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  • #31
    With regard to what you said about the civilian population improvement Pap, what's to stop military bases from building it? Are you planning just to give it to certain cities at the beginning and then make it unresearchable?

    If you're thinking of doing it this way, what do you plan to do about the cities with this improvement in it if they're captured and the improvement is destroyed?
    STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


    • #32

      The Civilian Population will be non-researchable and only given to cities at the start of the game.

      I had not thought about if the cities are captured, but I think it won't be a problem if they are destroyed. Just because in a situation where a city is being ruled by another country, it would not grow as much.

      Technically, cities under German or Japanese control would most likely lose population.

      I hope I make sense...



      • #33
        Pap, I see your point about cities lacking population growth under an occupying war, bu there's also a danger that if you restrict population growth and if a city changes hands enough times, it will be destroyed. I suppose you could be able to get around this by making city walls a really cheap improvement.

        There might be another way however. I seem to remember there's a quirk when it comes to recapturing cities and the improvements that are not destroyed. Don't quote me on this, but I believe if you previously owned a city and reconquer it from another power, all the improvements in the city remain intact (this is how a player can end up with two palaces sometimes).

        So what you could do is set up all of the cities at the start of the game, give them city walls and then allow another power to capture them. Then cheat build city walls in cities where they have been destroyed. Then allow another power to capture these cities, cheat build cities walls etc. When finished return them to their original ownership.

        This does sound like an awful lot of work however, and I'm not even sure if it would work.
        STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


        • #34
          Pap1723, Another german bomber was the Ju 88. They were also developing a heavy bomber with which strike Russian Industry beyond the Urals although it was plagued with technical difficulties:- He177 Greif (Griffon)


          • #35
            Caspian has a good idea with the He-177, a four engine (though two propellar) heavy bomber that never worked correctly, yet was built in some numbers.

            You could use the other slot for Ju-87G-2 Stuka Tankbuster with two 37mm cannon slung under it's wings.

            Or maybe the Hs-129, a purpose built ground attack aircraft with an Cannon built in and a reinforced tub to protect the pilot from ground fire.

            The Germans also built an improved Ju-88, named the Ju-188

            I'm sure I could find more types if these aern't satisfactory.
            Last edited by Chris 62; February 28, 2002, 14:50.
            I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
            i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


            • #36
              Love those graphics!
              "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


              • #37
                sounds great! just one thing, dont make v-1s and kamakazis too powerful.
                A proud citizen of the only convicted terrorist harboring nation!

                .13 posts per day, and proud of it!


                • #38
                  Please Please do a good Stuka pic, not a cartoon one, i love stuka's, give them justice, they were slow, but so powerful, espically against SHIPS, would should come into account!
                  "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                  • #39
                    AIRCRAFT LIST

                    I have finalized the units list, but I am still open to suggestions.
                    This is how the units and events will be loaded:

                    Jan.42--->Mid 42--->Jan.43--->Mid 43--->Jan.44--->Mid 44--->Jan.45

                    GERMAN PLANES
                    Fw.190A---unitl Jan.44--->Fw.190D
                    Me Bf109 G
                    Ju-87 Stuka---until Jan.44--->Ju-188
                    He.111---until Mid 44--->Ju-188
                    *Me262A--------in Mid 44
                    *V-1 Rocket-----in Jan.44---until Mid 44--->V-2 Rocket
                    JAPANESE PLANES
                    A6M2 Zero---until Mid 43--->A65M Zero
                    G4M Betty Bomber---until Mid 42--->Ki-67 Bomber
                    Val Dive Bomber---until Jan.44--->Val Kamikaze---until Jan.45--->Ohka Kamikaze
                    AMERICAN PLANES
                    P-40---until Jan.43--->P-47D---until Mid 44--->P-51D
                    *P-38------------in Jan.43---until Jan.45--->P-51D
                    B-25 Mitchell---until Mid 44--->B-29 Superfortress
                    F4U Corsiar---until Mid 43--->F6F Hellcat
                    B-24D Liberator---until Jan.44--->B-17 Flying Fortress
                    BRITISH PLANES
                    Hurricane Mk.IIC---until Jan.43--->Hawker Typhoon
                    Spitfire Mk.II---until Mid 42--->Spit Mk.IX---until Jan.44--->Spit Mk.XIV
                    Avro Lancaster
                    RUSSIAN PLANES
                    I-16 Fighter---until Mid 42---> LA-5 Fighter---until Jan.43--->IL-2 Fighter
                    Pe-2 Medium Bomber
                    GENERIC PLANES

                    That is the full list...British and Americans are on the same side, so should i get rid of some of thier planes???

                    Anything I missed or should be changed???



                    • #40
                      I know that you dont have to listen to me BUT

                      the stuka was used till the lasts days! between 43-45, was used in the dive bombing against land and mostly sea, and as an anti tank platform (very effective at Kursk and the Battle of Pozan)
                      "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                      • #41
                        Soundwave, thanks, I wasn't sure if the Stuka went obsolete or not.



                        • #42
                          Soviet IL-2 is a ground attack AC, not a fighter.

                          Someone already mentioned this, but I think it's critical, V-1s and Okhas were FAR to powerfull in the last version, both were short range neusance weapons, not percision smart munitions.

                          An AF of 20 is WAY out of line, 3-5 would be much closer, and the fact is, both weapons were useless against ground forces (not the case in the game, they hit Pearl harbor from Japan, and sink BBs easily, a joke!) and had almost no range.
                          Kamikazes were guided to the target by a non-kamikaze and did their best getting there, but often failed, V-1s were sent in the direction of London and hoped for the best.

                          The allies were so unimpressed with the Ohka they called it "Baka", meaning "stupid".
                          This was airlaunched, usually slug from "Betty" bombers, and were extremly vunerable to interception.

                          Some ideas for airpower:

                          GERMAN PLANES
                          Fw.190A---unitl Jan.44--->Fw.190D
                          Me Bf109 G
                          Ju-87 Stuka---until Jan.44--->Ju-188
                          He.111---until Mid 44--->He-177Far more common then Ju-188
                          *Me262A--------in Early 45 This could have been earlier, but that is debatable.
                          *V-1 Rocket-----in august44Not operational till after Normandy landing---until Mid 44--->V-2 Rocket

                          AMERICAN PLANES
                          P-40---until Jan.43--->P-47D---until Mid 44--->P-51D
                          *P-38------------in Jan.43---until Jan.45--->P-51D
                          B-25 Mitchell---until Mid 44--->B-29 Superfortress
                          F4U Corsiar---until Mid 43--->F6F Hellcat Both came into widespread use in Jan 43, and the Corsair was still in use in the late 50s, the F6F was retired in 46, hard to see the Hellcat replace the Corsair
                          B-24D Liberator---until Jan.44--->B-17 Flying Fortress The B-17 was in operation for the whole war, the B-24 replaced it!!!
                          I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                          i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                          • #43
                            Someone already mentioned this, but I think it's critical, V-1s and Okhas were FAR to powerfull in the last version, both were short range neusance weapons, not percision smart munitions.
                            I'd prefer it if they were taken out completely. I don't think they really effected the war much.
                            A proud citizen of the only convicted terrorist harboring nation!

                            .13 posts per day, and proud of it!


                            • #44
                              I agree with Bob, those slots could be used from more AC, or maybe more Armor.

                              Japan built a four engine bomber prototype (4 of them actually) called the Renzan (allied code name:Rita), so one slot could give them a long range bomber, and Japan could have the Ki-84 Frank, a plane that was superior to most allied fighters.
                              I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                              i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                              • #45
                                How are you managing the British heavy bombers?

                                IMHO, the progression should go Wellington -> Lancestor -> Lincoln (basically a souped up Lanc')
                                'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                                - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon

