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  • #46
    No stirling or Halifax, Case?

    The Wimpy (Wellington) was used as a heavy bomber for lack of anything else, it's really a medium bomber, Bomber command's first four engined Heavy bomber was the Short Stirling.

    The halifax was quite important to Bomber comand.

    The Lincoln looks almost the same as the Lancaster, can't see how the units would differ much in appearence.

    I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
    i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


    • #47

      Here are the vehicles, I need help with the progression of the Japanese tanks, otherwise, just the usual help please...

      *PzKw IV Ausf.F1--til Mid 42-->PzKw IV Ausf.G--til Jan.43-->PzKw VI Tiger 1 Ausf.H--til Jan.44-->PzKw Tiger II
      *PzKw III Ausf.J--til Jan.43-->PzKw IV Ausf.H--til Mid 43-->PzKw V Panther Ausf.A--Mid 44-->PzKw V Panther Ausf.G
      *Marder----in Mid 42--til Jan.43-->Stug III Ausf.G--til Mid 43-->Ferdinand--til Jan.44-->Jagdpanther--til Jan.45-->Hetzer
      *Wespe----in Jan.43--til Mid 43-->Hummel--til Jan.45-->Sturmtiger
      *M3 Stuart--til Mid 42-->M3A1 Stuart--til Jan.43-->M5A1 Stuart--til Jan.44-->M4A4 Sherman--til Mid 44-->M4A3 76(W) HVSS Sherman
      *M4A2 Sherman--til Mid 42-->M4A4 Sherman--til Jan.44-->M4A3 76(W) HVSS Sherman--til Jan.45-->M26 Pershing
      *M-10----in Mid 42--til Mid 43-->M-18--til Mid 44-->M36
      *M-7 Preist-----in Mid 42--til Jan.45-->155mm GMC M40
      *T-34/76--til Jan.44-->T-34/85
      *KV-1--til Jan.44-->JS-2
      *T-26--til Jan.44-->T-34/76
      *Katyusha Launcher
      *Model 95 Tank
      *Light Tank
      *AA Battery

      Super Battleship
      Type XII U-Boat-----------GERMAN
      USS Arizona-----til April 43--->Essex Class Carrier----------USA



      • #48
        Shouldn't the T34-85 come early-mid 43? And the T-26 should be obsolte much earlier.

        The Japanese didn't have much in the way of effective tanks, so just one unique Jap tank plus the standard light tank outta be fine.

        As for subs, its should be the German Type-VII or Type-IX (or both!), I've never heard of a XII

        And maybe a unique Allied 'Liberty Ship' or something that can hold 6-8 units, and the generic freighter holds 3-4, making massive German/Japanese assaults more unlikely.
        A proud citizen of the only convicted terrorist harboring nation!

        .13 posts per day, and proud of it!


        • #49
          I heard of it too, the German invented, thefirst guidied torpedo and something esle, i think the first 'heavy water' sub... like nuclear, not so powerful, but was bombed by allied aircraft in the late war, so the Germans were fighting for europe so the project was scaped!

          "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


          • #50
            Originally posted by Soundwave
            I heard of it too, the German invented, thefirst guidied torpedo and something esle, i think the first 'heavy water' sub... like nuclear, not so powerful, but was bombed by allied aircraft in the late war, so the Germans were fighting for europe so the project was scaped!

            The type XII? Sounds a little like the Type XIX (which was the first sub that could go faster underwater than out of water). Plus, the type XIX went to sea the day after the war ended (or something like that), so the IX would be a better choice.
            A proud citizen of the only convicted terrorist harboring nation!

            .13 posts per day, and proud of it!


            • #51
              The Type VII and IX were both advailable from the start of the war. (the VII was a small attack sub, and the IX was a long range 'cruiser' sub).

              The Type XII was an 'elecktro boat', and was basically the first true submarine. Had the Germans been able to introdcuce sufficant numbers of these subs in 1943 the battle of the Atlantic could have turned out very differently...

              Anyway, the first Type XII's didn't appear untill the last months of the war, and they were very poorly built (largely the result of heavy Allied air raids), and achieved little apart from wasting Germany's scarce resources

              I think that Soundwave is refering to the Type XVII boats, which were powered by 'Walter' Engines, which ran on rocket fuel! (hydrogen peroxide). These subs weren't really practical, and never got beyond prototype stage.

     is the source on all things U Boat related (and one of the best things on the net IMO)
              'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
              - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


              • #52
                Originally posted by HisMajestyBOB
                Shouldn't the T34-85 come early-mid 43?
                T-34/85mm's research and design was starting in mid '43. By December they only had 2 prototypes which didnt't even have their guns attached yet. It wasnt untill January that thew were ordered up for fullscale production. Even having the 76's from the start should be a problem for the Soviet. He'll be able to pump those out good n right with all his cities. Make sure they are of proper cost so as not to have waves and waves of them right of the bat.


                Edit: Got that info from here .
                Last edited by klesh; March 2, 2002, 22:50.


                • #53
                  Pap: Are you going to include the M3 Grant/Lee? That did come before the Sherman and did serve witht the British and Americans.
                  Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                  • #54
                    Almost all cities placed...

                    I placed all of the cities for the Allies, Axis, and Japanese.

                    Case is helping me out by finishing the Russians and Chinese for me.

                    I'll post some screenshots when the map is complete.



                    • #55
                      The ANZAC--

                      Don't know if I am going to use the Grant/Lee.
                      As of right now, it is just the Stuart, but I have been talking to Chris 62 and we are trying to get the unit list finished up.



                      • #56
                        But the Stuart was a light tank and the Grant was a medium. Just an idea, your decision.
                        Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by The ANZAC
                          But the Stuart was a light tank and the Grant was a medium. Just an idea, your decision.
                          Strangely both tanks were called the M3
                          'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                          - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                          • #58
                            As Chris 62 and I get down the the end of the units list, there are a few units that I need drawn for me in the Nemo style units please.

                            Heinkel He.177 Greif Bomber
                            Aichi Val Dive Bomber
                            B-25 Mitchell
                            Gloster Meteor
                            Jagdpanzer IV Tank Destroyer
                            Jagdtiger VI Tank Destroyer
                            105mm sIG 33 SP Artillery
                            M36 Tank Destroyer
                            Matilda Mk.III
                            Centurain MBT

                            Thanks a lot to anyone who can make these for me.



                            • #59
                              If you get Nemos Red Front it has a few of those units in it!

                              Just a hint...
                              "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                              • #60
                                Soundwave, thanks, but the only unit I found was the Jagdtiger.

                                Still Need:
                                Heinkel He.177 Greif Bomber
                                Aichi Val Dive Bomber
                                B-25 Mitchell
                                Gloster Meteor
                                Jagdpanzer IV Tank Destroyer
                                105mm sIG 33 SP Artillery
                                M36 Tank Destroyer
                                Matilda Mk.III
                                Centurain MBT


