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  • #16
    I vote for AfrikaKorps, making the chart:

    Red Front 1.941 (New map): 4
    Stalingrad 1942 (Urban warfare): 3
    Finnish-Soviet War (Finnish side): 1
    Ardennes 1944 (American side): 0
    Ardennes 1944 (German side): 1
    France 1940 (German side): 1
    Afrikakorps (British or German?): 5
    Battle of Britain (British side): 2

    I can't see how the Ardennes would make a balanced senario, basically once the weather cleared the Germans were doomed.

    If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error
    -John Kenneth Galbraith
    'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
    - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


    • #17
      Here is my vote:
      Red Front 1.941 (New map): 4
      Stalingrad 1942 (Urban warfare): 4
      Finnish-Soviet War (Finnish side): 1
      Ardennes 1944 (American side): 0
      Ardennes 1944 (German side): 1
      France 1940 (German side): 1
      Afrikakorps (British or German?): 5
      Battle of Britain (British side): 2


      • #18
        Adding the omitted votes of S_Palpatine, Cockney, Eternal the current score is:

        Red Front 1.941 (New map): 4
        Stalingrad 1942 (Urban warfare): 6
        Finnish-Soviet War (Finnish side): 1
        Ardennes 1944 (American side): 0
        Ardennes 1944 (German side): 1
        France 1940 (French side): 1
        France 1940 (German side): 0
        Afrikakorps (Both sides): 5
        Battle of Britain (British side): 3

        Allard, I agree with you historically but practically I must say that I would prefer to attack another WWII scenario with 90% odds of success than throwing myself at a completely new subject and burning out midway. Let others with a passion for other times make those other scenarios:

        BeBro, Medieval times
        Jesus, History of Spain
        Stefan, Ancient times
        Allard, Dutch scenarios

        The Hastings scenario was on my todo list for purely artistic reasons: Making a scenario that looks completely different using graphics from the Bayeux tapestry (Of which I have a 1/8 scale full reproduction)... It would be fun, but maybe not that playable and it would take a HORRENDOUS effort because every graphic would have to be changed.

        All the ideas I propose above are past the 50% design mark because I have most of the units, the terrain, the ideas, the books and the knowledge... Just need to slap the scenario together

        About this survey it never ends and it's just an opinion poll, not a mandate for me to do whatever gets most votes, because my vote counts for 500!

        I am talking most about the Battle of Britain because it's an idea I just came up with and have not discussed here before. What makes the most sense is Red Front because I already have the map. And the entire structure for it.

        [This message has been edited by Captain Nemo (edited October 13, 2000).]
        [This message has been edited by Captain Nemo (edited October 13, 2000).]


        • #19
          And with Stefan's vote:

          Red Front 1.941 (New map): 3
          Stalingrad 1942 (Urban warfare): 2
          Finnish-Soviet War (Finnish side): 1
          Ardennes 1944 (American side): 0
          Ardennes 1944 (German side): 1
          France 1940 (German side): 0
          Afrikakorps (British or German?): 1
          Battle of Britain (British side): 2


          • #20
            Afrika Korps is a very good subject.

            Battle of Britain sounds good also but aircraft in this game aren't used all that well by the ai.I wonder what ideas you could come up with to make it good.Day and night is good starting idea.I like it.

            Ever do anything with Operation Market Garden?Lots of logistical possibilities.Many scenarios in a scenario type thing.

            I know.How bout the entire 2nd world war from start to finish?Now that would be ambitious.
            The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


            • #21
              I want Red Front 1.941, if my opinion is of value.

              If you decide to start fresh, though, mark me down for Afrikakorps -- that would be very interesting.


              • #22

                My Starlingrad vote was not counted
                "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


                • #23
                  They are all excellent choices to choose from. I hope eventually most of these will be done But for the next scenarios I would LOVE to see a Battle of Britain and an Afrika Korps scenario.

                  I love defensive scenarios, and I loved Red Front for that reason - just awesome. I think Battle of Britain would make a terrific defensive scenario - really make it hard - give the human a real challenge. This scenario opens up so many possibilities...

                  Also I think an Afrika Korps scenario would be terrific. Have a new map of the entire North Africa! Fight your way to the Suez; try to eliminate Malta; etc.

                  Red Front 1.941 (New map): 4
                  Stalingrad 1942 (Urban warfare): 6
                  Finnish-Soviet War (Finnish side): 1
                  Ardennes 1944 (American side): 0
                  Ardennes 1944 (German side): 1
                  France 1940 (French side): 1
                  France 1940 (German side): 0
                  Afrikakorps (Both sides): 6
                  Battle of Britain (British side): 4

                  Keep up the great work Captain Nemo

                  [This message has been edited by Leonidas (edited October 14, 2000).]


                  • #24
                    If you need an help with a Stalingrad scenario...

                    PS of course i vote Stalingrad.
                    "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
                    "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
                    "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


                    • #25

                      Originally posted by Captain Nemo on 10-13-2000 10:41 PM
                      Adding the omitted votes of S_Palpatine, Cockney, Eternal the current score is:

                      Red Front 1.941 (New map): 4
                      Stalingrad 1942 (Urban warfare): 6
                      Finnish-Soviet War (Finnish side): 1
                      Ardennes 1944 (American side): 0
                      Ardennes 1944 (German side): 1
                      France 1940 (French side): 1
                      France 1940 (German side): 0
                      Afrikakorps (Both sides): 5
                      Battle of Britain (British side): 3

                      Allard, I agree with you historically but practically I must say that I would prefer to attack another WWII scenario with 90% odds of success than throwing myself at a completely new subject and burning out midway. Let others with a passion for other times make those other scenarios:

                      BeBro, Medieval times
                      Jesus, History of Spain
                      Stefan, Ancient times
                      Allard, Dutch scenarios

                      The Hastings scenario was on my todo list for purely artistic reasons: Making a scenario that looks completely different using graphics from the Bayeux tapestry (Of which I have a 1/8 scale full reproduction)... It would be fun, but maybe not that playable and it would take a HORRENDOUS effort because every graphic would have to be changed.

                      All the ideas I propose above are past the 50% design mark because I have most of the units, the terrain, the ideas, the books and the knowledge... Just need to slap the scenario together

                      About this survey it never ends and it's just an opinion poll, not a mandate for me to do whatever gets most votes, because my vote counts for 500!

                      I am talking most about the Battle of Britain because it's an idea I just came up with and have not discussed here before. What makes the most sense is Red Front because I already have the map. And the entire structure for it.

                      [This message has been edited by Captain Nemo (edited October 13, 2000).]
                      [This message has been edited by Captain Nemo (edited October 13, 2000).]

                      Frodo lives!


                      • #26

                        Originally posted by Captain Nemo on 10-13-2000 10:41 PM
                        About this survey it never ends and it's just an opinion poll, not a mandate for me to do whatever gets most votes, because my vote counts for 500!

                        Okay, can you be bought?

                        Frodo lives!

                        Better dead than "Red"... or green... or blue... or yellow... or orange... or purple... or white.
                        Frodo lives!


                        • #27
                          ...wait, did I vote already? I can't remember...
                          The strategically impaired,


                          • #28
                            I think you withheld your vote Cal until you heard more about the choices.

                            Kcbob, why did you replicate that post? I can't be bought, I do this for fun only... Contrary to most scenario designers here I don't really hope to ever make any money at it


                            • #29
                              With Chris' and Prometeus' votes

                              Red Front 1.941 (New map): 5
                              Stalingrad 1942 (Urban warfare): 7
                              Finnish-Soviet War (Finnish side): 1
                              Ardennes 1944 (American side): 0
                              Ardennes 1944 (German side): 1
                              France 1940 (French side): 1
                              France 1940 (German side): 0
                              Afrikakorps (Both sides): 6
                              Battle of Britain (British side): 4

                              Cockney, look a few posts up I did add your vote...


                              • #30
                                ooops sorry

                                /goes red
                                "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                                "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton

