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CivStack... utility to add fortresses/airbases to all squares
It might be very simple to add. If it is, I'll add it, otherwise, I probably won't (not within the foreseeable future anyway).
Merc, this is a wonderful utility. Very useful. What did you decide about removing fortresses or airbases?
When you use this in a scenario, what are you wizards doing with the fortress icon? Leaving it transparent? Or something small and elegant?
Removing them won't be possible yet...
Making the fortresses other than completely transparent isn't recommended, unless you reveal the entire map.
Making improvements visible requires some info in other parts of the savegame. CivStack doesn't touch that part... You can see for yourself if you use the "normal" graphics. The fortresses will only be visible around your cities and units, becoming visible along the way when you move around your units.
Yes the scenario creation world or in my case the untalented ones who just help out by stacking or hopefully unstacking squares would like this as well. Thanks*"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta
Might I be so bold as to suggest this feature with regards to pollution tiles? This is a tough one. I use pollution sometimes to create the visual lookof another terain type, usually the useless desert. I find that Plains with a pollution tile over it supplies a very nice desert effect, with Global Warming turned off, of course.Only problem being that I of course use that plains slot for actual plains elsewhere on the map. But with a little shuffling of slots using the exchange function, I think one could isolate large swaths of terrain and then pollute them easily.
I think eventually it would be best to have all these types of changes be in this one utility. No need to have a util for stacks, irrigations, pollutions, airbases, roads etc.
[asking too much]
And then you could even include, in the 'add pollution' section, a small toggle window field to 'auto-hexedit' global warming out of the game. This would serve us non-hexeditors nicely.
[/asking too much]
Or I can just get Henrik to do it for me.
I'll have to add that to the to-do list, I'm afraid.
I already had ideas to make an editor that can add and remove every tile improvement in all sorts of ways, but that won't be coming anytime soon...
Good note about switching off global warming, though, I'll remember that.
Before I forget... There's a newer version of CivStack available on my website! It solves a "bug" with the "Apply" button.
Nope... That's the thing I intend to expand on...
Then again, what have you used it for so far? If it actually works quite OK, I could release it just as well.
It wouldn't be able to make any of the improvements visible, though, so you'd need to fly around the map (= rediscover the map) to make it visible first. But then, that sure beats the hell out of placing all the pollution manually.
By the way, Henrik, how come you can use CivStack? Didn't you have a Mac? Or are you just being informed well by your "Windows-program-slaves"?
CivEngineer works fine.
One thing though, don't place airbases before using it! I have found that if you place airbases, then set some terrain to fortresses, the airbases disappear. But if you then remove the forts again for some reason - the squares that had airbases turn into "black holes".
A unit moving into such a hole will disappear, and the AI seems to lose the ability to move them. You cannot edit the square with Shift-F8 either. The only fix that works for me is to delete all units in that square, then found a city there, then disband it.
You can then re-edit the square properly. You can't see where the black holes are, so finding them is a *****!