occ: with this asia doensnt have to open
No announcement yet.
cAHNES: 1811
The Restoration of the US economy is working well and speedy.
the destruction of the Franch Empire also moved many investors to move their money from there to other nations, including the USA.
To Spain:
15% of our economy in your hands seem like a lot in the long run.
Our country already received a lot of money from former France, and our economy is increasing very fast right now.
Anyway, we will increase trade with your country, and will open our nation to spanish traders, as this will benefit both our nations equally.
To Canada and Quebec.
Montgomery Burns, President of the United States of America greet your new Nation.
We would like to sign a NAP with your nation.
To German States and Independent Alliance Members:
Your fighting against France is absolutly unfair, you proclaimed your independence from a country that have opressed you a long time, you know how it feel to be opressed, and we know that too very well, why would you want to be the opressor now.
(OOC: Sheep, what have you done)
Army Large
Navy Medium
Economy: weak, but growing very fast
Projects: Infrastructures rebuilding (3 years)
MPP: None (NATO was force-dissolved after the defeat against the European Powers)
War: None
Saluti"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
Bordeaux has fallen into Spanish hands due to navy support. Marseilles though has been overrun and will soon surrender.
Spanish army is now advancing toward Orleans and Paris. Among Spain army, there is Murat, the possible successor of Napoleon on the throne of France.
As he is now married with the King of Spain's sister, Murat now belongs to the Spain Royal family.
King of Spain denies any take over of France by Spain if Murat gets in power.
****! I was planning a surprise release of the Asian theater this weekend, I already made the map! Oh well, this works too. I am honored that you called it a "civman". But until Europe is onec again dominated by just a few countries, I will not release it.
To teh Alliance of Independents (secret): The WCI officially recognizes you but will be officially neutral in your struggle.
To Canada: Can Indians vote in your nation? Is Tren Lieberman an Indian? If so, we will sign an alliance witrh you.
To Spain: Since you need lots of money for your war in Europe, what if I buy Mexico from you (for a price of your choosing)?
To Spain (Top Secret):
This is a major blow to our Alliance. Something has to be done, at the very least we must get these countries to side with us. We must also recover the steam power porject as it is almost done. Russia is sending 400,000 troops to France to get them under our controll. But a side of me is glad Napoleon is gone. The man was a madman, I feared that he would attack me any day.
Mexico government has decided that Mexico will soon be included into Spain Empire. Some Mexicans are saddened. King of Spain has still promised Mexico will keep special rights and autonomy.
Spanish troops are right now maintaining orders in Mexico (200.000 soldiers). King of Spain has offered gold and territories to Mexicans who wants to support Spain's crown. Spanish immigrants are coming to Mexico.
Mexico joining into Spain isn't changed, it is only delayed.
50.000 Spanish troops coming from South America have arrived in Mexico.
Marseilles has fallen and a 1st Spanish army (350.000 soldiers) is regrouping near Lyon. The second one is approaching Orleans (200 km away from Paris, I would say).
To Canada: We offer a NAP with your nation. We also invite you to join NATO.
To Quebec: We offer a NAP with your nation. We also invite you to join NATO.
To Spain: Why are you forcing us to downsize our army and navy?
About the Peace Treaty: We like the peace treaty (the one in civman's map), but we have one problem about it: quite a bit of land that belonged to us now belongs to the United States; I believe the border needs to be pushed east some.
OOC (about the steam engine) : I don't see anything too unrealistic about having a railroad right now. The first steam engines were built in the late 17th century by several inventors, notably Thomas Savery and Thomas Newcomen. Besides, this game started 16 days ago. If 1 day=1 year, then it is 1827.
The Aliiance of Independent States
The Alliance of Independent States has read this press release. The Alliance wishes that al memebr nations are recognised and has formally invited all nations of the world to join our alliance. We are willing to sign a treat with France if it is headed by Murat and Murat is not to take the name Napoleon. We will not advance any futher into France. However no memebr nations will join any other alliance. As we have said you may join us and help us, but we will not join you.
From Germany
To the World: We ask every nation to sign NAps with our alliance and ask that you recognse all of us. If this occurs we will think about signing alliances with others.
From Qubec
To NAto and Canada: We ask for a NAp and also confirm our pledge to make America for Americans. I will later on think about making an alliance with all of you.
From Germany secret:
To the world other than Russia and Spain: If we joined together in alliance we would be stronger than the colonial powers, Spain and Russia. What do you think.Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
I am changing over to Qubec as my friend (he's new to Apolyton and NEs) wants GermanyDon't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
OOC: Question: Can Indians vote in Canada?
REportedly, the Prophet has died, and new, more aggressive leadership has come to teh WCI.
WCI to AIS: Alliance?
WCI to NATO: I know we have not always been so friendly with each other, but wouls you like the idea of allying and attacking Spain? The war would essentially be the world vs Spain and Russia, and we should be able to win a war like that.
Spain troops are now defilating in Paris and last remnants of French army has retreated or surrendered. Murat is now the new Emperor of France. To help him 300.000 Spanish troops will maintain order.
Mexico has joined Spain Empire. Mexican army is now under Spanish commands.
During the year, some immigrants have been assassinated. A Mexico resistance group is suspected of these actions. Spanish officials also suspect WCI help.
To Louisiana: We will remove this condition if you accept to sign a NAP with us.
Spanish troops in Mexico are now deploying border forts mainly on WCI border. Cavalry troops often patrol in WCI territory.
To WCI: If some of your leaders accept to join Spain cause, Spain will help them to get in power and give them ammo, guns and technologies.
To Russia (secret): I think we could share Europe between us. The frontier would be in Germany on the Elb. But if German Empire accept to join our Alliance, we will give them central Europe. I want France and Italy mainly.
Louisiana to WCI (secret): If you join NATO, perhaps we can talk about action to remove Spain from the Americas.
Louisiana to Spain: We will not sign a NAP with you. But we will not give in to your demands either.
Louisiana to Canada, Quebec: I urge you to join NATO. Let's keep America for the Americans!
To Louisiana (secret): You know we don't trust the WCI, if you let them in the alliance, we will not be very happy about thet, and may consider leaving it.
Saluti"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio