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The Big Huge Modern War Thread Part IX: The Scramble for Africa

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  • #16
    OOC: No nukes, no scorched earth... You may leave for 4th war, but no sense in wrecking our thread too. Jt3, can we get this thing moved to the off-topic?


    • #17
      OOC: DrathVeda, did you see my proposal to you?
      "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
      Drake Tungsten
      "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
      Albert Speer


      • #18
        OOC - You people like a sense of humor don't you (monolith, Hodad, HsFB). But no.


        General Lopez and the Junta roared with laughter sharing the feeling of all Peruvian people. Lopez and Major-General Montez were wiping tears from their eyes. Vacez was hugging his ribs and the whole Junta had collapsed in mirth.

        "The Chileans celebrating victory..over US!?" roared Montez. Unfortunantly this caused more laughter from the Junta. The nation of Peru was astounded to hear that the Chileans after making themselves look like idiots in front of the world had celebrated victory over them. Lopez finally them all down and spoke.

        "Since the Chileans seem to think that they have won we must tell them otherwise. The equipment from China is due to arrive tomorrow and the CW supplies are already here. The Chileans are greatly outgunned. SAM missle batteries are being built in the sections of Great Wall we have completed and Patriot missle defenses are being set up on our border. This will keep the so called "best pilots" in the world at bay. They think they have won. Well they are wrong" said Lopez. This almost brought the Junta to their feet. However Montez spoke up.

        "What about the Canadians. Their actions in New England and imposing sanctions on us. Sir they pose a threat to us. I suggest we remove it!!" said Montez. The Junta nodded in agreement. But Lopez spoke.

        "No for now we will simply warn the Canadians to mind their own affairs" said Lopez. Than again he spoke.

        "Tell the researchers in Callao to start working on a new design. And let us test that Teracopterus" said Lopez. The Junta nodded and filed out of the room.

        To Chile - There is no victory for you. If you do not agreee to ALL the terms we will attack.

        To China - Have we reached an agreement on the industry deal?

        To Canada - Who do you think you are? Keep our of South American affairs. We do not take kindly to meddlers!! And the only time you will see us in Canada is if Ottawa has a Peruvian flag flying over it.

        What You Do Not Know About

        To Germany - Please consider selling us some of your Gripen or older fighter jets. Bombers would also be appreciated.
        [This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited April 03, 2000).]


        • #19
          I give up Japan. Let the newbies have it. I'm going to either take Greater Arabia or the Iberian Union. I'll post back ina while when I make my decision.


          • #20
            CW News October 1-15 2001

            Training continues...CW domestic uneasiness quelled...people are confident in their government again.

            CW supports African Campaigns...larger nations bring civilization, law and order into the dark continent!

            Research and development continue on Tank and Fighter...Ohio fortifications continue to spring up

            To Canada: We invite you to participate in the research of our North American tank and fighter program...please contact us via email with your response!

            We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!


            • #21
              OOC: Holy crap mao...i was scared for a second...i thought you were having a titty fit on me...oh god...i was wondering where i wrote 4 million since i am still abiding by JT3s proclamation of 1.5 million...and also i dont have to worry about going bankrupt for the time being cuz i tax everything possible and also have a price fix...kinda like a freeze but allows room for competition and adjustments and several other measures...sheesh i almost needed nitroglycerin
              We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!


              • #22
                Due to the untrustworthyness of the incredibly foolish Japanese, we do not recognize the Philippines as divided territory. In other words: the Philippines belong only to the Polynesian Coalition and shall not be divided either now or in the future. All Japanese forces must leave the Philippines in 24 hours.

                Wiio's First Law: Communication usually fails, except by accident.


                • #23
                  The Polynesian Coalition also announces that we are willing to buy any kind of modern naval warfare (submarines, capital ships etc.). Send us your messages if you are interested.
                  Wiio's First Law: Communication usually fails, except by accident.


                  • #24
                    To: PC
                    From: Neo Soviet Russia

                    We would be willing to construct any number of Kilo-class submarines that you request.


                    • #25
                      To: Peru
                      From: Canada

                      Your aggresive militaristic attitudes disgust us. Not only are you an over-aggresive bigoted fascism, your threats run hollow. Be glad that you are so far away. . . Chile shall be avenged!

                      To: CW
                      From: CR

                      We would be glad to participate in your tank and plane program. Perhaps working together, we can counter the military advances being made by other countries. We must keep pace!
                      OOC: I'm at school, can't mail you right now).

                      *Top Secret*
                      Word of atrocities in New England have reached Canada. Because of the current state of tension with Peru, it has been decided not to come forward with the information at this time.
                      [This message has been edited by monolith94 (edited April 04, 2000).]
                      "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                      Drake Tungsten
                      "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                      Albert Speer


                      • #26

                        That's it.

                        1.Bullying? I had a six hour pass and could only post that once.

                        2. I'm leaving.

                        3.This is, and was, the most unrealistic and unfair War thread ever.

                        4.I hope you had fun!

                        5.I relize that this is just a game, but you have to relize to give me a chance. When someone who plays baseball isn't very good, do you make fun of him and gang up on him? Eh? No, you help him learn to play baseball. When sucxh people as Black Dragon learn this, then they will eventually be at least a little bit smart.

                        6.I would of chosen another territory because of this, but there is no good territory. All the rest is Third World.

                        Also, please join World 2010 at

                        It's a new War Thread. Everyone is welcome. Polaris, if you want to do your War Forum Ideas there, you are free to do so.
                        [This message has been edited by Bill3000 (edited April 04, 2000).]
                        [This message has been edited by Bill3000 (edited April 04, 2000).]
                        "Compromises are not always good things. If one guy wants to drill a five-inch hole in the bottom of your life boat, and the other person doesn't, a compromise of a two-inch hole is still stupid." - chegitz guevara
                        "Bill3000: The United Demesos? Boy, I was young and stupid back then.
                        Jasonian22: Bill, you are STILL young and stupid."

                        "is it normal to imaginne dartrh vader and myself in a tjhreee way with some hot chick? i'ts always been my fantasy" - Dis


                        • #27
                          OOC: They are unemployed due to government corruption and stupidity(real world).
                          Most of them literate, and learning how to drive a truck or a harvesting machine isn't that hard, either. Taking in account that under a socialist regime, charity is a quite difficult way to live, a national recruiting campaign was set up, they either chose the army or industry/manufacturing/farming to support it; or they probably would have dided of hunger. anyway, you can cut that number to 2.500.000/3.000.000 Oh, and they already have about three months training. and we have 75.000 guys from falklands and the army before charly came into power.

                          to Bearcat(still ooc)
                          me? sense of humour? why?


                          To Everybody
                          New irrigation and farming techniques made it possible for us to produce enough food in the Patagonia for around 1.500.000 people, and increasing.

                          All efforts from the Brazileans who are trying to build or repair bridges to invade us were ruined.

                          Flak and SAM batteries are proliferating througout major cities in Argentina.

                          To UK
                          We formally request military help if Brazil attacks.
                          We wait for the reply about your new armor.

                          Today, in a meeting with the heads of Resistance in Paraguay and Uruguay, President I am Nestor agreed to provide both countries with munition and weapons.

                          AND YOUR SPIES NOW NOTHING, NAPOLEON
                          Indifference is Bliss


                          • #28
                            OOC: 3 million men? Three months training? What did you train them with? Sticks and slingshots? You don't have the equipment to train all those men into the military nor enough to equip them. They can't be regular troops, don't expect them to be a match for say...the average CTA soldier if you're in combat.
                            Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                            • #29
                              OOC: OK. Pal. This is how it worked. I was more then fair when I posted my invasions. I gave you time to reply and when you did I continued. Right now I have ALL of Argentina under my control and am surrounding Buenos Aires with a tight blockade. You really have no choice but to surrender. Your people are starving in the city since it has been blockaded for over 1 month. I know it will be hard, but just give up, your beat. You can take another land though. I suggets Japan.

                              Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                              Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                              The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


                              • #30
                                Headlines in Der Spiegel:
                                -Kaiser to marry Victoria, Crown Princess of Sweden.
                                -Decolonization Plan announced.
                                -German troops complete Benin campaign, minor partisan resistance to be targeted.
                                -Following Indian withdrawals from Africa, Eastern Kenya has been ceded to Germany.
                                -German diplomats begin talks to transfer colonies to Ireland as part of the decolonization program.
                                -Sino-German campaigns continue.
                                -Returns continue to come in from Zaire, results not very favorable.

                                In New England, secretly:
                                Roundups of political enemies continued across New York and Massachusetts. Many attempted to flee to Canada and were caught by German and CRME forces. (OOC: Be it noted that I am only rounding up those who were in fanatical support of Demesos and a couple of notable liberals.)

                                Foreign Office Dispatches:
                                The campaign (and your battle posts) go well.
                                We await your answer.
                                We are willing to sell you some Tornado fighter-bombers and any other type of weapon you might need.

