Label me dumb, but that a kind of thing your audiology is?
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Technology List
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Stella Polaris Development Team, ex-Graphics Manager
I think that Zoology may be included into Biology.If you don't see my avatar, your monitor is incapable to display 128 bit colors.
Stella Polaris Development Team, ex-Graphics Manager
BTW, I'm wondering why the Diamontology and Geology are distinct fields.If you don't see my avatar, your monitor is incapable to display 128 bit colors.
Stella Polaris Development Team, ex-Graphics Manager
J.B., it looks like you "list" is actualy some kind of partialy flattened tree, as it includes items of different levels. So it should better have more narrow base of several very general fields and diverge into more discriptive disciplines later. So not "Geology rather than Diamontology" but "Geology / Diamontology".If you don't see my avatar, your monitor is incapable to display 128 bit colors.
Stella Polaris Development Team, ex-Graphics Manager
Ok thanks Targon. Thats what I've been waiting for, Some feedback.
Here is the updated list:
-Social Science & Philosophy
~new ones~
-Forensic ~ Police enhancements
- Archeology
- etymology
- audiology
- History
- Meteorology
-J.B.-Naval Imperia Designer
that are all the categories? those are a can probably merge history and archeology and even together with theology.....if i think there are to much....Bunnies!
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God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us
Yes I just want to make alot so that I wont miss anything and we fix them as they are discussed. Yeah I was thinking on merging theology with History. About the Archeology, thanks.I will do it now:
-Social Science & Philosophy
~new ones~
-Forensic ~ Police enhancements
- etymology
- audiology
- History
- Meteorology
-J.B.-Naval Imperia Designer
-Social Science & Philosophy
~new ones~
-Forensic ~ Police enhancements
- audiology
- History
- Meteorology
~I removed Etymology for its better suited in the Social science group.
-J.B.-Naval Imperia Designer
Mark123jansen, it's ancient joke that sciences are divided into natural and unnatural, sorry for offtopic
If you don't see my avatar, your monitor is incapable to display 128 bit colors.
Stella Polaris Development Team, ex-Graphics Manager
Hmm, wouldn't be better to make the number of categories smaller? That way, you could avoid loosing categories as the advance level of Tech develops?
Maybe something like this:
-Warfare and Defence(For new weapons, defense systems and war machines)
-Construction and Engineering (New buildings and structural improvements, as well as different kinds of designs)
-Biology and Health (For agriculture, biologic life studies and health care)
-Sociology (Related to the different aspects of society, such as education, religion, ways of thinking etc)
-Economy and Industry (Technologies that affect the extraction of material, proscessing, manufacturing and economics. Has much common areas with Politics, Weaponry and Construction)
-Politics and Diplomacy (How to rule the nation and manage diplomacy with other groups. Forms of government and international agendas)
-Mathematics and Physics (The field of abstract science that can affect the nation in a huge way by giving important advances)
-Chemistry and Refining (How to work with new resources and refine them. Has a big impact in war aspects, construction and biology as well)
-Arts and Literature (The crucial area of knowledge, arts and entertainment. Affects wide regions of technology)
Now, those would be the Base Fields. After that, as technology develops, field combination can give birth to new, secondary groups of advances. Here are some examples:
-Nanotechnology (Influencing practiacally every area of knowledge, from medicine to construction, this is the key for prosperity)
-Psyonics (Greatly changes the way of society, politics and diplomacy, as well as having some minor effects in other areas)
-Magitechnology (Thanks to incredibly advances techologies, a virtual real of "false magic" can be reached, with great innovations for industry and war arts)
Now, some Tech ideas (ignore them if they have already been proposed):
-ProdClonesBiology) Thanks to huge advances in the fields of bioengineering, new kinds of "specially designed humans" can be created, to work in extremely hard condition. Very suitable for increasing production in harsh planets.
-Nanosteel MusclesNanotechnology) Using supertensile nanosteel strings, a speciall alloy of muscular sustances and that material can be used to greatly increase strenght.
-Hypermatter: (Chemistry) Unestable byproduct of neutronium production, hypermatter practically escapes the normal lines of atomic density.
-Core Minning: (Industry) Resource extraction directly from the core of the planet, with inmense amount of metal.
-Core Waste DisposalEngineering; This one is from MoO2) Thanks to the advance of Core Minning, huge amounts of toxic waste can be simply stocked in the deepts of a planet, erasing pollution from the surface.
-Weather Control: (Chemistry-Nanotech) Thanks to specialy enginnered naite cristals, a region's (or planet's) climatic pattern can be used as wished.
-Tachyon Physics: (Physics) Deep studies on the realm of superluminal speeds, where physic as we know it has practically no sense.
-Gravital Combustion: (Physics) Applying mass to gravitons and then fussing them to create titanic amount of propuslion energy, both for engines and for weapons.
-Pre Destinated Society: (Sociology) Using complex genetic clasification, the new members of a society can be pre destinated to their spots in it before they born. Makes the society perfectly functional, but may arrise intense ethical troubles.
-Megagraphic Mechanics: (Mathematics) Practically infinet complexity of graphical systems, allowing for the creationg of unimaginable computers.
-De-Coherent Luminics: (Physics - Warfare) Simply put, the end of the Laser era.
-Quantic Foam Energetics: (Physics-Nanotech) Harvesting the most reliable power source in the universe. Inmense amounts of energy can be obtained from one of the fundamental parts of everything.
-Quantic Foam Decalibration: (Physics - Warfare) Being practically a mass of subatomic black holes, Quantic Foam can become very unestable by external mean, turning itself in a very powerfull weapon.
-Strong ForceWeakening: (Physics-Warfare) By weakening the force that keep atoms together, very effective weapons against defenses can be created.
-Momentum Deconservation: (Physics) By using electric compensators, ships can ripp off all their momentum, considerably increasing the efficiency of it's engines.
-Metamathematics: (Mathematics) How to put 4 into 2. Thanks to this new way of seeing nature, scientific advance can become boosted.
-Self-Modifiying Structures: (Engineering-Nanotech) Machines and buildings can now fix themselves, without the supervison of human or cyborg. Shipsh can quickly recover between battles.
-Gravital Mutation (Magitechnology) The gravimetric spectrum of a body can be severely mishaped, causing havoc to the source of it.
-Ethereomechanics: (Magitechnology) Non-physical structures and machines are a pefect mean for exploration or resource-short regions.
-Negatomic Friction: (Physics) By frictioning material atoms with antimatterial negatoms, and controling their catastrophicsl results, one can obtain an endless source of energy.
-Space-Time Sphere Compresion: (Physics) By compresing huge parts of the fabric of reality, inmense distances can be traveled in 0 time.
-Space-Time Sphere Superposition: (Physics) By putting one area of universe inside another, wide new options for room-short areas are opened.