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staznes Apolyton II: The Current World

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  • To USSR:
    *secret*We thank you for your generosity, we will transfer the appropriate funds to you immediately.*secret*

    To Papal States:
    We will allow you to keep the obelisk for the sake of further relations.

    To Holy Roman Empire ("It's neither holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire.--Voltaire):
    We thank you for complying with our request, we will of course pay all the transportations fees.

    To China:
    *secret*We are pleased with your decision. We will discuss joint actions on the world stage later in detail.*secret*

    -station 7 of the Kilo-class subs in the Mediterranean, and the remaining 3 in the Red Sea
    -continue with other invasions and projects
    -when Sudanese invasion force takes the nation, proceed to Ethiopia to provide relief to the people (secretly overthrow the government in the name of the people and declare it an Egyptian province)
    You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


    • To the US: Unfortunately, we must decline your request. The Empire does not see it prudent to have an overseas commitment. Maybe next time, but not now.

      To Romania: In exchange for a price reduction on Alsatian coal and steel, will you allow us to buy oil from your wells near Ploesti at a lower price?

      -Do not allow the Arazim Co. to expand any further economically within our borders as it already has.
      -Continue at full steam to building a feasible nuclear project. Build a couple of experimental nuclear power plants. Hopefully this will partially take care of both the unemployment problem and speeding up our development.
      -To help alleviate the unemployment project, offer recruitment incentives. This will both remove thousands of unemployed citizens and swell the ranks of our military. Also use some of the government-sponsored work groups to begin construction of a sizable navy.


      • Arazim Company:

        to Iran:
        Do not worry, we shall not try to get into your economy. We anyway prefer to work with the older companies in each country... We accept your economic "rule"

        to Roman Holy Empire:
        We decided to ban ourselves from Europe.
        If you wish to kill your own people, our workers just because your afraid from a company... well we prefer thos people won't die and that we will loose money (and you will have very high unemplloiance, and could not fix it as I'm destroying and investment in europe).
        Agree to have free trade, or a trade law like in Iran, as we have no releigion controling us, and we will not let any religion to gain control over us.
        Open to Arazim freely, or have your economy in shamble by your own acts. We have no mean to hurt, but If we leave, we leave totaly.


        • To: Egypt, USA
          From: Palestine

          We will track down the terrorists responsible for the attacks and hand them over to Egyptian authorities for proper punishment.

          To: Azarim Co.
          From: Palestine

          We will allow you into our nation, but we will keep an EXTREMELY close watch on you. In exchange we ask for reduced prices on your products.

          To: Israel
          From: Palestine

          We wish no more religious violence between our nations. We believe that Jews and Muslims, both descendants of Abraham should not fight each other. We propose a Palestinian/Israeli Union, sort of like what the Austro-Hungarian Empire was. Our Prime Ministers will rule jointly, making foreign affairs and defense decisions, while each nation's internal affairs are run by a separate government. We will speak together as the Israeli-Palestinian Union, (IPU for short).
          Join NANESIA starting now in the Stories and Diplomacy Forum!
          Prime Minister Calvin Williams of Britain in SHNESA
          Prime Minister Yasser Arafat of Palestine in stAZNES2 (Apolyton)


          • To people of Africa:
            Haven't you been mistreated enough by your government? We invite you to rise up and overthrow the tyrannical regimes which have imprisoned you for so long, we will support you efforts through any means we can.

            To Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq:
            We demand unconditional surrender from your nations, if you do so we will allow you to exist as independent states with your current government intact. If you continue to resist we will not be so lenient.

            To Libya:
            *secret*Let us stop this tension between us, if our two nations were to go to war it would be disastrous for both. We propose that you join us in the fight for African unity, Egypt and Libya, as powerful nations in Africa, can lead this new Africa into the next century as the greatest force on the planet. We invite you to join us as equal partners in rebuilding Africa.*secret*

            -continue funding rebels in Congo
            -initiate propaganda campaigns in Africa to get the people to rise up against their government
            You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


            • To Papal State:
              *secret*We request that the Pope make a pubic announcement to the Christians of Africa telling them to rise up against their government and join Egypt.*secret*
              You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


              • To Germany: I'm not quite sure what you mean by overseas commitment. It would be us commiting to your defense as we are as snug as a bug!
                (Secret) It's the Pope, isnt it? Haven't you allowed him to make decisions for you for too long? The last decision he made for you cost all nations of the world DEARLY....(/Secret)
                Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                • To the US: Last minute change of mind. We've decided to let you join on the condition that you attack a country only if provoked and will call to the aid of the rest of the Allies only if directly threatened. We will abide by the same terms as well. (Secret: We're also willing to exchange some military equipment; we'll give you 50 new state-of-the-art submarines in exchange for 20 B-52s and aid in our nuclear weapons program).

                  To Pope: How would you like to upgrade your navy? I can get resources from the rest of the Empire in order to do that.

                  FURTHER ORDERS
                  -Begin a propaganda campaign in the Benelux and Eastern Europe exhorting the benefits of joining the Empire compared with their current governments. Included in this will be the airing of Imperial TV and radio broadcasts across all of Europe. This will also open jobs in the media and entertainment businesses, thus helping to alleviate unemployment.

                  Secret orders to be done by PM to "God".


                  • Following the worldwide economic collapse, Iran and other PMEG members are taking steps to revive their economies and are making progress without the interference of the western countries, as their natural resources and populations can be used to advantage as the former economic powers no longer have as much of a competitive advantage. Membership has also once again been opened and the benefits of the Pact are being touted all over the world

                    OOC: Methril, isn't 1 month/update a little short? maybe 4 or 6 months/updade would be better.
                    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                    • To That Company : We fail to see how banning your company will affect our economy. The market gap has quickly been filled with young LOCAL companies, eager to make a profit. Because they are new start-ups they employ more people than established companies. Business is booming as the market gets an injection of new life and competetion is always better than a monopoly. Prices are lower, and as a result people are buying more. Getting rid of That Company has greatly improved the economy of the "Catholic Zones"

                      Orders : Proclamation 1 : Decree of dogmatic tolerance. All the dogma of the Catholic Church is to be replaced by a new declaration of tolerance. The Church recognises the right of all Christian creeds to be true christians, not just Catholics. Catholics are also free to beleive in what they want, so long as all recognise that GOD is the father and Jesus is the son, then we will no longer worry if they also beleive in saints, unleavened bread, latin masses, the immaculate conception etc etc etc. The Pope is calling a council of all Priests and Bishops in Rome to meet in peace and discuss a union of the Churches.

                      Proclamation 2 : Christians of Africa! The time is near when your endless wars shall end, and you shall truely be the people of GOD. Cease to fight amongst each other, and welcome the Egyptians in peace and love as befits the followers of Christ.

                      Proclamation 3 : The Pope Party in Italy, the Church government in Spain and the Papal-controlled areas of southern France all propose to join with the Papal States to form the Catholic Zone. The enlarged Catholic Zone will be ruled from Rome by a Church government, with civil courts, and will remain part of the HRE. Imperial Law will be adopted throughout, and the Imperial System. The Inqusition will be united with the Papal Guard and the Spanish, Italian and Frence Police Forces.

                      1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
                      That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
                      Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
                      Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


                      • The Emperor of Brazil outlined the new plan of the Empire of Brazil.

                        expand the economy of the nation throught the building of highways.
                        Invade and annex the nation of Uraguay.
                        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                        • to Palestine and everyone that don't know anything about Arazim
                          The main idea in our Company is to lower prices and let more peoplr have more.
                          We are the company with the lowest price for every product, and one of our rules is never to raise a price. That way everyone buy from us, and everyone are happy as everything is cheap.
                          For example (I only know israeli prices so I have to take it as example...) A bread in Israel cost aporxily 3NIS, from us it only cost 1NIS as we have many more resources from the help we give africa and from farms around the world.
                          Not only that our workers receive more money than in other companies... just that they will be happy.
                          As for the Holy Roman Empire, they don't want us, and anything Arazim have in their country will be demolished.

                          to Eastern Europe:
                          Uniting with the Holy Roman empire means to be their slaves and loose your work in many of our factories and shops...


                          • update tomorrow, but ill start it today so itll be finished tomorrow


                            • To Africa:
                              The time of your suffering is at an end. A new age of prosperity is about to begin.

                              -move 20% of troops in Egypt into African nations which have welcomed us after the Pope's speech
                              You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                              • The United States applauds the Popes decision to allow all Christians freedom of religion, but would be even more pleased if the Pope acknowledged everyones right to freedom of all religion.

                                Begin advertisement run for America in Asian countries.
                                Begin advertisement run for Germany in America.
                                Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                                Long live teh paranoia smiley!

