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shNESa1.1 : Australian Debacle

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  • #76

    FYI: I will be away until Monday, so please don't expect any posts by me. I may get a chance to post, but no promises.
    "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


    • #77
      there is a 24 hour delay to the next events plz, use this time for greater diplmacy. In the meantime the Abroiginal Republic wont have anything to major happen for Rassie's abscense.
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • #78
        Pacifica is rebuilding. His economy will be restaured in 3 years dated from now.

        To Timor:
        Like us, you are under the oppression of fascists! Continue this war for your freedom and you will soon success.

        To New-Zealand:
        As you are our best neighbours, we would like to sign a NAP with you and to increase relationship between our two countries. Would you help us in the rebuilding of our country?


        • #79
          The New Zealand troops, that fought in the war in Afghanistan and were acclaimed by TV and Radio broadcast as heroes of Democracy.

          However, a big hippy demonstartion threw some 14 Kilos of Tomatoes.

          Many of the soldier declared that it was not their fault, the gov't sent them.. and they had to obey.


          The New President, Waitaki Kiwi, responded to the oppositions doubts by starting to build a huge Paradisiacal Turist Center, with lots of Natural Museums and Hotels in the Northern Coast of the Southern Island

          According to President Waitaki, this should bring a lot of jobs to the people in there, and should attract a huge amount of turist, which will soon lead to increse of trade.

          TV Spots on this beutiful Paradise Center are now on air on all the most important TVs of the world.


          To Pacifica:
          We will happily sign a NAP with your nation.
          We will send you financial aids as soon as possible, however our Industries would like to have, in exchange, good prices over the Phosphorus Caves that we know the Island of Nauru produce in large quantities.


          NZ- Stats:
          Name: New Zealand
          Capital: Wellington
          Government: Constitutional Monarchy (British King)
          President: Waitaki Kiwi (Democratic Conservative Party)
          Approval rating: 65% (Pulled out of Afghanistan)
          Army: Large
          Navy: Medium (improving to Large)
          Air Force: Medium
          Economy: Very Strong but regressing
          Population: Medium
          Alliance: PNG, Victoria
          NAP: Western Australia, Queensland, Timor, Pacifica
          Embargo against: None

          New Zealand Projects:
          Navy to Large: 1 years
          Air Force to Medium: done
          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
          The trick is the doing something else."
          — Leonardo da Vinci
          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


          • #80

            "Emperor, the government of New Zealand still won't lift the embargo against us. They demand that we recognize Timor as an independant nation."
            "That's ridiculous! The Timorese are my people! They belong to me and they have to serve me. I AM THE EMPEROR!"
            "Please try to calm down, emperor. You know, your physicist said yesterday that you're going to have a heart attack if you don't change your lifestyle."
            "Aw, I know very well what's good for me. Well, I'm not gonna bear those provocative acts of New Zealand anymore. First we will remove their embassy from Jakarta Indonesia.
            Let's use our standard explanation for that. It has proven to work very well. We'll just force some political enemies to form an angry crowd and place them right in front of the embassy of New Zealand.
            Then we'll tell them that Indonesia isn't safe anymore for them and that they have to leave due to the aggressions of the Indonesian people against them. I really do love that way to scare nations that oppose me in any way. HAHAHA!"

            The Indonesian government regrets to admit that Indonesia isn't safe anymore for the embassador of New Zealand and that he has to leave Indonesia therefore. We can no longer assure his safety.
            But this is not our fault, this situation just occured because New Zealand tried to harm the Indonesian people and our economy by establishing an embargo against us and placing unacceptable demands in exchange for lifting it.
            "Cogito Ergo Sum" - Rene Descartes, French Mathematician


            • #81
              The anarchy has lessened in teh WAE. The Aboriginals have full control over teh Western areas of the nation. 3 generals still claim to be Johnson's successor, and 2 rival democratic groups also control otehr parts of the nation.


              • #82
                To New-Zealand:
                We accept your proposal. Your industries will have an easier access to our manpower and taxes from the government will be low.


                • #83
                  ooc : sorry for not being around much, had alot of studying to do, but im done now


                  EA is slowing turning into total chaos, with the Stalinism regime and all, the people are getting weary of the governement making promises it cant keep.


                  *public announcement to all over the tv*

                  " Ladies and gentlemen, we are entering a new era. This is a time for change.

                  To the leaders of all nations, we do not accept your cowardly proposal for a NAP. All mpp's are canceled, and troops curently stationed in your countries are coming home. I urge yo all to support me and my regime, or you and your people will face severe consequences.

                  that is all"

                  Gregory James (the new leader) begins a mass builup of troops, putting further strain on EA's already stretched economy. Severe poverty begins hitting some places.

                  Mass drafting of all able bodied men between the ages of 16 (yes 16) and 45 is now in effect, and is causing a huge uproar with families and local leaders.

                  Anyone who complains about the drafting, is drafted (if they meet the criteria stated above) and if they do not meet it, they are killed. No questions asked.


                  • #84
                    To EA:
                    GO ON FOR FREEDOM!

                    To any oppressed people, Pacifica is offering them help and refugee status. As our own population is weakening, we will accept anyone who wants to leave his country and to build a new world of peace.
                    Pacifica Navy sends some fast boats to EA and help people in isolated villages to escape from the regime. But EA fleet is threatening and these secret operations are very difficult and costly.


                    • #85
                      ooc: a big economic depression *might* happen, but 65% unemployment???? thats crazy, so im going to pretend you meant 25%, which is huge in an industrialized nation

                      Victoria announces its completely gotten rid of the plague which swept the eastern coast of australia. everyone is vaccinated against getting it in the future as well.

                      To combat the sudden unemployment, Victoria does several things.

                      1) Ends trade sanctions with Indonesia
                      2) Allows trade with Eastern Australia [there had been no contact because of the disease] this is a HUGE boost for trade
                      3) Hire thousands of laid-off factory workers to construct a world-class air force
                      4) lower intrest rates :P

                      To Tasmania: it is impossible for you to build up your army. your island is surrounded by the Victorian navy. we are willing to lift this blockade and give you lots of financial aid if you do 2 things for us:

                      -let us use parts of your as country for naval, air force and army bases
                      -sign a MPP with us

                      what do you say?


                      • #86
                        ooc: oh, didnt see what happened to EA!!

                        Victoria denounces Eastern Australia [trade continues]and prepares its armed forces on the border.


                        • #87
                          To Pacifica: Congratulations on your new Democratic government. We are sending you aid to rebuild.

                          To Timor: We accept your NAP. We also recognize your independence.

                          To Victoria and New Zealand: We support the inclusion of Queensland in our alliance.

                          To Tasmania: We accept your NAP and your free trade proposal.

                          To Eastern Australia: Our NAP is hereby nullified.
                          -The government assures the high-tech corporations (and all companies) that the interior tribes are no problem. We have made an agreement with them, and should they try to rise up against us, we will stop their rebellion.
                          -Because the aerospace companies moved to our country, the time to upgrade the air force was decreased by 2 years. There is only 1 year remaining!
                          Papua New Guinea (Army Green)
                          Capital: Port Morsbey
                          Ruler: Jonny
                          Economy: Somewhat Poor (but Improving)
                          Population: Meduim
                          Army: Meduim
                          Navy: Medium
                          Air Force: None (upgrading to small in 1 years)
                          Govt. Democracy
                          Alliances: Victoria, New Zealand
                          NAPs: Victoria, Queensland, ASA, New Zealand, Western Australia, Pacifica, Timor, Tasmania


                          • #88
                            occ: PNG's air force is currently small like everone elses, they are upgrading to meduim...
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • #89
                              Random Events for 1964

                              occ: Victoria, You cannot use un-skilled workers to construct an air force however there are some out there in you nation that do have the skills

                              PNG: More companies set up shop in your country, leaving NZ for their reginal headquaters... Employment and your economy are up (Economy to be reclassified as booming) However the tribes of the interior demand to be connected to this brave new world...

                              EA: The government is now loved out of fear, and everyone in oppostion has either fled or have been exected. Women now flock to the factories to take up the place of men now in the army.
                              Your navy has been engaged by Pacifican elements in your territorial waters. Losses are one ship slightly damaged to 3 Pacifican ships destroyed.

                              Victoria: The Depression worsens, but unemployment is now only at 38% . Some trade has resumed but the continued blockade against Tasmania, damages your international reputation. Freight in transit to the EA have been lost due to myserious happenings.

                              Pacifica: EA ships capture some Pacifican Navy personel in EA terrotrial waters. Your economy and your international reputation have taken a hit due to this infringement.

                              WAE: The UN asks the leading general to restore order, and the other two have been given ranks high in the government to make them want to follow him. Democratic factions have been subjugated, however the Aboriginal West has officially asked to join the RCA.

                              NZ: Your economy is still in recession with now end in sight. This is mainly due to US companiesmoving their regional headquaters from NZ to PNG, due to your lack of international spirit ove the wr in Afganistan and the lower taxes in Port Morsbey.

                              Indonesia: Your economy grows and the people are fully behind the Emperor. However there are demonstartions to make sure INdonesia does not go to war with TImor, and there is sill a strong movement for recognition of the new nation.

                              RCA: The aboriginal west in the WAE wishes to join you. This will give you gold and uranium deposits, however this may damge relations with the new government in the WAE when it is strong enough to portest.

                              South Australia: No events as this nation is unoccupied. First person to take her will win. I am posting the new map and the stats for this nation in the next post.

                              Queensland: You have a refugee influx from the EA. This is placing a starin on medical and food sevices and threatniong the stability of your economy.

                              Timor: Your conomy is futher damged due to contiued pro-Indonesian miltia raids. Once Indonesia recognises you this may get better. Some companies from NZ show intrest in exploiting your petroleum reseves.
                              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                              • #90
                                New MAP and SA's stats

                                Name: Republic of South Australia
                                Capital: Adelaide
                                Government: Nazist Dictatorship
                                Ruler: ???
                                Army: Large (majority of the RCA's army defected to SA)
                                Navy: Small
                                Air Force: Small
                                Economy: Improving

                                The European Dominance Party holds a Dictatorship and it is currently Nazist in nature, directing most of its hatred to the Aboriginals who held overlord status before independence and also the Jews who supposedly helped them. The party leader idolises Adolf Hitler and Henirish Himmler. The national language has been changed to German as a consquense and all people of questionable racial purity (all non-Europeans and Jews) have been placed in concentration camps.

                                The Republic of South Australia is dark green, the Dark blue area between the RCA and the WAE is the part of the WAE wishing to join the RCA.
                                Attached Files
                                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.

