Due to my comp dying on me, I have had to start again, so I did some thinking and decided on some new features I would like to add, so for all those familiar with napoleon 1.0, this is what will be added/changed
*New map to be used, europe pw
This is done for a number of reasons
- To get rid of scandinavia which servered no usful perpose in version 1
- To give the Ottomans some eastern competition (in the form of barbarians)
- For increased geographical accuracy (well except for Greece which comes out very badly)
- To give the Russians and Ottomans more competetion in the Caucasus
* The civilisations
- Britain
- France
- Austria
- Prussia
- Spain
- Russia
- Ottoman turks
Other civs will ethier be represented by giving control to one of the above, or by barbarians.
* New units and units.gif
* New events
The scenario will be divided into 13 periods
- The revolutionary wars 1792-1796
- Napoleon arrives 1796-1798
- The Eygptian campain 1798-1802
- Peace of Ameins 1802-1803
- Onwards to Vienna 1803-1806
- Australitz and beyond 1806-1807
- Suicide in Spain 1807-1810
- From Cadiz to Koningsberg 1810-1812
- Wrestling with the bear 1812-1813
- Wellington's march / Retreat through Gemrnay 1813-1814
- "La Paire en danger" 1814
- Elba 1814-1815
- The hundred days 1815
* New improvments and wonders
thats all for now, if anyone has any more suggestions on how to improve things then please feel free
on a side note, Polaris could you please sned me that GIGA europe map so I can get back to work on 1400, thanks
Windows 98 (windoze) a 32 bit extention of a 16 bit graphical shell for an 8 bit operating system, origalanly coded for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company who can't stand one bit of competition!
The United States is a superpower undergoing the difficult transition necessary to becoming a banana republic - Lincon
*New map to be used, europe pw
This is done for a number of reasons
- To get rid of scandinavia which servered no usful perpose in version 1
- To give the Ottomans some eastern competition (in the form of barbarians)
- For increased geographical accuracy (well except for Greece which comes out very badly)
- To give the Russians and Ottomans more competetion in the Caucasus
* The civilisations
- Britain
- France
- Austria
- Prussia
- Spain
- Russia
- Ottoman turks
Other civs will ethier be represented by giving control to one of the above, or by barbarians.
* New units and units.gif
* New events
The scenario will be divided into 13 periods
- The revolutionary wars 1792-1796
- Napoleon arrives 1796-1798
- The Eygptian campain 1798-1802
- Peace of Ameins 1802-1803
- Onwards to Vienna 1803-1806
- Australitz and beyond 1806-1807
- Suicide in Spain 1807-1810
- From Cadiz to Koningsberg 1810-1812
- Wrestling with the bear 1812-1813
- Wellington's march / Retreat through Gemrnay 1813-1814
- "La Paire en danger" 1814
- Elba 1814-1815
- The hundred days 1815
* New improvments and wonders
thats all for now, if anyone has any more suggestions on how to improve things then please feel free

on a side note, Polaris could you please sned me that GIGA europe map so I can get back to work on 1400, thanks
Windows 98 (windoze) a 32 bit extention of a 16 bit graphical shell for an 8 bit operating system, origalanly coded for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company who can't stand one bit of competition!
The United States is a superpower undergoing the difficult transition necessary to becoming a banana republic - Lincon