I have 2 versions to post, mostly differing on Libya (and with a few more corrections that I saw). Version one:
No announcement yet.
FroNES III - World in Disarray
Well, the start should be delayed until we agreed on a common map
I´d say the one with all of Lybia to Italy is the correct one, because in every wargame it is handled that way, and I don´t think they were all wrongHeinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
Let me eat your yummy brain!
"be like Micha!" - Cyclotron
I think instead of being picking about the map, just pick a map and lets start.
...waiting for the start...Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
Let me eat your yummy brain!
"be like Micha!" - Cyclotron
United States of America
Start Naval build up of the Pacfic fleet. Also try to enlarge the Alantic fleet as well. Build aircraft carriers and battleships.
Start an overall millitary build up. THe goal is to sell arms to Britain and France, and maybe Russia.
To: France and Britain
We would like to sell you arms. As of now a lot of people in our nation are out of work. THis would benfit all of us. So what do you say?
To: Japan
We erge you to stop you conquests of Asia. The US may be forced to stop trading with you as a result if you dont.
Deutsches Reich
Spring 1939. The German minorities of Czechoslovakia and all of Austria have been finally reunited with the Reich, the economy is up and running, and the Führer´s autarky plan is nearing completion.
The first new Panzer IV tanks have just left the factories, and the Luftwaffe is looking forward to the new Messerschmitt interceptors. Divebombers have proven very useful in the Spanish civil war three years ago, and by now several hundreds of them are produced each year. In fact, the bomber production is even being improved by the new "Führererlaß" (decree by the leader). This will lead to a big increase in airforce numbers, and most likely also in quality.
However, Poland is still claiming the German city of Danzig, and until now hasn´t allowed to let the Germans build a highway through their territory to connect Eastern Prussia with the Reich.
The tensions are rising about this conflict.
On the Western Front the French are heavily fortifying at the Maginot line, while the Benelux have the German assurance to respect their neutrality.
Hitler really wants to have the English on his side, since he has ever admired their way to handle things. They´re mercyless in military affairs, but still the world benchmark as "gentlemen". The German foreign policy tries really hard to improve the British-German relations.
To Poland
We don´t understand why you try so hard to provoke a war. All we want is to get our city of Danzig back and a small land corridor to connect what was once a single territory. You should better give in to our demands, for they´re final. We have no further claims, and we want for a peaceful future for our people. But the Germans won´t be tricked by you, be sure of that.
To United Kingdom
Our fleet pact is about to end next month. But the Germans see no reason to compete with the masters of the sea, and so we´d like to renew this pact. The German fleet will remain half the size of the British fleet.
We also invite your Prime Minister to a state visit to Germany. We´d like to show you what we´ve achieved in such a short time...
To Italy
How can we be of assistance for our brothers to the south? Name your needs, and the Führer will see what he could do. How is your colonial policy going? Do your troops need training?
To Sweden
We´d like to renew our trade pact. Your iron ore is of very good quality, and it proved very helpful to our economy. The Führer hopes our coal shipments have arrived in time to cover the Swedish people´s needs? However, a large shipment is waiting in Lübeck to leave for Malmö. Hope to hear from you soon...
- Upgrade airforce (2 turns)
- Upgrade army (4 turns)Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
Let me eat your yummy brain!
"be like Micha!" - Cyclotron
To Great Britain
From Deutsches Reich
We humbly accept this alliance. We admire your people, and we really wish for best relations to you. Just name whatever you need and we´ll try to help itHeinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
Let me eat your yummy brain!
"be like Micha!" - Cyclotron
From: Italy
To: Germany
Perhaps some training of our African colonial troops would be nice. And if it's not too much of a bother, maybe you could bring our airforce up to date too. (In RL, Italy's air force was infamously bad.)
From: Italy
To: Yugoslavia
We would like to renew our mutual defense pact. It has served both our nations well since the close of the Great War 20 years ago.