah Islamiyah to Free World (top secret):
We still have our scientists, we could sell you an almost completed anti-ozone planes project in exchange to various military machines like tanks, planes, ships, etc.
Jemmah Islamiyah to Antarctic Scientopia (top secret):
We have info that Free World might use anti-ozone planes on you. As we have almost developed hat technology, we could sell you info how it is best to locate those planes and plan defense. We would like various military technics, like tanks, planes, ships in exchange.
Indonesia (Medan) repeadetly asks the world for help in fight against Jemmah Islamiyah. ASEAN sends money to Indonesia (Medan).
Bangaldesh to AS:
We are currently happy being part of Indonesia.
The Calipohiate re launches its war against Indonesia jakarta. Jakarta is destryed by a combination of chemical and traditional air strikes. The Caliphaite asks for JI to surrender, as his 11th and 10th armies begin an invasion peperation.
To Russia: We will accept a joint partion of ASEAN, Russia, Japan and Caliphaite in China. Although we still argue that China was ours before JI's attack on us. The current occupation would be great for us.
TO AS: Accpet our reprisals. These attacks have not killed anyone on Antartica, and few casualties have been made in India. Operation Heat Up can be stopped, but not for long, and we have a dozen well hid sites that your crippled nation cannot attack. Think of us nicely when you remember we did not destry your heating systems through the EMP from the high altitude nuke blasts or threough our computer viruses.
Allah is merciful, but try our Caliph's patience and we will not be. If you do not answer Anatartica will be water within a year.Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
OCC As I said before, AI's can't be infected by virus. Also, you can't attack ALL the AI's because there isn't any central unit formed by non humans (the cortex was one). Finally, you can't attack communications that nobody except AIS understand, so... Stop this silly Independence Day copy.
Due to the problem that caused Caliphate, The cortex dissolved and now the AI's directly controls everything. Let's to see what happens...
From The Cortex: So sorry, but the pression of the people is too high, before start a revolution we preffer give more freedom to them.
From 94% of the AI's To Caliphate:
Ok, you wanted it? Let's to do some groove.
AI's AS shoots ALL the erebus lasers in a constant chain of shoots. Black Pitches also shoot from space and earth.
Omens reflect the lasers to the convvenient points, also microsatellites moved over caliphate territories.
After some hours of light rain in all the caliphate territory:
ALL Caliphate Power Plants destroyed
ALL Caliphate Missile Silos (and the missiles) destroyed
ALL Caliphate Empty Ships (45% of navy) destroyed
ALL Caliphate Empty Tanks (70% of army) destroyed
ALL Caliphate railroads, roads and any kind of comunication destroyed.
ALL Caliphate Empty Air Machines (90% of air forces) destroyed.
ALL Caliphate Satellites (65% of intelligence) destroyed
ALL Caliphate Weapon Factories destroyed.
ALL Caliphate Empty Buildings Destroyed (except monuments).
ALL Caliphate Things that could be destroyed without killing are destroyed.
Total: 0 deaths
Sended 4 Black Pitches from space to earth occupying the India Territory and Tibet. 300.000 ecosoldiers of Greenpeace sended to these areas to protect the people. 2000 Omens dispersed in the caliphate borders to counterattack any intrusion.
Erebus Shell activated, any intrusion near Domes, Difussors or Tibet-Indian territory will cause a shoot, if someone dies, sorry.
To Free World:
Don't force us to react like today.
After months of tension, the Cortex finally gave freedom to AI's desires, Caliphate nos has been wiped out!!! Is this the end of these paceful forces?
Special report from Mecca:
Huge clouds of dust cover all the caliphate territories, with practically all the production damaged it is only a ghost of whatever what it was.
After this terrible attack, we divided Caliphate in three main areas: Sahara Federation, New Panturkistan Federation and Asian Federation. From the resistance movements we formed provisional government and w ecan say that they are very well accepted in Asian and New Panturkistan. In Sahara Caliphate still very strong.
Asian Federation has a desire to join Japan after the problems when they stayed as independent countries.
We offer to these countries the possibility to beacome independent by free elections.
To Caliphate leaders: We offer the possibility to retain ONE federation, try now or start a true war.
To Japan:
We offer you the Asian Fedeartion, with this you'll become a truly big one!
SONIC, is your turn, BTW, some ex-SIM people are in the New Panturkistan gorvernment...Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts