We accept all NAP's offered to us, except Indonesia's offer.
To Pacifica: We propose a NAP with your nation.
To Victoria: We offer our help in trying to control and stop the epidemic in your nation.
To New Zeland: Please consider joining the Oceanic Democratic Alliance with Victoria and us.
To Indonesia: We condemn your tyrannical and inhumane acts.
To Eastern Australia: NAP?
The economy is beginning to improve.
President Jonny is implementing the new "3 Step Plan To Economic Improvement", which involves:
1)Expanding the Navy to Medium to create new jobs (takes 2 years)
2)Giving Tax-Free incentives to high-tech industry to get them to move to our country
3)Ordering the clearing of jungles/forests near cities to make jobs, create clear land, and possibly lower disease
Papua New Guinea (Army Green)
Capital: Port Morsbey
Ruler: Jonny
Economy: Somewhat Poor (but Improving)
Population: Meduim
Army: Meduim
Navy: Small (expanding to medium)
Govt. Democracy
Alliances: Victoria
NAPs: Victoria, Queensland, ASA, New Zealand, Western Australia
We accept all NAP's offered to us, except Indonesia's offer.
To Pacifica: We propose a NAP with your nation.
To Victoria: We offer our help in trying to control and stop the epidemic in your nation.
To New Zeland: Please consider joining the Oceanic Democratic Alliance with Victoria and us.
To Indonesia: We condemn your tyrannical and inhumane acts.
To Eastern Australia: NAP?
The economy is beginning to improve.
President Jonny is implementing the new "3 Step Plan To Economic Improvement", which involves:
1)Expanding the Navy to Medium to create new jobs (takes 2 years)
2)Giving Tax-Free incentives to high-tech industry to get them to move to our country
3)Ordering the clearing of jungles/forests near cities to make jobs, create clear land, and possibly lower disease
Papua New Guinea (Army Green)
Capital: Port Morsbey
Ruler: Jonny
Economy: Somewhat Poor (but Improving)
Population: Meduim
Army: Meduim
Navy: Small (expanding to medium)
Govt. Democracy
Alliances: Victoria
NAPs: Victoria, Queensland, ASA, New Zealand, Western Australia