Hello and welcome to my second Apolyton staznes, The Current World! It has ideas based from Jasons Wargame, stjnes4, and several other small tidbits thrown in.
The premise of this NES is simple. It is shortly after the American-led war on Afghanistan. Kim Jong Il is arming North Korea with nuclear weapons, and Saddam Hussein is being accused of possessing biological and chemical weapons.
This is our current times (give or take a few months
Also remember, this is a work in progress so changes may be made.
Your template will be provided by me when you choose your nation.
Sample Template
Ruler Name
Government: Democracy
Economy: (1-30)
Army: 1,000,000 (numbers based on RL manpower)
Army Tech: high-tech Middle Modern Age
Navy: large
Navy Tech: high-tech Middle Modern Age
Air Force: large
Air Force Tech: high-tech Middle Modern Age
Internation Disputes:
The size of your army is based on the real world facts, but you can gear your army more towards actual infantry or tanks, etc if your wish. To raise your army you must say it in your orders. It costs 4 economy normally. I will decide how long it takes to increase the size, and will inform you.
You may also create different battalions for provinces far away, and missions. Plus, you could also splinter the regualar army into a piece you want.
Seperate Battalions cost up to 7 economies.
Army Tech
This can prove to be the deciding factor in a battle with barely superior numbers. Your tech level on the army front determines your UU's and how well your army fights.
You can research things, just ask me first and ill approve of dissaprove. Raising your tech costs on an average of 6 economies.
This is showed by levels, but might soon be changed to individual units. It is needed to create blockades and too transport armies across bodies of water. Raising the Navy is usually about 4 economies.
Navies can move 7 squares a turn.
Air Force Levels and Tech
Much like the navy, also soon might be changed. Critical too any operation. To raise the air force costs 5 economies.
You can run bombing missions, recon missions, or simple air superiority.
Bombing Missions
Use these to soften your enemys army up, them move in.
Use this too scout your enemys defenses and give you an attacking bonus.
Air Superiority
Knock the opposing air force our of the sky with this mission!
Surgical Strike
Strikes certain targets, like palaces, or factories. Good for crippling enemys economy
Uses numbers, might add more later. Use your numbers wisely!
Increasing the economy depends on how low it is , and several other factors.
Since this is the current world, in democracies and republics it is necessary to gain a majority opinion in favor of war. Long length, casualties, and other things can lower opinion in favor. Also, you might want NPC's too have the ok as well.
Wars should be planned out for better results.
Depotisms do not need to worry about this.
After an invasion, a garrison is usually necessary to maintain order.
Democracy-Republic: Econonomy can floruish to maximum levels, but you must get majority opinion on wars to get best effects. Your people are my loyal to you as well.
Despotisms: Economy is stuck at 14. You do not have to gain any support to wage war, but NPC democracies like you less.
Communism: Public support of wars is unnecessary. Economy can rise to 15. Red police can also be used to quell the populace, but dont expect them too like it.
This i still cant figure out, any help would be greatly appreaciated.
Spying and Espionage
To spy or espionage, you must build the facilites for it. They usually coast around 10 economies.
Throws nation into chaos until replacement is found. More effective on despots and communists. A nation in chaos is easily invaded, and can also split into civil war.
This mission is expensive at 7 economies and can backfire. Your reputation among NPC's will drop if you are caught.
Counter Espionage
Costs 1 economy a turn and gives you a 20% to thwart spy missions.
Lowers nations economy by 3 to 5 levels, and hurts his factory base. Cost of the operation is 3 economies.
Incite Rebellion/Coup
Creates civil wars, and rebellions. Best used in poor nations, unloyal nations, or depotisms. Costs a whopping 9 economies.
Recon on Land
Secretly scouts enemys territory, allowing for a attacking bonus. Cost is 2 economies.
Nukes and other WMD's
While very destructive, WMD's can turn people against you if used too much without provocation.
Hurts a wide radius of land and causes panic. Decreases economy by 10 in the nation, and make it necessary to clean the radiation up.
They cost about 7 economies a piece, but if used can make NPC's think very badly about you.
Is a very long project. It costs 40 economies usually, sometimes bigger or smaller due to the land size, and can be payed on steadily. It lowes the likliness of a strike by 50% in the area its built on.
Bio and Chemical
Best used in large amounts. Bio is harder to get, but chemical is much easier.
Causes panic, but not as much as nukes. Lowers economy from anywhere between 3-8, but is higher in hevy populated areas.
Bio Hazard Teams
Depending on how many Bio Centers you have, and where, these teams will minimize the attack as well as they can. Without any, the effects of an attack can become much worse.
1 center costs about 5 economies and covers a radius the size of Texas.
Some alliances are pre-set (Nato for instance)
The UN isnt existant, unless you want it too be. If i see a majority of people wanting it ill make a thread on it.
Secret diplomacy and orders are ofcourse allowed.
Government attributes will be posted soon.
Governments can change, but republics and democracies might resist it.
NPC's do diplomacy and are as active as i see fit for them. They will conduct war and other things.
The premise of this NES is simple. It is shortly after the American-led war on Afghanistan. Kim Jong Il is arming North Korea with nuclear weapons, and Saddam Hussein is being accused of possessing biological and chemical weapons.
This is our current times (give or take a few months

Also remember, this is a work in progress so changes may be made.
Your template will be provided by me when you choose your nation.
Sample Template
Ruler Name
Government: Democracy
Economy: (1-30)
Army: 1,000,000 (numbers based on RL manpower)
Army Tech: high-tech Middle Modern Age
Navy: large
Navy Tech: high-tech Middle Modern Age
Air Force: large
Air Force Tech: high-tech Middle Modern Age
Internation Disputes:
The size of your army is based on the real world facts, but you can gear your army more towards actual infantry or tanks, etc if your wish. To raise your army you must say it in your orders. It costs 4 economy normally. I will decide how long it takes to increase the size, and will inform you.
You may also create different battalions for provinces far away, and missions. Plus, you could also splinter the regualar army into a piece you want.
Seperate Battalions cost up to 7 economies.
Army Tech
This can prove to be the deciding factor in a battle with barely superior numbers. Your tech level on the army front determines your UU's and how well your army fights.
You can research things, just ask me first and ill approve of dissaprove. Raising your tech costs on an average of 6 economies.
This is showed by levels, but might soon be changed to individual units. It is needed to create blockades and too transport armies across bodies of water. Raising the Navy is usually about 4 economies.
Navies can move 7 squares a turn.
Air Force Levels and Tech
Much like the navy, also soon might be changed. Critical too any operation. To raise the air force costs 5 economies.
You can run bombing missions, recon missions, or simple air superiority.
Bombing Missions
Use these to soften your enemys army up, them move in.
Use this too scout your enemys defenses and give you an attacking bonus.
Air Superiority
Knock the opposing air force our of the sky with this mission!
Surgical Strike
Strikes certain targets, like palaces, or factories. Good for crippling enemys economy
Uses numbers, might add more later. Use your numbers wisely!
Increasing the economy depends on how low it is , and several other factors.
Since this is the current world, in democracies and republics it is necessary to gain a majority opinion in favor of war. Long length, casualties, and other things can lower opinion in favor. Also, you might want NPC's too have the ok as well.
Wars should be planned out for better results.
Depotisms do not need to worry about this.
After an invasion, a garrison is usually necessary to maintain order.
Democracy-Republic: Econonomy can floruish to maximum levels, but you must get majority opinion on wars to get best effects. Your people are my loyal to you as well.
Despotisms: Economy is stuck at 14. You do not have to gain any support to wage war, but NPC democracies like you less.
Communism: Public support of wars is unnecessary. Economy can rise to 15. Red police can also be used to quell the populace, but dont expect them too like it.
This i still cant figure out, any help would be greatly appreaciated.
Spying and Espionage
To spy or espionage, you must build the facilites for it. They usually coast around 10 economies.
Throws nation into chaos until replacement is found. More effective on despots and communists. A nation in chaos is easily invaded, and can also split into civil war.
This mission is expensive at 7 economies and can backfire. Your reputation among NPC's will drop if you are caught.
Counter Espionage
Costs 1 economy a turn and gives you a 20% to thwart spy missions.
Lowers nations economy by 3 to 5 levels, and hurts his factory base. Cost of the operation is 3 economies.
Incite Rebellion/Coup
Creates civil wars, and rebellions. Best used in poor nations, unloyal nations, or depotisms. Costs a whopping 9 economies.
Recon on Land
Secretly scouts enemys territory, allowing for a attacking bonus. Cost is 2 economies.
Nukes and other WMD's
While very destructive, WMD's can turn people against you if used too much without provocation.
Hurts a wide radius of land and causes panic. Decreases economy by 10 in the nation, and make it necessary to clean the radiation up.
They cost about 7 economies a piece, but if used can make NPC's think very badly about you.
Is a very long project. It costs 40 economies usually, sometimes bigger or smaller due to the land size, and can be payed on steadily. It lowes the likliness of a strike by 50% in the area its built on.
Bio and Chemical
Best used in large amounts. Bio is harder to get, but chemical is much easier.
Causes panic, but not as much as nukes. Lowers economy from anywhere between 3-8, but is higher in hevy populated areas.
Bio Hazard Teams
Depending on how many Bio Centers you have, and where, these teams will minimize the attack as well as they can. Without any, the effects of an attack can become much worse.
1 center costs about 5 economies and covers a radius the size of Texas.
Some alliances are pre-set (Nato for instance)
The UN isnt existant, unless you want it too be. If i see a majority of people wanting it ill make a thread on it.
Secret diplomacy and orders are ofcourse allowed.
Government attributes will be posted soon.
Governments can change, but republics and democracies might resist it.
NPC's do diplomacy and are as active as i see fit for them. They will conduct war and other things.