C'est la vie. It's August 31st, 1939. Nazi Germany is on the march. Britain and France work hard
to restore their once mighty armies. The United States continues it's isolation. The Americas are
hotting up, with increased tension between the two great powers Argentina and Brazil
Meanwhile, the Japanese continue their advances into China. Will the British, French and Dutch be able to save
their colonies while repelling Hitler's mighty armies? You decide.
One year = two days. Please post orders for Summer and Winter of the year. The Daily Press, the
official newspaper of FroNES III, is released every summer, showing the events happening in the
world. On occasion, the Daily Press will release special editions in some cases.
Be realistic. I will step in if, for instance, in 1944 Germany has hundreds of Fdsfnapbians and
is holding Winston Churchill hostage in the Reichstag. Boring.
to restore their once mighty armies. The United States continues it's isolation. The Americas are
hotting up, with increased tension between the two great powers Argentina and Brazil
Meanwhile, the Japanese continue their advances into China. Will the British, French and Dutch be able to save
their colonies while repelling Hitler's mighty armies? You decide.
One year = two days. Please post orders for Summer and Winter of the year. The Daily Press, the
official newspaper of FroNES III, is released every summer, showing the events happening in the
world. On occasion, the Daily Press will release special editions in some cases.
Be realistic. I will step in if, for instance, in 1944 Germany has hundreds of Fdsfnapbians and
is holding Winston Churchill hostage in the Reichstag. Boring.
