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SonNES (Sonic's Never Ending Story)

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  • to ASEAN: You are not a superpower. You are denied access to Anatrtica by the Arabic Navy. I fully suport Russia.
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • To The Caliphaite:
      We ask that you return all lands you take back to the United States. They have no connection to Islam. The people would most likely resent your occupation of their lands. Do not punish the people of the United States, instead punish the leaders of the Government that started the war in the first place.
      Donate to the American Red Cross.
      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


      • The Greater Arab Caliphate of Arabia
        Land Army - Too Gigantic, Well trined, vetrans, high tech
        Air Force - Gigantic, Well trained, vetrans, high tech
        Navy - Large, High Tech, vetrans
        Intelligence - EXcelllent, high tech
        Economy - Booming
        Government - Islamism; unitarian; right-wing
        Caliphate controls 90% of world oil.

        Recent Wars
        The Panturk- Arabic Conflict (Panturkistan annexed by The Caliphiate)
        The Sino- Islamic Conflict (Caliphiate annexed Northern China)
        The War against Europe (Caliphiate annexes, Cyrus, Sicily, Sardinia, and the Balkans)
        The Islamic Conflict (Caliphiate loses Northern China and some of Panturkistan, gains India)
        The Reannexation Period (Caliphiate reannexes territory lost to SIM)
        The War of Ice (Caliphaite annexes Anatrtic territory and India, and that Russian Island thingy above Murmansk)
        The War of US succession (Caliphaiate invades the US after declaring its independence from NATC. Occupies Eastern States)
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • Texasian government thanks Caliphate for recognising independence. It asks Arab government to help liberate the Southern Texas lost to NATC and help renegotiate peace with NATC, either politically or militarily. In exchange it offers to allow Caliphate dictate over oil prices to Texas (force Texas to use the same prices as the Caliphate; Texas has several major oil wells under control in Mexican gulf currently), this way enchancing Arabic monopoly in oil market, which already came near 100% after Caliphate taken most of Mexican Gulf oil wells. Currently Russia is the only other country whcih has enough oil for domestic use despite of Caliphate.

          Grand Wizard of Texas (Lone Star Republic) said that Texas won't surrender easily and also petitioned NATC to recognise independence and remove troops from Southern Texas. "Where is the world peacekeeper - NATC - going without USA? It even annexes neutral countries! Didn't they said before that every US state should decide freely werether they wants to go independent or not to? War creates nothing, it only destroys, thus we want peace" - he said.

          US government collapsed, New Mexico joined Texas but anarchy erupted everywehre else.

          Germany refused to surrender again, however german will to fight much fallen - half or Bundestag resigned after chancelor announced his decition to fight.

          ASEAN takes Svalbard but doesn't removes claim over Antarctica - it claims exact same portion of land as Novaya Russia does. ASEAN however does not starts war - it seems it wants either to provocate Russia to do that firstly either it actually does not wants war at all (it just wants to use the "possible war" flag to make defense budget raises more popular). ASEAn asked NATC to do a referendum in Papua New Guinea werether people wants to join NATC. ASEAN recognised Texasian independence.

          Scandinavia refused to pay to Russia, it claimed that Scandinavia will defeat Germany without Russian help - former Russian strikes and NATC invasion weakened it very much. As a prove for those words, Scandinavian army takes northern part of Germany. Scandinavia doesn't recognises Texasian independence because of prosecution of blacks there.

          Attached Files


          • ======


            Mmmm... An entire year without any signal, seems quite bad, what we should do?

            For the moment, just stay in silence... We must finish the Enlargment.


            OCC: This is just an epilogue?... I don't know.
            Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


            • To Texas: We recognize you but if we see any sign of you abusing blacks the way UNA did 2,000,000 Mexican and Canadian troops will stop you.

              Almost all significant cities in the US (minus texas) are now under control of the Caliphate or NATC. The new constitution has been drawn up. All states must denounce the old government and accept the treaty to gain independence. Those that wish to join the US must ratify the Constitution.

              To the Caliphate: You are NOT getting Florida or any other US territory except maybe little things like the Virgin Islands or something. If you want US territory, go to war with me.

              NATC projects:
              Cold Fusion: 9 years.
              Armed spacecraft: 12 built, 10 more to be built in 4 years
              Improve Intelligence to Good: complete
              Build army to large: complete
              Build airforce to huge: 5 years (much of the airforce was from the US).
              Build navy to huge: 7 years
              Geothermal energy: complete


              • Texas to Caliphate:
                Well, we are sorry we couldn't do our previous promise as we seeked for peace with NATC on ourselves. However, we would like to sign a mutual protection pact with you. This would help our both interests: we would help you if NATC would declare a war on you as they now threatens you and you'd help us if the same would happen to us.

                Grand Wizard of Texas removes article from projected constitution which told that all blacks are to be enslaved, however the first article which tells "Every white citizen of Texas, New Mexico or any other territory to be included in the Lone Star Republic is equal in front of laws" still is in constitution. However, the constitution is not yet approved so everything could be changed.

                Before the USA was finally conquered, ASEAN troops also invaded a part of USA. This yet agin proved the imperialist traditions of ASEAN. ASEAN also claimed Russian controlled Alaska - official reason is eskimos living there, which are of Asian race and ASEAN represents their interests.

                ASEAN announces governmental plans:
                1.Taking of Alaska
                2.Taking of Russian-claimed Antarctica
                3.Taking of Russian-controlled China
                4.Destruction of Moscow government

                ASEAN refused to comment when the war will start, they said that it is "up to Russia, the evil empire". However the parliament of ASEAN - States Council - agreed to triple the army finansing next year because of "huge probability of Russian invasion".

                Attached Files


                • Operation Kraut Takeover has begun.

                  Preceeded by massive bombardment of stealth bombers, carpet bombers, and cruise missiles, Russian forces invaded Germany. First, 10 Airborne divisions were dropped in southern Germany, they then moved northwards. Then another airborne drop on the coast to take out roads and bridges to prevent German reinforcements to the coast. Then the amphibious landings commenced. 120,000 men took 8 beaches in northern Germany, with close air support. After a few hours they secured the beachheads and began advancing. Tanks were then landed. The Germans were no match for the better trained and better equipped Russians. Northern half of Germany is now in Russian hands, a few pockets of German resistance still exists. In the South the Airborne divisions have also secured most ground, but pockets of resistance exists there also. Berlin is surrounded. The South and North Russian forces linked up in Eastern Germany, where the southern force was resupplied. All of Germany should fall within a few days to a week.

                  To Germany:

                  To Scandinavia:
                  Leave Germany, you have 4 days. We have cut off all relations to your nation, you are no longer a neighbor nor a friend. You are nothing.

                  TO ASEAN:
                  Russia is asian too you moron. What kind of people run that country of yours, go back to school. Alaskans come from Russia, not ASEAN crapland. Stop your claims, you can not win a war with can not survive a war with Russia.

                  To Caliphate:
                  If ASEAN attacks us will we have your support? And if you do not wish to support us could we have a ROP to launch offensives from your territory?


                  All chemical and biological weapons are now pointed towards major ASEAN targets. Russian submarines are now patrolling ASEAN waters, both in Asia and North America. Scenarios were set of possible ASEAN strikes.

                  More troops and weapons sent to Russian China. The border has also been fortified, with pillboxes and such. Gas masks are normal issue now in the case of ASEAN chemical warfare.

                  KGB and GRU agents and Spetnaz soldiers sent to ASEAN territories undercover to equip any sorts of rebels, and to cause an uprising. Propaganda began in those territories.

                  Propaganda stepped up in Russia about ASEAN aggression and their obsession with provoking Russia into war. The ASEAN nation is the devil's lapdog, if they attack then Russia will take the burden of annihilating the devil's army.

                  Propaganda campaigns also started in Scandinavia. KGB and GRU agents infiltrate Scandinavian government as well.


                  Army: Gigantic/ modernized, upgrade to very gigantic- 3 years
                  Navy: Huge, high tech
                  Air Force: Very Huge, high tech
                  Intelligence: Excellent
                  Economy: Good

                  EMP offense/ defense - complete
                  Military Aircraft in Space - complete


                  • (2045?)
                    Japanese status update:
                    Navy: huge within 9years
                    Air Force: huge within 9years
                    Army: huge within 12 years
                    Intelligence: very good within 3 years
                    Other projects:
                    currently have 4 sea bases in north Atlantic, 1 in Sea of Japan and 1 in Sea of Othosk. Extra planetary colonization: complete within 12 years. Armed space emplacements: working within 2 years, complete within 7 years, upgraded within 11 years. Upgrade to economy/industry to most effectively include sea bases: complete. Mongolian industrialization/modernization: within 10 years
                    -Salvage/Rebuilding of 2 former AS bases in Japanese Antarctic Territory: (Within 12 Years.)
                    Following are SECRET:
                    -Improved Personal Stealth Technology, with military and espionage applications. (within 18 years)
                    -Materials and genetic modification technology to provide for more complete exploitation of the ocean and more productive, widespread ocean colonies. (within 20 years)
                    -Personal human/computer integration which will allow faster intellectual processes as well as mechanized and social applications.(within 16 years).
                    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                    • To ASEAN: If you try to hold onto your territory in the US you will be invaded.

                      To Texas: If you ratify your constitution we will attack.
                      Mexican borders are open to all blacks from Texas. Special forces/spies have been sent secretly to Texas to ensure the safety of blacks and evacuate as many as possible if the consitution is approved.

                      To teh Caliphate: If you take any action to defend Texas's "right" to enslave blacks we will destroy you.
                      To the Free World and Japan: I will offer you a limited alliance: If the Caliphate recognizes TExas if it passes a constitution denying rights to blacks, will you ally with me against them for the cause of democracy and freedom?

                      Berlin has fallen (though some resistence continues in other parts of Germany). The NATC has proposed that Scandinavia, Russia, and the NATC have zones of occupation until a new less imperialistic government has been installed.

                      Secret military buildups: Along Caliphate border in Europe and America. Along Texan border. Along ASEAN border.


                      • from Japan to NATC (SECRET):

                        we are sorry about any bad condition in Texas, however, it is not our country and we will not militarily interfere unless it presents a clear danger to Japan or Japanese interests. We certainly won't recognize or support them if they pass such an abominable constitution. About Caliphate, we have similar sentiments. If it is a purely defensive alliance, and you can ensure Russia's neutrality, we will enter into it.
                        Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                        • To NATC:
                          We will hold Berlin and control the northern half of Germany, you may hold the southern half. Scandinavia is not in this. They did nothing, they deserve nothing. We hold the majority of Germany now, this is the proposal. Take it or leave it.


                          • To the NATC: We will not be dictated to. We have come here to help you, by destroying a nation that was a danger to you. The Teaxans are a soveriegn people and we will defend their rights.

                            To Texas: We sign a full alliance with you. We will defend you if needed.

                            To Russia: We will sign the ROP. If the NATC attack either of us over Germany or Texas, will you back me?

                            To Japan: I would like this MPP. I have secured vital Erebus knowledfe would you like this.

                            To ASEAN: Stop your provokations against Russia.

                            To Free World: (secret) Prepare for a new offensive

                            The US army in the East has been put to the Caliphaite's forces. US soldiers gleefully join up, as they have a chance to defeat the NATC. Mass conversions to Islam bvegin throughout Caliphaiate America.

                            The Caliphiate begins spying closely with satellites on the NATC broder regions. Noticing a build up, the Caliphiate satelite system destroys NATC sattelites. The Caliph refuses responsibility.

                            Caliphaite begins mulitple biuld-up throughout the world. 50 armies of 200,000 are now under the Caliph's control. These

                            The 23rd and 39th armies have moved in on NATC Antartica. The science forces there were unarmed and were put in camps.

                            The Caliphaiete's chemical program is now trained on NATC regions.

                            Caliph agents have killed 3 NATC agents working in Houston.
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • The Caliphiate installs the High Council, a council of muslim clerics and military leaders. It intorduces a new constiution, stating everyone in the Caliphiate is subject to Allah and the Caliph. Every person is equal in front of Islam. The nation is renamed the Islamic Empire of Faith. The High Council also cuts all oil imports to the NATC until they back down.

                              In Occupied America, many people start converting to Islam. The border build up continues.

                              To NATC: Give Southern Texas back to them. If you do not do this nor recognise the American provinces of the Islamic Empire of Faith, then we will be forced to teach you a lesson

                              Name: Islamic Empire of Faith
                              Capitals (cities with Palaces in them): Cairo (legal capital), Caliph's Super Dome, Beijing, Alam Aty, Delhi, Lhasa, Instanbul, Washington DC, New York City, New Orleans.

                              Land Army - Too Gigantic, Well trined, vetrans, high tech
                              Air Force - Gigantic, Well trained, vetrans, high tech
                              Navy - Large, High Tech, vetrans
                              Intelligence - EXcelllent, high tech
                              Economy - Booming
                              Government - Islamism; unitarian; right-wing
                              Caliphate controls 98% of world oil. (Texan 8%) only Russia has enough.


                              Erebus Study: 2yrs
                              Army Upgrade: 3yrs
                              Navy Upgrade: 1yr
                              Air Force Upgrade: 2yr
                              Fortifications in America: 4yrs
                              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                              • Referendum starts in Lone Star Republic for constitution, however it doesn't seems this referendum is really democratic - blacks weren't allowed to vote (offcial law doesn't says that it is forbidden to vote for blacks, it says that it is forbidden to vote for people if their anscestors were slaves and every black has to give a document proving their anscestors weren't slaves to get a right to vote) and some whites also (all whites who previously participated in various anti-racistic actions previously were designated "people not qualifying state interests", thus automatically loosing right to vote).

                                Border patrols of Lone Star Republic are also very strenghtened to make it hardly possible to evacuate blacks.

                                Grand Wizard of Lone Star Republic thanked Caliphate for the pact and said that this could probably help to ensure peace in North America, which is already much damaged by war (except probably northern Texas and New Mexico, which didn't seen war).

                                Indonesia after referendum left ASEAN, however now without all the former-occupied countries. Bangladesh, Brunei, Malaysia, East Timor remained in ASEAN. ALmost crushed by ASEAN forces Jemmah Islamiyah started to regain power again.

                                ASEAN said to NATC that it would help in a war against Caliphate (Islamic Empire of Faith) which they called "The best friend of the Evil Empire".

                                ASEAN also said to Japan that Japan should invade Russian part of China or "face the military might of ASEAN"

                                Indonesia said that it currently does not wants to cooperate just because after SIM most of people hates war.

                                Scandinavia said to Russia that they are normal state and that they did much to defeat Germany:
                                We can hold our foothold in former Germany since we did much to get it. Remember, it was Germany, not us, who declared war. We won, thus we could take part of their lands. We would however cooperate if both Russia and NATC would agree to give Germany independence again...
                                Attached Files

