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  • #31
    Originally I was much in favor of a "Battle of the Bulge" scenario, but there aren't many who agree. And in truth it would be little more than "Red Front faces West".

    But Market-Garden would be very cool, plus you could use all the Second Front units as is. The map would be neat, since the whole operation would fit within the bounds of a loooong strip map. Haven't seen one of those before!

    Red Front 1.941 (New map): 5
    Stalingrad 1942 (Urban warfare): 7
    Finnish-Soviet War (Finnish side): 1
    Ardennes 1944 (American side): 0
    Ardennes 1944 (German side): 1
    France 1940 (French side): 1
    France 1940 (German side): 0
    Afrikakorps (Both sides): 6
    Battle of Britain (British side): 4
    Market-Garden (Allied Side): 1 (NEW!)

    To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

    From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


    • #32
      Invasion of France from the Allied side would be absolutely fascinating to play. It'd be interesting to see whether the Allied forces commanded properly could have properly repelled the German invasion. I'm for that all the way.

      Red Front 1.941 (New map): 5
      Stalingrad 1942 (Urban warfare): 7
      Finnish-Soviet War (Finnish side): 1
      Ardennes 1944 (American side): 0
      Ardennes 1944 (German side): 1
      France 1940 (French side): 2
      France 1940 (German side): 0
      Afrikakorps (Both sides): 6
      Battle of Britain (British side): 4
      Market-Garden (Allied Side): 1


      • #33
        My vote goes for Stalingrad

        Red Front 1.941 (New map): 5
        Stalingrad 1942 (Urban warfare): 8
        Finnish-Soviet War (Finnish side): 1
        Ardennes 1944 (American side): 0
        Ardennes 1944 (German side): 1
        France 1940 (French side): 2
        France 1940 (German side): 0
        Afrikakorps (Both sides): 6
        Battle of Britain (British side): 4
        Market-Garden (Allied Side): 1


        • #34
          Actually, now that I see Market Garden, I'm going to switch from Stalingrad to that.

          Red Front 1.941 (New map): 5
          Stalingrad 1942 (Urban warfare): 7
          Finnish-Soviet War (Finnish side): 1
          Ardennes 1944 (American side): 0
          Ardennes 1944 (German side): 1
          France 1940 (French side): 2
          France 1940 (German side): 0
          Afrikakorps (Both sides): 6
          Battle of Britain (British side): 4
          Market-Garden (Allied Side): 2

          "We sought to throw a raging lion ashore; what we got was a stranded whale!" -Winston Curchill on the Battle of Anzio

          "Quis custodes ipsos custodiet?" -Juvenal

          "I can walk!!" -Dr. Strangelove
          Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


          • #35
            ANZAC, you traitor!


            • #36
              I want to see house to house fighting! Perhaps Captain Nemo could make a special unit representing my grandpa...

              So the score is now:

              Red Front 1.941 (New map): 5
              Stalingrad 1942 (Urban warfare): 8
              Finnish-Soviet War (Finnish side): 1
              Ardennes 1944 (American side): 0
              Ardennes 1944 (German side): 1
              France 1940 (French side): 2
              France 1940 (German side): 0
              Afrikakorps (Both sides): 6
              Battle of Britain (British side): 4
              Market-Garden (Allied Side): 2

              Mathias' Civ II Page
              The Lost Geologist Blog


              • #37
                Your grandpa fought in that battle, Hendrik? The battle of the tremendous "Red October" factory's inferno? I hope he survived to that disaster the same way as my grandpa survived to Cheren...
                "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
                "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
                "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


                • #38
                  My Grandpa lost his legs at Stalingrad. Fortunate for him that he still got one of those airplanes.
                  And I must agree with Cpt. Nemo, there is no sense in making scenarios on topics which you have no passion for. That's why I don't make any modern, or ultra-modern scenarios or deeply-medieval or 16th/17th century central european scenarios (or christianity-based). When you make a scenario on a topic that really interests you, it is likely that it will become good.

                  Follow the masses!
                  30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!

                  Mighty Carthage fought three wars:
                  It was still mighty after the first one, still inhabitable
                  after the second one;
                  It could not be found after the third one.
                  -Bert Brecht

                  Visit my Homepage at:
                  Follow the masses!
                  30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                  • #39
                    Yes, he served on a motorbike transmitting orders, etc... Luckely, I must say, he was shot in the back by a snipper and had to be flown out for treatment. As he later found out he had been on one of the very last planes to leave. Later he was in France (no, not Normandy) and Balkan(?) where he had to exit his quarters throu the back door because a the Russians we literally knocking on the front door.

                    But I think we should stay with the original idea of this thread and help Nemo decide on a new scenario.
                    If you want to continue with this send me an email.

                    Mathias' Civ II Page
                    The Lost Geologist Blog


                    • #40
                      It's interesting to hear these stories from the other side. Still, grandchildren always only tell the stories about lucky grandparents who did not die. Otherwise they wouldn't have been there, obviously.

                      And Stefan, you're absolutely right. That's the advantage of not being paid to make scenarios, that you can do it about whatever you wish.


                      • #41
                        Hmm... my grandfather was almost in the war, he received his greeting from the President the day the war ended.

                        By the way, I've added my vote.

                        Red Front 1.941 (New map): 5
                        Stalingrad 1942 (Urban warfare): 8
                        Finnish-Soviet War (Finnish side): 1
                        Ardennes 1944 (American side): 0
                        Ardennes 1944 (German side): 1
                        France 1940 (French side): 2
                        France 1940 (German side): 0
                        Afrikakorps (Both sides): 7
                        Battle of Britain (British side): 4
                        Market-Garden (Allied Side): 2

                        The strategically impaired,
                        The strategically impaired,


                        • #42
                          Let's see... let's see.... I'll go for............ Battle of Britain. No, wait, France 1940! Both sides. That should even out to a .5 to both teams. What I'm voting for is France 1940 French AND German.

                          Red Front 1.941 (New map): 5
                          Stalingrad 1942 (Urban warfare): 8
                          Finnish-Soviet War (Finnish side): 1
                          Ardennes 1944 (American side): 0
                          Ardennes 1944 (German side): 1
                          France 1940 (French side): 2.5
                          France 1940 (German side): 0.5
                          Afrikakorps (Both sides): 7
                          Battle of Britain (British side): 4
                          Market-Garden (Allied Side): 2


                          • #43
                            Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                            • #44
                              Telling of lucky fortunes! My grandpa fought at Mount Colquebar defensive trenches; the division soon shooted all the ammo, so they had to reject the last Anglo-indian division assault with bajonets... My grandma telled me ( she's dead now ) my grandpa striked with his rifle's baionet on an Indian' soldier head, the baionet and the rifle went destroyed, so he had to take on a stone and a big stick in order to continue the charge... He was severely injured, so he took the last medical airplane to Giarabub, Libia. The very last one... after that one, no more airplanes from Etiopia. He was proud of the scars he got in this battle; sadly, the african sun caused him a deadly cancer ( carcinoma kind ), so he died out two years before my birth.
                              "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
                              "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
                              "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


                              • #45
                                That's sad to hear. I was lucky enough to get to know my grandfather.

                                Another suggestion for Captain Nemo:
                                How about a scenario focusing on the Battle of the Atlantic? U-Boots and the rest against Allied Convoys?

                                It's what has been suggested and more. A naval scenario and WWII in your normal realms.

                                Mathias' Civ II Page
                                The Lost Geologist Blog

