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shNESa1.1 : Australian Debacle

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  • #31
    We accept all NAP's offered to us, except Indonesia's offer.

    To Pacifica: We propose a NAP with your nation.

    To Victoria: We offer our help in trying to control and stop the epidemic in your nation.

    To New Zeland: Please consider joining the Oceanic Democratic Alliance with Victoria and us.

    To Indonesia: We condemn your tyrannical and inhumane acts.

    To Eastern Australia: NAP?
    The economy is beginning to improve.
    President Jonny is implementing the new "3 Step Plan To Economic Improvement", which involves:
    1)Expanding the Navy to Medium to create new jobs (takes 2 years)
    2)Giving Tax-Free incentives to high-tech industry to get them to move to our country
    3)Ordering the clearing of jungles/forests near cities to make jobs, create clear land, and possibly lower disease
    Papua New Guinea (Army Green)
    Capital: Port Morsbey
    Ruler: Jonny
    Economy: Somewhat Poor (but Improving)
    Population: Meduim
    Army: Meduim
    Navy: Small (expanding to medium)
    Govt. Democracy
    Alliances: Victoria
    NAPs: Victoria, Queensland, ASA, New Zealand, Western Australia


    • #32
      I would like to join this NES if there is any open spots left.
      Donate to the American Red Cross.
      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


      • #33
        Maybe we should make Tasmania a separate country and give it to Jack so that he could join the game.
        "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


        • #34
          Internal affairs

          Administrative capital moved to Alice Springs in order to cool down some tension in the north. However Adelaide remains as the heart of the ARA with the central bank, stock exchange (has recently been opened - boost in economy on long term with foreign investments) and all the other structures of the economy. The European minority has found a 3rd party called "Aussie Alliance." Some scholars predict racial violence if the Europeans aren't chilled.

          Foreign affairs

          WA: I accept your suggestion about a joint colony in the north. We include the territory west of Darwin and northwest of Alice Springs into this semiautonomous colony. I suggest that the colony would be ruled by a joint council of representitives from WA, ARA and the Aboriginal Grand Council. That would mean 33%+33%+33%. I also suggest that they would have a separate monetary system. The military defense could be provided by our (WA and ARA) armies so that in the case of any revolutionary rebellions, we could take the control and re-establish the old borders.

          I also accept the alliance and suggest that we invest heavily in the excavation of the desert ares. Also improving road and rail links between our countries would be good as that would boost the export and import of goods. We in the ARA are going to low the taxation for any investments made by firms from WA as the taxation for foreign investments is higher than domestic ones. We also start a fullscale economy revival plan of our economy as a part of the Pro Reformation party's plan for improved production rates and a general modernisation of the republic. As a part of this, our Foreign Affairs Council (highest governmental agency for foreign affairs) has decided to suggest a long term plan for economic co-operation with WA and they also give the following statement:

          Aboriginal Republic of Australia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Affairs Council

          Our message to the government of Western Australia is that we want to promote peaceful mutual co-operation as any war would be pointless and a waste of time, lives, resouces and funds. Instead we suggest that we as neighbours would on a long term try to improve our economies and aim to have a very extensive military co-operation and alliance in order to be able to concentrate efforts on other development too. I also suggest that we would give help to Indonesia in order to help them with their economical trouble but also to get access to a very large market. However I do understand the concerns of a despotic rule, but I hope the Indonesian government will take further measures.
          "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


          • #35
            The Random Events of the year 1961

            occ: NB I control your economies and any outside influences therefore any policies will be considered but the final judgement on your economic status will be mine.

            Indonesia: The trade embargo against you is destroying your fragile economy, and the rebels demand complete independence, and help from other Oceanic States. The Dictator's postion is precarious at best. However the United Nations votes 119 -110 to not impose economic sactions.

            Queensland: The farmer's rejoice as their crops are saved and famine is diverted. Unfortuantley the epidemic from the south is spreading and has afected the south-East of your state.

            Western Australia: The rebel forces have fled to the ASA. Your explorers find gold and uranium depostits.

            Easrtern Australia: The epidemic increases and your health system is oerwhelmed. many people are openly talking about revolution. Outside help is essential for continued well being.

            Victoria: Wide spread epidemic has been diverted but your economy is slowing due to loss of trade with the EA. (hope you don't minsd but I took rassies suggestion and made Tasmania a country)

            New Zealand: The United States gives you 100 million dollars for your efforts in Afghanistan and your economy is booming. However the flower generation known as Hippies are protesting the war with mass civil disobedience and this threatens continued economic growth.

            ASA: Your economy is suffering as European disobedience increases, and racial clashes rise.

            pacifica: Your economy is shaky but some high profile companies are intrested in your low taxes and low wages. 50% of the Navy (the part not under the government control) mutinies gets the fascist regime to exile and escapes into the sunset......

            PNG: There is widespread violence as tribes in the interior of the island clash with workers clearing the forrest. They protest the destruction of their ancestral homes and holy places. Unless you stop all foreign investors will leave the conuntry, causing widepsread depression.

            Van Diemen's Land: Independence is declared (see first post as it is now edited, and the people are firelcy patriotic.
            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


            • #36
              New nation:::

              Name: Kingdom of Van Diemen's Land
              Capital: Hobart Town
              Population: Tiny
              Economy: High but slowing
              Army: Small
              Navy: Meduim
              Ruler: Jack_www (if he wants it)
              Government: Parlimenty Monarchy
              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


              • #37
                Victoria is suffering because of the lack of trade with EA, but its being diverted to other countries, including the newly independent Tasmania.

                Victoria trades with this new country, but refuses to recognise it's independence. A partial blockade is declared over the island. Any arms shipments will be confiscated by the large Victorian Navy.

                To EA: you must take drastic measures to deal with the epidemic! Quarantine if need be!


                • #38
                  the senate voted on the proposal of PNG and Victoria to join them into a permanent Alliance.

                  The yes won for 65% of votes, while 30% said no and 5 % abstained.

                  To PNG and Victoria:
                  NZ will join your democratic alliance.
                  Strong democracies need strong friends.

                  To Pacifica:
                  NZ will protect your new democratic government, as our economy is currently growing very fast, we will soon start sending aids to you.
                  We will also protect your country against the Fascist rebels

                  To Indonesia:
                  We will lift the embargo only when you will think more of your own people.
                  We will only send to your country medicines and primary needs so that your people will not suffer for the closing of trades against your country


                  The protest done by the hippies against the war has started, the Government promise that the war will not last too long, and that our brave soldiers will soon return home.
                  Therefore we ask our people to support them in their war, as their currently risking their lives for the liberation of a country against an oppressive dictatorship, and to install there a democratic goverment.

                  Following this statement on the national TV were showed big programs about the war, cheering up the NZ and American soldiers as paladines of democracy and freedom, and showing poor afghani women beaten up and incarcerated by the old regime, and later liberated by the brave Nez Zealand soldiers.


                  Name: New Zealand
                  Capital: Wellington
                  Government: Constitutional Monarchy (British King)
                  President: Giovanni Wine (Green Democratic Party)
                  Approval rating: 43%
                  Army: Large
                  Navy: Medium (improving to Large)
                  Air Force: Small (improving to Medium)
                  Economy: Booming
                  Population: Medium
                  MPP: Eastern Australia.
                  NAP: Western Australia, Queensland
                  Embargo against: Indonesia
                  Member of the Oceanic Democratic Alliance (PNG and Victoria)

                  30% of Army and Navy currently at war along side the USA against Afghanistan, this will end in 3 years.

                  New Zealand Projects:
                  The 100 milions received by the US together with some cash from our own treasury were used by the New Zealand Defense Ministry to enlarge the Navy and Air Force

                  Navy to Large: 4 years
                  Air Force to Medium: 3 years
                  "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                  The trick is the doing something else."
                  — Leonardo da Vinci
                  "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                  "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                  • #39
                    Thanks Sheep for new country. Can you update the map soon too?
                    Donate to the American Red Cross.
                    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                    • #40
                      Special police forces of Pacifica have arrested some leaders of the fascist party. In retaliation Fascist Navy opened fire on cities under democratic control. A lot of civilians have been killed and Provisary Government has declared martial law.

                      A new army, recruited among people, has been formed and try to maintain order. There are also reports from exactions commited by People's Army on civilians.

                      Economy is shrinking and more and more people try to flee off the islands.

                      Fascist force are still controlling 33% of the country and they have the biggest army.
                      From Democratic Pacifica:
                      To Free Nations of the world: HELP US! Here, people are being murdered. War is going on and UN isn't doing anything to prevent it. I'm requesting help from any democratic country of the world.

                      To New-Zealand:
                      Thanks but send soldiers please. We are in struggle and the fascist enemy is coming closer and closer. Do not let Pacifica die and fall in anarchy.

                      Papau New Guinea: We accept your NAP but we need your help. Democracy and free rights are being threatened and I don't speak about Communism or Fascism. If you don't help us, you are letting thousands of innocents in the hand of fascism or communism...

                      From Fascist Pacifica:
                      To Republic of Indonesia: Our friends, fascism is threatened in Pacifica. Help us and we will be your most trusted allies.


                      • #41
                        To the ARA: Sounds good. I will also sell gold and uranium to you at a discounted price.

                        Chairman Tom Johnson has decided to open up the press and allow almost complete freedom of religion, press, and speech. He has also begun to investigate the possibility of privatizing some government agencies.


                        • #42
                          Indonesia is sending as many troops as possible to support fascist Pacifica. However, it can only send about 25% of its medium sized army and 50% of its small navy since it needs the other soldiers to keep control of the rebels in Indonesia.

                          Indonesia also begins negotiations with the rebels about more autonomy but makes clear that it will not allow independence under any circumstances.
                          The govt. also creates a long-term plan to improve education and free trade without cutting off too much power of the glourious leader badman. Freedom of press and speech will not be granted but the govt. will remove all restrictions to science and companies once the country is secure again.

                          (OCC: I personally think, it would be too boring if everyone was democratic )
                          "Cogito Ergo Sum" - Rene Descartes, French Mathematician


                          • #43
                            Victoria begins construction of an expanded air force.

                            (OCC: I personally think, it would be too boring if everyone was democratic)
                            me too.


                            • #44
                              40% of the NZ Royal Navy, together is approuching the islands of Pacifica

                              30% of the NZ Army had been sent to PAcifica as well,
                              Of this 30%, 40% landed on the isaldn of Nauru, and is now currently building up coastal defense against the Fascist Army.

                              the other 30% had landed on the Fiji islands, and the last 30% is now landing on New Caledonia.


                              Current military status of NZ

                              Large Army:
                              30% in Afghanistan helping Us troops
                              30% on Pacifica helping the Democratic gov't against the Fascist
                              40% on the main two islands of NZ

                              Medium Navy
                              30% near Afghanistan, helping US navy
                              40% in Pacifica territorial waters.
                              30% in NZ territorial waters


                              To PNG and Victoria:
                              As we recently signed an alliance pact, I would like to ask your help in setting up a Democratic gov't in Pacifica.

                              This will be very good for our alliance, as this will prevent to have another totalitarian state to my north, or in case of PNG to your east, which instead can become our ally, rather as our enemy.


                              (OOC: I agree with you Batman, all Democracy is boring, however, you'll soon understand how fun it is to be the only bad guy in NES)
                              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                              The trick is the doing something else."
                              — Leonardo da Vinci
                              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                              • #45
                                ooc: this one is off to a good start


                                "....and the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer" bellowed Frank McDougal out of his loud speaker " its is time for a change. The Eastern Austalia I grew up in was prosperous and free. Now, if your not making millions of dollars, you sure as hell dont have much of a say in how this place is run, they call it a democracy, but not too many people have a say in ths place.


                                Frank McDougal is slowly gaining popularity around E. A. , especially in rural areas, where poor growing conditions and a lack of aid from the governement has ment a disasterous year for farmers.

