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Hellas PBEM game

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  • #46
    The state of Calchis agrees to a peace treaty in exchange for some satisfaction (in the old meaning of the word), 150 gold should be enough.
    Otherwise all is well in Calchis
    No Fighting here, this is the war room!


    • #47
      Maybe the Ruler of Corinth is really unable to reign. I just noticed I sent out the savegame I received, and no the one I made my last turn with.

      But I could cope with it, unlike Athens... Because the all units I wanted to send
      east had not been moved there I had quite a lot of units in Salamis but also in the two Isthmos cities... Mobilizing my last reserves (o yes, I like ship movement rates greater or equal 8!) I was still able to empty Athenian garrison!

      But I don't want to destroy you, JMarks. It's just an email game, and it should be played for fun, and not just to achieve victory and greatest-possible expansion.

      So my suggestion would be:
      1. I send out my last turn (you can see from the date that I didn't do anything else since then).
      2. We find a way settle this dispute (i.e. you give me 2-3 caravans within the next 10 or so turns and pledge not to threat any human player any longer) and concentrate on development and the scenario plot which implies preparation for an Persian invasion.
      The Persians won't be that easy if we follow one of John Ellis suggestion:
      [If the slot is still open, maybe I could play Chalcis. ]Alternatively, I could be a sort of referee and play the Persians. They are too strong for a human who was really trying to win, but I would stick to the historical script and give the Greeks a real good reason to hang together!
      I would really like the idea that John could take the Persians. Because it's an email-game we have the advantage that he could skip the first boring turns (where the Persians have no options to play) and just come in when the invasion begins. This could be a real challenge for all city states!
      Civilization Webring Forum


      • #48
        The demands for peace has been highered by the tyrant of Calchis!
        As the winning side of this coalition is me and the corinthians (intervening on my behalf to protect me from athenian agression) I want addiotional satisfaction:
        Apart from 150 gold I also want one swordsman and a promise that Athens wont declare war on me again.
        No Fighting here, this is the war room!


        • #49
          Alas, Athens is humbled!

          Of course this is one of my first Multi player games (the others being 2194 days and Sieze the Crown).

          I'm not exactly sure whats going on and probably need some clarification. Anywhoo, what it sounds like is probably a good deal, and I'd love to try to conquer the Greeks as the Persians, when the time comes. Athens accepts defeat from the Corinthians and will try to give two caravans within ten turns.
          However, As far as Chalcis is concerned, we do not have 150 gold, nor do we have any swordsmen. Raise the funds yourself and build the swordsmen yourself. We will only give 50 gold.

          Athens is looking into empty islands in the Aegian and we wish to set up camp in the island between Andros and Delos, and reestablish the town of Sunium among other things. We wish for acceptance with the Corinthians in these actions as the people of Athens are cramped and need to establish colonies.

          Tyrant Ioanes
          Visit My Crappy Site!!!!

          -The Artist Within-


          • #50
            Don't be alarmed, this is MagyarCrusader's current username, at least for a little while.

            Sparta feels shamed from being left out of the action! So the Spartan warriors took out their aggression on a local village, securing much needed currency and adding slave workers to the fields of Sparta. The city's population is now 8, making it the mighiest city in the know world!
            Re-elect Bush!


            • #51
              Originally posted by JMarks
              I'm not exactly sure whats going on and probably need some clarification. Anywhoo, what it sounds like is probably a good deal, and I'd love to try to conquer the Greeks as the Persians, when the time comes
              He was refering to John Ellis, the creator of this scenario (he offered to do the thing in the quote).
              I think you will be allowed to keep Athens...
              No Fighting here, this is the war room!


              • #52

                Yes, I know he was refering to Ellis.


                I can't give you any caravans, your AI won't let me.

                Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                -The Artist Within-


                • #53
                  Well, seems like I'd have to change my attitude under F3 advisor menu next turn...
                  I hope game is progressing, though...
                  Civilization Webring Forum


                  • #54
                    The calchidians has made thier moves.
                    No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                    • #55
                      The Corinthians are quick and successful as ever
                      Civilization Webring Forum


                      • #56
                        I got a message saying Thebens researched Writing.

                        Sparta conquered a city to the east (sorry, its name escapes me).
                        Re-elect Bush!


                        • #57
                          Athens has moved.

                          However, SCDARS, I still can't send my 'inferior troops' to you. Your interegnum won't let me!

                          Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                          -The Artist Within-


                          • #58
                            Turn sent to SCDARS

                            Calchis has moved
                            No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                            • #59
                              Corinth has moved...

                              and founded one new city at the old site of Sunion as well as capturing Delos...

                              P.S: John (=JMarks), try giving the caravans one further time. If it still fails we could either consider playing online for some time. Otherwise I could live with it, if you delivered one trade route to
                              each Corinth, Salamis and the new city at the location of the former Sunion. You could (obviuosly) keep the science, but give me the cash gained from the established trade routes.
                              Attached Files
                              Civilization Webring Forum


                              • #60

                                ok, one more time, then I'll send the caravans out.

                                Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                                -The Artist Within-

