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staznes Apolyton II: The Current World

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  • To the world: Just as a reminder, the Holy Roman Empire includes the Papal States (which now control all of southern Italy), Germany (which now controls northern Italy and various regions of France), the County of Paris (formerly France), Spain (which has annexed some former French territory), and the independent republics of Normandy-Brittany and Corsica. However, these countries retain a degree of self-government, including their current regimes. Thank you for listening.

    To Pope: *secret*You'll like what I have in store for Arazim Co.

    -Begin advertisement run in the Empire for American corporations.
    -Prepare for firefighting near all Arazim Co. installations in Western Europe and have the managers of such publicly executed if they're even seen with anything flammable.
    -Begin preparations for the secret raid I PM'ed to "God".


    • Originally posted by Methril
      update tomorrow, but ill start it today so itll be finished tomorrow
      I hope you are right and it is done today!!
      Donate to the American Red Cross.
      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


      • Speicalist.
        There is no more Arazim company in your Communist state...
        Your fighting air :-D


        • To the world: There seems to be some confusion about my alliance offers. Some of you are thinking that the rules I gave for one alliance, the Trans-European, apply to all my alliance offers. As of yet, I have not made any further requests for nations to join this Alliance, which has been defunct ever since the Empire was established. Israel is still a member of "an" alliance with us, but not that alliance, so the rules no longer apply. Neither do they apply to any other alliance offer unless I specifically state otherwise.

          Also, the Holy Roman Empire officially recognizes the territorial reorganization of Imperial states into a unified Catholic Zone.

          One more thing--I request as many nations as possible to ban Arazim Co., or at least scale down your investments drastically (secretly to Latin American Catholic countries: And there will be trouble with the Pope if you in particular don't adhere).

          To Pope: *secret* May I ask that you threaten to excommunicate South American leaders if they don't stop their investments in That Unspeakable Monster-Corporation? Just a suggestion, though.

          To Arazim Co.: Just because you're no longer in the Empire doesn't mean we won't stop fighting you. to you too.

          -(Secret) Begin the destruction of Arazim facilities around the world by covert means around the world, except in the US, China, and Egypt.
          -Continue to remove unemployment by army and construction project incentives.
          -Work full speed towards developing nuclear armament construction and handling capabilities. (Should take about 4 turns, unless someone [God] would like to correct me)

          EDIT: Correcting typos. I misspelled "alliance" as "appliance" in a couple places.


          • June, 2002

            North America

            The American economy is picking up, but very slowly. The halving of taxes on business has created a rush of jobs in the newly opened businesses. (+2 economy points so far)

            Over 15 million people evacuate the Northeastern US in fear of other horrible things that might happen there, and the government mandate. They have gone to Canada, Alaska, and even to the new US seat of power, Utah.

            Other countries, mainly the ones affiliated with PMEG, have seen thier economies rise as well.

            Construction has begun on the new city of Tassagrad in Northern Utah.

            South America

            Brazil continues to industrialize, with the first major highway constructed from Fortaleza, all the way to Manaus.

            Uraguay invaded!! The small nation was overwhelmed in a few hours, as artilley rained over and over on thier houses.

            In retaliation, Argentina, Chile, and Peru have signed a military allinace pact and have increased army funds.

            With the combined armies of Ecuador and Columbia, the Southern Rebels were quickly defeated and are on the retreat.


            Holy Roman Empire is born!! After the partition of France, Germany and Spain declared themselves part of the new HRE. Luxembourg and Andorra quickly catipulated, and Normandy-Brittany are dependancies. Austria was annexed peacefully, but Switzerland was overthrown by Catholic insurgents. The people, armed to the teeth, have risen up and formed the SAIF (Swiss Army Independance Front).

            Likewise, in Portugal pro-Empire politicians overthrew the government and also like Switzerland the people have risen up in protest.

            The leaving of the Arazim Company has dipped Spain and Portugal into poverty levels. In Germany itself, the problem isnt nearly as bad. Many are hoping government programs can help the suffering.

            Wary of the situation in the HRE, Benelux nations decline the offer to join and instead seek USSR help.

            Ukraine joins the USSR! With the tide turned in battle from the aid of weapons, the Communist Ukrainians took over and quickly joined the growing USSR.

            Romania also joins, the people didnt really notice the change.

            Scandinavian and Eastern European countries begin allowing Soviet military installations in thier countries.

            Britain, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, and Iceland join in an alliance.


            Major bombing accident in Iran. A heavy bomb went way off its course and hit a crowded market in Mashhad! Over 1000 dead from the immediate blast, while another 2000 were injured.

            The Iranian invasion holds up at the Euphrates! Iraqi Republican Guards are now filling holes in the line, as the Iraqi;s fight for thier lives.

            Bombings in Jordan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia cause them to close all oil shipments to the US. The US will need oil in 6 months or gas prices will rise to 100$ for a golf cart.

            Israel and Palestine unite! After more than 50 years at each others throat, the two sides have reconcoiled in the grandest of ways.

            Egypt invades Saudi Arabi! The Suadis army is very sizeable and not as easy to route as thought. They have captured Medina, but at Mecca the army has held.

            Egypt invades Jordan. The Jordanian army is weak and quickly rolled over.

            Egypt invades Iraq!! The Iraqi Army, already over fighting Iran, collapses facing the Egyptians. They have advanced all the way to Baghdad.

            Asia & Oceania

            Central Asia has capitulated to the USSR. After the popular overthrows against Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, Krygyzstan and Turkmenistan were invaded by the Red Army.

            Mongolia to joined, and this has caused several mini-battles between Red ocuppiers and American soldiers based there.

            Chinese economy rises greatly! The new embracement of free business hase led the rise (+7 economy levels).

            Chinese military enters North Korea. With the North Koreans battered and beaten, the land was easily partioned among South Korea and China.

            India occupies the rest of Burma.

            Tibet annexes Bhutan, as all of the sheep farmers migrate to a better grassland.

            Australia enters Golden Age! Economy skyrockets, and people love everyone!!! (+10 economy)


            Sudan gives up before it can really fight. Egypt easily takes control, and the people coulndt be happier.

            Northern Zaire rebels join with Egypt!! They have joined Egypt, hoping they will help them establish control over the large country.

            Chad annexes to Egypt, seeing the oppurtunity for real growth.

            Rebellions against the corrupt governments in Western Africa flare up!! Citizens arm themselves with pickaxes and smal rocks to overthrow the cruel people in office, with the intent of joining Egypt.


            From: Poland, Bulgaria, Czech. Republic, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden, Norway
            To: USSR

            We would like an alliance.

            From: Israeli Representative
            To: Palestinian Representative

            We would like to keep our alliance with the HRE intact.

            wait for map, please dont post


            • Comment

              • and by tassador's request


                • To: Israeli Representative
                  From: Palestinian Representative

                  We would be fine if our nation was still allied to the hrE.
                  Join NANESIA starting now in the Stories and Diplomacy Forum!
                  Prime Minister Calvin Williams of Britain in SHNESA
                  Prime Minister Yasser Arafat of Palestine in stAZNES2 (Apolyton)


                  • ORDERS (for now)
                    -Unite Spain and Portugal into a new state called Iberia.
                    -Get scientists to work on methods to nano-arrange hydrocarbons. Predominant in this project will be figuring out how to convert coal into oil (they're really the same thing chemically, just a different number and structure of hydrocarbons). If this succeeds, the Empire will be able to produce its own oil using the Alsatian and Ruhr coal mines.
                    -Begin opening up jobs for displaced Spanish and Portugese workers in various Imperial projects, including the reconstruction of the former French territories and the building of the carriers Manfred Imperator and Caesar Romanorum in Hamburg.
                    -Make the de jure capital Rome and move some important government departments there. I'll continue ruling from Berlin. (The Papacy is part of the Empire, though the Pope maintains separate rule).

                    More to come later...


                    • To Arazim Co.:
                      We request that you assist us in the reconstruction efforts in Africa; in exchange for your assistance the government is willing to grant you favored status in our territories. We desire for you to stores, industries, etc. in our territories to facilitate reconstruction and to spur economic growth.

                      Domestic Orders
                      -change official name of the state from Egypt to Ta-meri(bellowed land);
                      -being government program to employ ever individual in Kemet, starting with construction work in the lesser developed provinces (i.e. basic infrastructure, apartment complexes and housing, healthcare, industry, etc.);
                      -start recruiting people in new territories for army;
                      -forces that attacked Sudan will be transferred to the control of the Strategic Self-Defense Forces command, their responsibility lays in defending the African territories (i.e. forces composed of 60% of total armed forces);
                      -armed forces in Africa are to be occupied with construction work;
                      -provide food to all people of provinces at low cost;
                      -Jordan is declared an autonomous region, allow for self-rule by locals;

                      Foreign Orders
                      -start funding rebels in other African nations attempting to overthrow their government and join us;
                      -recruit soldiers in occupied territory of Jordan to be shipped to the Saudi front;
                      -move 10% of SSDF forces in Sudan into Ethiopia to liberate the people from their oppressive government, have the troops provide urgently needed food supplies to the locals;
                      -establish satellite state in occupied territories of Iraq, the state is to be called Babylon;
                      -withdraw 75% of the troops in the new state of Babylon (rename Baghdad Babylon) and send them to reinforce the Saudi front (have them attack from the north of the current position and head for the Saudi capital of Riyadh;
                      -send 20% of SSDF forces into the Zaire in order to help the rebels there unify the nation;
                      You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                      • To Israel/Palestine:
                        We desire our two nations to prosper in peace together. Therefore we would ask that you sign a trade treaty with us, as well as a non-aggression treaty.
                        You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                        • Holy Roman News Report
                          REICHSTAG BUILDING BLOWN SKY-HIGH!

                          Just 2 hours ago, the Reichstag building in Berlin was badly damaged by a terrorist explosion. 9 Bundestag members, 22 other legislators, and countless civilians were killed or injured in the blast. The toll included a German elementary school teacher, who is now hospitalized, and 16 of his pupils, 5 killed and the rest being treated for injuries by a nearby clinic.

                          This news comes at a low point in Germany's economy. The crisis has shaken many citizens of the Empire, especially the German residents of Berlin. However, to the great relief of many, Emperor Manfred I has escaped unharmed and will make a speech detesting this "despicable outrage against a unified Europe."

                          Investigators have tracked the operation to a Muslim terrorist group operating within Algeria, though it is uncertain whether the Algerian government or Egyptian-backed rebels are responsible for the attack.


                          • To Algeria and Ta-meri: One of you is responsible.

                            To Algeria: We request that you turn over those responsible for the attack on the Reichstag. If they are rebels, we will provide assistance in rooting them out for you. Otherwise, your future does not look bright...

                            To Ta-meri (Egypt): I sincerely hope for your sake that it is not the responsibility of the rebels. If it is, however, we simply ask you to keep those Algerian rebels under control. If such an action happens again, and is caused by the rebels you are supporting, we will hold you accountable.

                            To Pope: *secret* If war comes with either Egypt or Algeria, will the rest of the Empire have Papal aid and support?


                            • Wow! Umm... I am lost for words.

                              To celebrate this event, Australia decides to become a free port and lower citizen taxes to just 25% of current value!
                              Promoter of Public Morale
                              Alpha Centauri Democracy Game


                              • Following the first few attacks on Arazim property, border security has been improved as well as additional watchfulness over the Arazim grounds itself (at their expense).

                                Finish conquest of Iraq. Use an "Ottoman Policy" on remaining resistors: give soldiers the option to surrender once, and they will be well treated until they can be released into civilian life, if they refuse no quarter will be offered them.

                                Growing discontent with the old government system in Iran has led to some progressive policies being instituted and the following idea has been set forth.:

                                Iran to Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Pakistan, Azerbaijan:

                                Our countries are being bombed by foreign powers. Egypt, USSR, China, and India, all on our borders, are expanding into neighboring states. In addition Europe has displayed that it may be about to attempt another period of colonialism. In the face of the worldwide depression, former superpowers wage economic and political war to try to reassert their dominance. If countries such as us are separated, we are in peril of losing our very existence. We ask you to join us and each other, that we may protect ourselves as well as improve our worldly and spiritual well-being. We are going to be switching to a non-demoninational government that we may retain all the good aspects that religious teaching provides but also allow for free discourse and belief. Help us and yourselves to make a new, great nation upon the face of the earth. Should you join, you may retain as much autonomy as you want or partake in the federal decisions to whatever level you deem appropriate. But we ask that you at least commit in spirit and as much as possible in fact.
                                Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.

