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Graphics Showcase

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  • #31
    Its interesting that all the stuff posted here has been units. I guess people don't make cities and terrain that much... (I've never even tried to make either).

    BTW, Jimmy conratulations on reaching Prince level.
    'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
    - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


    • #32
      Originally posted by master on high
      LOL...this isn't old...

      It's from that old "how to draw cities like Nemo" thread
      I don't suppose the thread is still on the forum is it? How long ago was it active?

      Case- thanks, I didn't even notice and I am thinking of making some cities for a special purpose.
      "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
      "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


      • #33
        Originally posted by Jimmywax
        I don't suppose the thread is still on the forum is it? How long ago was it active?
        Here it is (thanks to Apolytons search function):

        Hobbes: Damn you're good!
        'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
        - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


        • #34
          Wow....that's really well done.

          I liked it so much I tried to adapt it for a later time period (Late 1940s)...I don't think I did so well...

          For once a few colours got kinda messed up...but most of it came out alright
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          • #35
            Hey MOH, nyuk! nyuk! nyuk! I am sorry I couldn't resist. Anyways How is Stalingrad coming.
            "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
            "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


            • #36
              Don't laugh at me Jimmy....

              I wouldn't know how Stalingrad is going...FMK was making it. But work the Cold War scenario has progressed...I'm almost finished with all the rules are those units coming along...?

              Hobbes - *nods* I figured a couple really big smokestacks would make the cities more industrialized. Now I'll have to try out those railway graphics...hmmm...

              ...(look down...)
              Last edited by master on high; September 27, 2001, 22:30.
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              • #37
                Originally posted by master on high
                Don't laugh at me Jimmy....

                I wouldn't know how Stalingrad is going...FMK was making it.
                Oh crap, what the hell was I thinking ? Anyways, drawing is coming slow. I am working on quite a few things right now and with school and work, I am spreading my self pretty thin. I will do what I can though and get them to you.
                "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
                "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


                • #38
                  aha! so you're on! I made a few mistakes withthe units list (mislabeled ship classes mainly...which I'm sure the resident naval experts here could surely help me out with.)

         the brief moment since I posted...I re-did a little of the city, put in Hobbes's railways and created a new factory (mine) icon...I think it looks pretty good.
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                  • #39
                    @master on high: Is this screenshot from your upcoming coldwar-scenario?
                    Really looks fantastic!!
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                    • #40
                      That graphic looks great too. I like it much better than the one I patched together.

                      I edited it a little bit (made the lighter building a little darker around the middle and made the smoke a lot lighter), and it goes very well with the cities and railroads.

                      I pieced together a larger screen of Europe to illustrate how good it looks. I'm pretty sure this is how the first era is going to start out (1945-1949).

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                      • #41
                        Thats gooking great MoH
                        One problem though: You've put Istanbul on the wrong side of the Bosporus
                        'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                        - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                        • #42
                          The early days...
                          Attached Files


                          • #43
                            Those conversions from Falcon 4.0 certainly work well
                            'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                            - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                            • #44
                              All the other graphics work well too.
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                              • #45
                                Damn I wish Kyokujitsu was for Civ2!
                                "It woulda been nice to have naked midgets serving us cocktails everyday." - Brandon Boyd of Incubus

                                "...gays who, because they just NEEDED their orgies..." -Mr. A. Speer

