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  • #31
    No, Mongol civ is too hard against human players (think about it, it's Harlan's work). The reason being, human players know which units are most effective in attack and defense. It doesn't take long for a human player to get 5 siege defense inside cities and a couple of sappers to kill the mongol generals, even the Khans.

    I'd rather take Sung Chinese.


    • #32
      I havent played Crisis, but I would love to participate in that anyway Could I have Russia?

      Oh and I want to be in the Mongol scenario as well I want the Sung Chinese or the Khwarizmians...
      No Fighting here, this is the war room!


      • #33
        Ooops, Xin posted before me
        No Fighting here, this is the war room!


        • #34
          mongols out?

          if Xin Yu won't take the guess is that Mongols PBEM is on hold... or does somebody volunteer?

          Methinks this is the turn order for CotNOW:
          US: -Open-
          Europeans: Paul Hanson
          Russia: Henrik
          China: -Open-
          Indian Subcontinent: Ceteram
          Allies: -playable?-
          Neutrals: -playable?-
          Can somebody confirm this?
          Who knows where to find the mp events and version 3?

          I am friggin eager to send some peace-keeping missions into Kashmir and Ladakh, so lets get busy... I propose we wait 'til tomorrow, see if we can motivate some more people-if not we get started (mp events are a must though).

          Last edited by Ceteram; November 21, 2001, 11:43.
          Ceteram Macedonicus
          (got the 'Macedonicus' part as a title for playtesting Bernd's Imperium Romanum)


          • #35
            Anyone got a link to a place where I can get the Crisis scenario?
            No Fighting here, this is the war room!


            • #36
              Strange, it appears that Andrew's website is down. I don`t know of any other places that have the Crises files.

              BTW, the Allies and Neutrals aren`t playable, as they start off with far too many cities and a good human player could easily wipe the floor with their opposition.

              Andrew: If you're still around, I`d be happy to do some playtesting for you.

              Henrik: I only seem to have one of the zip files for Crises still on my computer (must have deleted the rest). I can e-mail you the one containing most of the main files if you want, but you'd have to get the others from someone else.
              "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

              Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


              • #37
                I will takethe U.S. and be the sacrificial lamb and take the mongols.
                "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
                "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


                • #38
                  New url

                  I was in the process of moving all my scenario pages to Better to use the mirror site and then in future use (I'll get an index page up by Monday)

                  Updated MP events attached
                  Attached Files
                  "I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."


                  • #39
                    I am going to withdraw from the Mongols PBEM. I do not believe that I have the skills to do them justice.
                    "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
                    "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


                    • #40
                      Crises of the New World Order PBEM

                      Tarata-ta! It's getting there!

                      US: Jimmywax
                      Europeans: Paul Hanson
                      Russia: Henrik
                      China: Ceteram
                      Indian Subcontinent: -open- (not for long!!!)
                      Allies: -unplayable-
                      Neutrals: -unplayable-

                      My guess is that India could be left out-unless somebody comes up. I'll post it at civfanatics too, you never know...

                      So, Jimmywax can get started with his first turn. I propose we post them saved games over here. What do you think?
                      Ceteram Macedonicus
                      (got the 'Macedonicus' part as a title for playtesting Bernd's Imperium Romanum)


                      • #41
                        Either civfanatics forum is down or something went terribly wrong while I registered...
                        Ceteram Macedonicus
                        (got the 'Macedonicus' part as a title for playtesting Bernd's Imperium Romanum)


                        • #42
                          Re: New url

                          Originally posted by Andrew Livings
                          I was in the process of moving all my scenario pages to Better to use the mirror site and then in future use (I'll get an index page up by Monday)
                          For some reason the mirror site wont work for me with netscape I downloaded the scenario with explorer though.
                          It looks really impressive
                          One thing though, why wont you allow everyone to "know" the city names of other nations?
                          I started a game as the euros, and I find that my overview world map only shows my cities, and that the city names of all other cities aren't shown (untill I move up next to them), why?
                          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                          • #43
                            One thing though, why wont you allow everyone to "know" the city names of other nations?
                            Henrik: briefly, because this is technically off-topic, a designer can choose between a limited known map (with the rest blacked out), or a fully revealed world map. Revealing the map as the last action performed before saving means that you have to wait 5 minutes between turns while 400+ units are moved around. Revealing the map before city and unit placement means that you can fully see the world map and terrain, but not the cities or units, so you only see combats taking place. I haven't yet determined whether revealing the map after city placement (which would shows all the cities) but before unit placement would still result in you seeing all the units be moved.

                            I know about the Netscape issue, though I've no idea what the prob is (I don't use it myself - can anyone offer an explanation. Coding conflicts?). Can you see the page on

                            Good luck with this guys. I shall be paying attention in case any issues arise.
                            "I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."


                            • #44
                              lol I know how the map revealing works
                              Just curious why you chose to do it like you did.
                              Ok, to show less movement (I still have to wait up to 1-2 minutes for the others to move, so I can see why this is needed).
                              But does the "reveal whole map" thing really show the units?
                              Annyway, a solution would be to open the game as a multiplayer game (2 players minimum) negotiate and give eachother terrain and city maps (not units) and save.
                              Repeated for every civ.
                              Then the .net would have to be changed back to a .sav.
                              No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                              • #45
                                lol...everything crisp: we got the developer on overwatch...
                                I just found out another thread was started so read on there...

                                YEAH, we're rolling!

                                Last edited by Ceteram; November 23, 2001, 04:18.
                                Ceteram Macedonicus
                                (got the 'Macedonicus' part as a title for playtesting Bernd's Imperium Romanum)

